I am lying on the ground staring at the ceiling of the tent and I am thinking if I am going to see Nick again. I can hear him walking away from the tent as if he does not want me to hear what he is talking about. I completely understand that because I guess that I would get worried.

Then suddenly I remember that I need to go back to the hospital as there are still a few surgeries waiting for me. I comb my hair and I straighten my clothes trying to look presentable. It is unfair that the men get to look that good and the women, we just look like we just got out of bed.

I tie my hair into a pony as I know that there is not going to be anytime to have my hair bothering me. Then I walk out of the tent and swing by the food court to grab something to eat on the way. I can not afford to sit down and have a meal because the surgeries waiting for me is more important than my mealtime.

As I get to the hospital tent Tracy is waiting for me at the door.

"How did you know I am going to be here?"

"Oh, I saw you from a mile away already, doctor and as you know, we have a lot of surgeries to get to. I am only here to help you"

I just love Tracy. I loved her the previous time when we were stranded on the island and now I love her even more. She is the perfect scrub nurse and she knows exactly what to do and when. We make a great team.

"Then, I am grateful to have you by my side today. What surgery are we going to do first?"

"The usual,l the removing of a limb"

I know she wanted to lighten the mood but for some reason, it is not working. Both of us know that it is very sad that we need to do that.

"Well, let's get to it then"

We make our way to the room with the curtain and I know that I will be spending my entire day here. It is probably a good thing that I am going to be busy because otherwise, I will be worried about Nick. I mean I am just walking to the room and I am already worried.


I get out of the tent and John is waiting for me. Usually, I will be happy for this early wake-up call but for some reason, I do not want to go today. I know exactly what that reason is and it is called Kim. I know we came here to do a job but all I want to do is be with her.

Then, when I look around me I remember the scene we saw when I first got here. It was not a beautiful scene and there were so many soldiers just lying everywhere. I need to get my head straight and start to focus on what I am doing here. It can help me to get this job finished quickly and get us out of here so that we can get married.

"Let's take our conversation to another place"

"Yes, sir"

John walks with me and then he says to me.

"Sir, we have received intel that the enemy is located on the west side. I think that we should put a team together and check out our enemy. If we can do some surveillance it will be a good thing"

I nod my head in agreement and then I say.

"I think the more information we get about the enemy the better we can attack them. Let's take bravo1 and prep them for departure in an hour"

"Yes, sir"

I watch as he walks away from me and I can not help looking back at the hospital tent. I saw Kim leaving the tent earlier and I know that she is going to work. As I am leading with the team I hope with my entire heart that she would be safe.

Then I make my way to the team that John has assembled and we start to talk about what we are going to do. It does not take us long to come up with a plan and then we gear up for departure. We have done this kinda thing many times in the different tours that I was deployed in.

The best way to attack your enemy is to know everything about them. Then we head west. We walk as carefully as possible through the thick forest at this is unexplored territory. It is clear that there has not been a lot of people in this area and that should have been the reason why the base was established here.

As far as I go I analyze every piece of grass or stick that I see because any of these things can be a trap or a bomb. This brings back memories of when Mike stepped on that land mine. I can but only hope that it would not happen to any of my team again.

I can not lie it feels good to be with my team again and I know that we are the only team that would be able to get rid of this enemy. Suddenly, I hear a noise in the distance. I lift up my hand and make a fist everyone stops instantly. We all listen carefully to anything around us and be on the lookout for anything out of the ordinary.

Then we see figures in the distance and I signal that we all should fall on the ground to take cover. Before I could even signal everyone has already fallen down. We are such a well-oiled machine that I do not even have to tell them what to do anymore. We lay on the ground as still as we can just listening and observing.

Then we hear two men talking to each other.

"...I do not know why we should do this. We already dealt with the problem"

"Yeah, but you know how he is. Always on a power trip"

"I hate being on patrol"

"I know man, me too. Let's just skip this part and tell him we did it"

"Yeah. Fuck this"

Then I hear them disappearing again and we slowly stand up. I turn to John and say.

"They are very close to the camp. The question is why are they patrolling the woods? There must be something important that they are trying to protect"

"Yes, I agree, sir. We should go and check it out"

"Yes, but we should be extra careful. We know now that there are patrols"

"Yes, sir"

We slowly make our way in the direction to where the two men have disappeared into.

We need to follow them but from a safe distance. We have been tracking them now for almost half an hour and suddenly we see a camp. We fall down to the ground almost instantly and we know that there should be patrols close by.

I can not help but wonder why they would make a camp out here. Why are they not in their cities? What are they doing out here in the forest? I slowly move closer towards John and then say to him in a whisper.

"I smell something fishy going on here. Why would they make a camp outside of their cities? We need to move even closer"

"I agree, sir. Something is not right"

I signal to the men and then we leopard crawl even closer to the camp. Then we can see some of the camp. What I see makes me sick to my stomach. There are guns everywhere. Not just handguns but ak-74s, cannons, bazookas, tanks, I can go on and on.

It is as if they are preparing for war but the question is against who. We need to get this information to the Admiral as soon as possible but just as we are about to leave we see a truck driving into the camp. It is filled with bulletproof vests and that makes me very much concerned.

It is clear to me that these guys are not playing. They mean business and it looks like dangerous business. The only reason you will need a bulletproof vest is if you going in hot. And by the looks of things they have a shitload of it. We need to know who they are planning to attack because it is clear that they are planning.

I signal to the men to turn around and we start to leopard crawl back to a comfortable place where we could run back to the camp. We need to get this information as soon as possible to the Admiral because this can mean big trouble to whomever they are planning to attack.

It seems like this deployment is going to be a difficult one. We are going to have to eliminate the enemy completely.. We are going to need all the soldiers in the camp because with that kind of ammunition things can get ugly.

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