My Navy Seal II: Undeniable Attraction

Chapter 59 - Face It Together


It seems like an endless string of surgeries and that there is no end in sight. I love my work and I enjoy doing surgeries but for some reason, this is not enjoyable at all. I just keep thinking about the soldier's families waiting for them at home. Thinking that they are okay but in the meantime, they going to come back without an arm or a leg.

I know that the family is aware of the risks when they said goodbye to them but you never really think that they might come back in such a state. I try to do my best with every surgery. Before I have to cut off a limb I make sure that I did everything to keep it. But sometimes there is just no way of keeping it.

With every cut that I give, I feel sad and I hope that they would be able to live the way that I leave them. I will keep on doing my very best because they have given their lives to our country. As I go on through the day I see the sun starting to set and my mind can not help wondering back to Nick.

I wonder if he is going to come back. I wonder how he is going to come back. I look at these soldiers and I hope that there do not come any other soldiers into the hospital. I do not want someone to come back and tell me that something happened to Nick. I do not want to see him being carried into the hospital. I can only hope for the best and believes that he is very good at what he does.

Then I shake my head to get my head back into the game because you can not afford to lose focus when you are busy with surgery. I take a deep breath and then look around me and I see the nurses that are helping me. I need to be the best that I can be for them because I am sure that they also are scared and sad about what we are doing.

"Everyone still okay?"

They, nod their heads, and I know that they are probably not but I try to be as cheerful as possible and say.

"Then, let's see if we can get the soldiers back to their families"

I stretch my arms and bend my back trying to regain some sort of normality and then I start all over again.


We know that the Admiral needs to get this information as soon as possible and we find a place where we can radio him with the new information. We run for about ten minutes to get out of the danger zone and then we find a tree under which we can sit and get in contact with head office. This time the Admiral did not come with us and he put me in charge but he made it clear that I should keep him up to date.

We set up the radio and then John gets hold of the Admiral. He hands me the radio and then I say.

"Admiral, sir"

"Go ahead, Master Chief"

"Sir, it seems like the enemy is preparing for some kind of war..."

I tell him everything that we have seen and what I think our next step should be. He listens carefully to me and then says.

"I think your plan is foolproof but you have to wait for intel to confirm your suspicions. Over"

"Yes, sir. Over"

I put the radio back and then signal for the men that we need to get back to the camp. We have a lot of preparation to do if my plan is going to succeed. We also need to study the area that we are going to attack and we need to know it by heart.

I signal the team and we start to run back to base. I decided to keep two men on watch and they should let us know if there is any change in their enemy's behavior. By the time that we get to the camp the sun is already setting and we make our way to the food court for refreshments.

If we are going to plan this attack then we need to be full of energy. I gather bravo2 and sent two men to the coordinates of where our team has been watching the enemy. We need the entire bravo1 if we are going to attack. I sit down at the table and eat some food as quickly as possible.

We do not have a lot of daylight left and we have a lot of preparation to do. But then without me realizing I keep staring back at the hospital. Then John sitting next to me says.

"Sir, is something wrong?"

"No, why?"

"You keep staring at the hospital"

"Oh, I did not realize"

As if John can read my thoughts, he says.

"So, if I may, sir? I'm sure you could go and just say hello"

I do not really know what is saying because I did not think that he is going to answer the thoughts that I am thinking. It is as if he could read my thoughts and then say them aloud. I smile and then say to him.

"Nah, I am okay"

But in my heart, I want to go to her and just give her a kiss and a hug. I just want to hold her and ask her if she is still doing okay. I just want to know if she is safe. I know that it is ridiculous because nothing is wrong but I guess seeing the things that I saw makes me a little bit nervous.

It makes me wonder what they are up to and if they are going to realize that we are here. They can at any moment decide to fire another missile from the air again and then the love of my life is gone forever. I just need to feel her again. I know I said no to John but then my eyes can not seem to leave the hospital.

We finally finished eating and then we make our way to start to prepare. I know that we should be ready the moment that the Admiral confirms our suspicions and there would be no time to wait. This will also help us get back home as soon as possible.

I gathered all the soldiers and I tell them what we saw and what our plan of action is. Soon everyone dispersed into different groups and my plan starts to evolve into action. Before we know it the sun has set and it is nearly midnight.

I get everyone's attention and then I say to them.

"You have done a great job today. Now that we are prepared and ready for tomorrow we need to get some sleep. Enjoy tonight because we will not come back to this base until every one of them has been eliminated. Dismissed"

Then everyone goes to their different tents and some go to eat something. This will be our last night of peace and quiet because tomorrow we will start a war. I know that I should get sleep but for some reason, my feet carry me to the hospital.

I will not go to sleep on this tour unless Kim is next to me. I need to feel her soft touch on my chest and her breath on my skin. I need her next to me every night. I am just about to go into the hospital when I see a vision walking to me.

"Have I told you lately that you are my everything?"

I feel her embracing me and holding me tight while she presses her face into my chest. Then she says with a smile on her face.

"You smell so good. I missed you so badly"

I hold her tight in return and then I say to her.

"I am sorry but I have missed you so much more. I win this round"

I hear her giggle and then we make our way back to our tent. She turns to me and says.

"Did you get something figured out today?"



I can hear that his voice is filled with anguish. I know what he is going to say next and I do not want to hear it. I do not want to worry about him. I do not want to know that is going into battle. He can not end up like the soldiers on my table. I swallow deeply and then I say.

"You going out tomorrow?"


"You going to battle tomorrow?"


Both of us just stare at the ground because we know there is nothing to say to stop this. There is no solution and no answer. We know what needs to be done even though we do not want to do it. We walk in complete silence to our tent as we know what is about to happen. This is what we signed up for and we have to face it.. I guess we will then, face it together.

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