I wake up the next morning as I have set an alarm on my phone. I quickly check if I have wake Kim up but luckily she is still sleeping. I know that we should probably say goodbye to each other but I just do not think I would be able to do it. If I have to look into her eyes and see how sad she is because I am leaving, I do not know if I would be able to go.

I love her more than life and it is already hard for me to leave her while she is so accepting of what I must do. I softly and calmly wiggle my arm out from under her waist. I hope I do not wake her up and then I quietly get dressed.

I look at her lying there fast asleep and so peaceful. This is the way I want to remember her, happy and content. I quickly get out of the tent and then pick the yellow flower that I saw when we walk to the hot spring. I go back into the tent and put the flower next to her. Then I give her a soft kiss on her cheek and it is more difficult than I thought it would be.

I peel myself away from her presence and then make my way to the team. I have only this time that takes me to get to the team to get my head on straight. I need to focus on the task at hand and not think about her anymore. If I do not give my hundred percent attention to what we are going to do today then I might come back in pieces.

I physically shake myself to get control over my thoughts and then I see my men waiting for me at the gathering point. The Admiral has confirmed that they are indeed the enemy and we need to eliminate them. He did not share with me what their plans are but that no one should see the light of day again. I can see that everyone almost looks just as nervous as I feel but I know that there is no other plan but this one. I stand in front of my team and say.

"I know it is early and all of us still wanted to sleep but today is the day that the enemy will be sorry that they came knocking on our door. No one touches us without consequences. Today we fight for our fellow fallen soldiers!"

Everyone cheers as they like the speeches that I give before we go and kick some ass. Then we disperse into how different groups and I am the one to lead the first team. We decide to go and waves. Just when they think they have us defeated then the next wave comes in. I know that the first team is probably the death squad but I need to lead my men and not sit on the sidelines, watching.

We contact the two men that were keeping watch and ask them if everything is still under control.

"No action this side, sir"

We know now that we can go in without them suspecting anything. We decide to take them from the side. The most vulnerable one that we can find. I creep up to the nearest man. I am the first one to attack. I leopard crawl as close as I can to him and then jump to slit his throat. It is quick and easy. I make sure that no one has detected me.

Then I drag his body to the side and the team knows that this is the signal for them to start eliminating. As soon as I drop the first body I move on to the next one. I am so used to killing people that this is not anything new to me. It was very hard for me at the beginning but soon I realized that if I do not kill them they will kill me.

In my mind, either I go back home or he does. The only thing that I regret is that everything has to come down to this and that we could not just talk like people. I approach the next man and then crack his neck with a swift action. We go through as many as we can and then work our way into the tents.

I approach my first tent and this time John is right next to me. The plan is that you never attack a tent with just one man because you do not know what you would find inside or how many men. We stand just outside the tent and then I nod at John to enter the tent together.

This time we have our handguns and we make sure that the silencer is on. We want to go as quietly and as far as possible into the camp. We open the tent and we shoot four shots and everyone falls to the ground. We make sure that there is no one else and then quietly make our way out of the tent.

I make sure to check all around me all the time because just as stealth, as we are, the enemy, can be too. When someone unexpectedly grabs me around my neck. I turn around in the neck lock that he has on me and then let him fall to the floor almost instantly. I cracked his neck and made sure that he would not stand up again. I drag his body into the tent, making sure that no one will see him and be alerted.

I can see that we are getting far but the man is getting tired so I sent three clicks on my radio and the next Wave comes in. We need to make sure to keep things as quiet as possible and make sure that no one tires. There are more men in this camp than we can handle if they know that we are attacking them.

I grab the next man that I can find and quickly put him to the ground. I feel more confident the farther I get. I dare to say that I feel a bit confident about winning this war. If we can keep up doing what we are doing then we might just get through this alive.


I wake up from a beautiful sleep because I knew that Nick was right next to me but then I find myself without him and I wish it was like yesterday. That I would come out of my tent and he would come walking with a cup of coffee. But I know in my heart that he is not coming. I turn my head to the other side and then I see a beautiful yellow flower.

I can not help as this flower creates tears in my eyes. I know that Nick is gone and I wish I could just have seen him one more time. I sit upright and smell the flower. It is a unique flower. You do not see it from where I come from. It is almost as unique as our love. I love that he cares so much for me and I can only hope that he knows that I love him too.

I stand up wiping off my tears as I know the surgeries are still waiting for me. I guess the best medicine is to start working and try to forget about where Nick is today. Try to forget about how he finds himself in the middle of a war. I will try and forget that he might not come back tonight and I know that is just negative thinking.

I stand up and get dressed. I get out of my tent and as I walk to the food court, I wish I could see Nick around me. But what I see is that there are almost no soldiers around. The camp is quiet except for the hospital part. My heart sinks into my shoes as I know they are all gone and I quickly pray that they would be safe.

I pray that God will bring them back just the way that they left this morning. I fight hard not to cry again because I do not want everyone to see how weak I am. I straighten my clothes as if I am straightening out my thoughts. As if that might help me to get a clear head but nothing can take Nick out of my mind.

As I get to the hospital I make my way to the surgery room. I do not have a lot to say and everyone seems to be quiet. Everyone knows that the soldiers have gone to war and everyone can feel the feeling that is dictating the mood. Pure and true sadness.

They push in the first soldier on a gurney and I know my day should start now. I need to focus on what I am doing as these soldiers' families depending on me. I need to save his life and make him as whole as possible so that he can have some sort of a normal life.

I take a deep breath and then I say.


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