We are almost halfway through the enemy's camp and I have already sent another two waves to come in. Everything seems to run smoothly but I am beginning to worry if it is too smooth. John and I are a well-oiled machine as we go through the enemy together.

When one man attacks John I have his back and the other way around. It seems strange that none of them really have any guns in their hands but their tents are full of all kinds of ammunition. I know that the Admiral did not give me any idea of what they are doing but I can not help wondering what this is all about.

I give another three clicks on my radio and send in another wave. If we can just get through three-quarters of this camp we would be able to conquer them all. We approach another tent and by now we know exactly how to enter it. This time John goes in first and then I follow him into the tent.

We shoot and they fall to the ground. Then we walk to them and make sure that they are dead. The Admiral's orders were very clear that no one should see the light of day again. I have probably killed more people today than I did in my entire career as a Navy Seal.

I know that I can not afford to think about that now as I am in the middle of eliminating the enemy. After what seems like we have spent the entire day here we can finally breathe and we make sure that no one is alive.

After checking every corner of this camp we declare that we have won this war and that the enemy has been conquered. We cheer almost as one man and there are hugs all around. I get everyone's attention and then I say.

"Today we showed them that they do not mess with the United States. Today we came out as a victor and today we took revenge on our fallen soldiers!"

Then everyone cheers again and we start to pile up the bodies. I take the radio and get hold of the Admiral. I tell him the good news and he is satisfied.

"I knew if there is one man that can do it, it would have been you. Well done, Master Chief but there is one more thing that you need to do. Intel could not verify if this camp was the only camp and we need you to go undercover and find out if it was indeed the only camp"

"Yes, sir!"

I am so happy that we have conquered them and that I get to go back to Kim. I am sure that she is worried about me and I just want to show her that I did indeed try my best to come back to her. But first, I have to handle this one thing.

I look around me to see what kind of undercover I can use to verify that there is only one camp. Suddenly, I get a great idea and I walk to John.

"The Admiral said we have to go and see if there is another camp and if this is the only one"

"I understand, sir. What is it that you want me to do?"

"I need you to come with me. I have an idea. We need to go undetected"

I walk to a Jeep that has the symbols of this enemy written on it. I put my hand on the Jeep and then I look at John.

"We need to get some of their uniforms and then we should get keys for this Jeep. This way, we can go undercover and ride around freely"

John nods his head and then turns around to go and get some uniforms. We go into the nearest tent and put on the clothes. Then we make our way to the Jeep and before I go I give some order as to what they should do. We need to burn the bodies and leave no trace.

That should keep the soldiers busy long enough until we return. I get into the driver's seat and then we drive away from the camp. John finds a map in the Jeep and then he quickly figures out where we are. I turn off the side of the road and then we decide in which direction we will be driving.

There is a lot of desert around us but we have an idea if there should be another camp that it should be in that direction. Then I start the Jeep back up again and we drive in that direction. As long as we keep our heads low we should be fine. Then John turns to me and says.

"Sir, if I may speak freely?"

"Of course, you may. What is on your mind?"

"I would just like to say that you and Dr. McPherson makes an excellent couple"

I can not help but smile at his words because that is exactly what I want to think about. I do not want to think about where we are heading but I would rather think about her. I pat my pocket on my chest where I put the photo of me and her at our engagement party and say.

"Yes, we do. You know she is the love of my life"

"Yes, I can see she brings the best out of you, sir"


Then everything turns black.


I try my best to focus on every surgery that I do but every time Nick seems to come into my thoughts. I consider myself a professional but he has messed me up so badly that I struggle to concentrate on what I am doing. The day carries on and with every break, I keep looking around the camp hoping that they will return.

Today is the first day that I can actually have a break to eat something in the middle of the day. The surgeries are becoming lesser and my job is becoming easier. I go to the food court and just sit down, having something to eat. It is not long after I have sat down that Nita decides to join me.

"How are you holding up?"

I almost jumped at her voice behind me as I was once again so deep into my thoughts about Nick.

"It is tough but I believe and hope that he would be back again"

She nods her head in agreement.

"I have known Nick for quite some time and he is very good at what he does. He has always come back from a mission and I think he only came back once, hurt, but it was only a scratch"

I smile because I know that Nita just wants to make me feel better. It is good to know though, that he came back every time and that he never really was hurt severely. I know he is the best of the best and if anyone could survive anything, it would be him.

I take a sip of my cool drink but suddenly it is as if a shock runs through my body. Suddenly, I can not hold on to my class and it drops to the floor breaking into pieces. I jump at the glass shattering on the floor as I do not know what just happened. Nita grabs my hand and says.

"Are you okay?"

I can not help as a frown appears on my face because I have no idea what just happened. I must be extremely tired but that could not be it. It was as if someone has just suddenly shaken me.

"I am fine. I do not know what happened?"

Nita then quickly stands up to pick up the pieces of glass and I bend down to help her.

"I am so sorry"

"No, please girl, you have been working so hard. If you did not drop anything I might be wondering if you are a robot"

I can not help but laugh at her snark comment. She always finds a way to make me feel better. Then afterward we continue to eat something and then make our way back to the hospital. I quickly do rounds of my patients before I go into the next surgery. I can see that the sun is setting and I can not help feeling a bit anxious as I do not know when he will return.

I then continue with my surgeries and soon it is dark outside. I take a look at my watch and see that it is close to midnight. I walk to stand at the entrance of the hospital just staring out over the camp. Everything is so quiet. I miss seeing everyone walking around just doing their thing.

It is too quiet. Why is it so very quiet? Something just does not feel right. I know that everyone is gone but why can't someone just come back? They can not possibly still be fighting or can they? Then in the distance, I see someone moving. Then I see another one and another. This must be them they are coming back. I turn around and say.

"They are back!!"

Dear Readers

I will be moving to Dreame reading app as they are offering me a better contract. But I will finish this book on this app but I am starting a new book over there call "My Superstar Has A Secret". All new books will also be over there. I will start another book later on called " My Navy Pilot". I would appreciate it if I see you over there! I Will let you know when it is published!

Hope you are still enjoying this book!


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