My Navy Seal II: Undeniable Attraction

Chapter 63 - I Will Wait For Him


I feel relief filling my entire body. I see our soldiers returning from battle and I know that I am going to seeing Nick. Everyone in the hospital gathers around to see how the soldiers start to walk back to the camp. Some of the nurses run towards these soldiers and hugs them. The rest of us just clap our hands and cheer them for a successful returning.

We prepare ourselves for some cuts and bruises and even some dangerous surgeries. But we are ready to welcome them back. I can not help as I start to look for Nick but there are so many soldiers and it is difficult to find him.

The first wave of soldiers make their way into the hospital and I can not stand and look for Nick any longer. I have to start doing my work. I help organize all the soldiers in different departments making sure that the ones with serious injuries get treatment immediately.

Finally, everyone is where they are supposed to and I start to take some of the soldiers and help them. I do not know who is on Nick's team and I hope that someone can give me some sort of information. I can feel that my level of anxiety is starting to rise as Nick has not shown his face yet.

I sit down with a soldier and start to stitch him up. He does not look so severely injured and I ask him.

"I wonder if I can ask you a question?"

"You may, ma'am. What can I help you with?"

"I was just wondering if you have seen Master Chief Roberts today?"

"Yes, ma'am. He gave us orders and then he left the camp"

I hear what he is saying but I can not believe it. Where is he going and what is he doing?

"Did he come back with you guys?"

"I am not sure, ma'am. Our orders were to return to base when we are finished so we came back"

"Thank you for that"

If I thought that my anxiety level was high I know now that it skyrocketed in a second. All I know is that I want to finish with this patient and go look for Nick. I need to find some of his team because I am sure that they will know where he is. Just as I finished the soldier's stitches I stand up to walk out of the hospital but I am stopped by Nita"

"Dr. McPherson!"

Dammit! I turn around and see Nita calling me.


I walk closer to her and I can see the sadness on her face. I am afraid to hear what she has to say but I listen carefully.

"I am sorry girl, but there are a few surgeries are waiting for you. I know that you want to go now but we need you"

I am almost relieved that she is not telling me that Nick is gone or something like that. I can handle surgeries but I can not handle if something would have happened to Nick.


I walk with her to the surgery room and before she leaves I turn to her.

"Can you do me a favor?"

"Yeah, anything?"

"Could you find out where Nick is? I really need to know if he is okay"

"I will see what I can find out"

"Thank you. I really appreciate it"

Then I turn back to my surgery and the nurse is ready for me. Just when I thought the surgeries were dying down, it just came back up again.

"Okay people, let's save some lives"

I shake my head as I know that I can not afford to think about Nick right now. I need to think about the soldier lying on my table and his family waiting for him. Then I ask for the scalpel and I start.



I put my hand on my head and I feel something wet. Then I look at my hand and I see blood all over my hand. Everything is blurry around me and I can not see anything. I close my eyes tightly and then open them again trying to focus.

Finally, I can see that I am in a desert of sorts. Everything around me is dusty. There is a ringing in my ears. Then I slowly stand up but when I try to move my arm does not want to move. I look at my arm and I see blood dripping from my arm.

"What the fuck happened?"

I look around me and see a Jeep overturned next to a gravel road. A frown appears on my face. I must have been an accident. Then I see another person a few feet away from me. I walk towards that person and then I see it is a man that is badly hurt. I guess that he must have been with me in the accident.

I bend down and put my fingers against their throat. It seems he is dead.

"What the fuck?!"

I stagger backward in shock. Then I look down at my clothes and I realized that I must be in some kind of military.

Suddenly, shock fills my entire being as I realized that I have no idea what my name is? Who am I? I have no idea where I am? I feel completely lost. What was I doing in the middle of a desert?

Did I join the army? I walk over to the Jeep trying to find some kind of clue as to who I am. I can feel my chest hurting as I walk. There is no evidence of any identity in the Jeep. I search my pockets. Maybe my name is in here somewhere.

There is nothing in my pants pockets but then I feel something in my shirt pocket. I take it out and it is a photo. It is a photo of me and a woman. It seems that we are happy. She is extremely beautiful. I guess this is my girlfriend but who is she? I look on the back but nothing.

Who am I? I feel my breathing starting to increase as I am sure that I am getting a panic attack. I can not feel my arm and I think my head is bleeding. I quickly find a mirror and I see my face is cut up.

I turn around and look in every direction. I need to find someone or something to help me get back home but where is home?


I decided that I would head north. Maybe I will get something or someone in that region to help me. I look at the picture in my hand again and I know that this woman might be able to help me. Maybe someone will know her around these parts.

I start to work and then I turn around just looking at the accident scene behind me. I do not know how I know this but I must have been thrown from the car. I wonder who this other guy is. Was he a friend or a work colleague? I wonder how we got into this accident if there is no other car in sight.

Then suddenly I look at my clothes again. If I am in a military outfit then I could have been on some kind of a mission or where I just patrolling the streets? I have no idea. I turn around and start heading north. I need to find someone. Someone that knows me. I am sure there is someone that would be able to help me.

"Fuck! What the hell?"


The sun is starting to rise again and it is clear that I will not be getting any sleep anytime soon. There are too many injured soldiers that need my attention. But I demand a break to find Nita. I walk out of the surgery room and luckily Nita is not too far away. She is busy with a patient but I decide to interrupt them as gracefully as possible.

"I am sorry to interrupt but I just need to know if you found out anything about Nick or did you see him around?"

She stands up from where she is busy and then takes me aside. I really hate when she does that because it makes me scared and afraid that something has happened to Nick.

"Just tell me what is going on? Where is Nick?!"

"Oh, honey. He isn't back yet. What I can gather is that he and John went out to look for another camp but they did not say when they are coming back. So, I guess we just have to wait for them"

I do feel a certain amount of relief filling my heart as he is just on another mission and did not die. I take a deep breath and say.

"Thank you so much. I just needed to know. I will wait for him"

I turn around as I do not want to look into her sympathetic face because then it will cause me to cry. I have to be strong now and I can not let exhaustion take me over. If I just think that Nick might be dead. It can immobilize me completely.

I am the only surgeon and these people need me now. I return to my room feeling a bit uneasy and a bit happy. I just need to focus on what I am doing. Nick will be back soon. He will not let me down. They are just going to do some surveillance. I am sure that I will see Nick soon again.

Hi Readers

I am only up now on the Dreame app. Just look under mrssmithwriter. The book that is up there now is one of my old books but I will let you know when I start my new book "My Superstar Has A Secret" and "My Navy Pilot"


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