As I start to walk away from the Jeep that I think I was in, I do not really know what to expect. Everything around me is unrecognizable. I do not even know in what country I am. The uniform that I have on is written in a foreign language and I can not understand why I would be any kind of military in a country that I do not know.

But then again, I am not very sure what I know. Maybe I can speak this language but I can not read it. Something keeps on bothering me except for the pain that I feel with every step that I take. Who was that guy that was lying on the road? I tried to figure out who he is but I just could not recognize him.

It feels like I am an alien visiting a planet that I know nothing about and I know nothing about myself. I do not even know where I am going now. As far as I look, I only see desert. There are no shops or gas stations or even cars around me. I am beginning to get worried that I might be lost.

While I walk along the gravel road, I take out that photo again. I stare into the eyes of the woman next to me and I wish I know who this is. Damn, she is a beautiful woman. I wonder how I got to get her as my girlfriend. I do not know for how long I have been walking with millions of thoughts in my mind. I say a few names just randomly through my head trying to figure out what my name is. Maybe when I say my name by accident, I will recognize it.

But I have no luck. Then suddenly a gas station appears almost a mile away. I still have a far away to go and the pain in my chest is becoming a bit unbearable. I realize that I am very fit and that I must have enjoyed working out. I do not know anything about myself but it seems like I can go far even if I am injured.

As I get closer to the gas station I hope that somebody will care enough for me to come and look for me. My biggest fear is if I get to the gas station and I want to call someone but I do not know who. All I have is this photo.

"Fuck! What a mess..."

Finally, I reached the gas station and it is almost as deserted as the desert is. I open the shop door and a bell rings when I open it. I walk through the aisles and every product on the shelves is in a language I do not understand.

It becomes clear to me that I am in a foreign country. I am not sure if I am staying here or just visiting or, and I hope I am wrong with this one, was on some sort of a military exercise or something.

I look at the cashier and I can see he is keeping a close eye on me. I do not know if it is that I look different from him or if it is my clothes. I do not have any money with me and I do not know what to do here. Then I feel the photo in my hand and I get an idea.

I walk over to the cashier and then I say to him.

"I am sorry to bother you but I am a bit lost. Could you tell me where I am?"

Then the cashier takes a step away from the window that is separating us and he starts speaking in the same language that is probably on the products. I do not understand a word he is saying and I think he does not understand me.

I try to ask him again where we are but he just keeps on talking in his own language. Then I lift up the photo and show it to him pointing to the woman.

"Do you know? Do you know her?"

I feel like a fool showing the picture to him and doing all kinds of gestures with my hands but then suddenly it looks like he is getting scared. I do not understand why he is getting scared but then a thought comes to mind, maybe is afraid of the uniform.

I know that I am not going to get any help here. So, I lift my hands up in surrender and say.

"Okay...okay. I will leave"

As I walk out of the shop, I can feel my throat being extremely dry. I look at my wounds on my arm and I realized that the blood did not really stop dripping. I should probably do something to stop the blood.

I walk around the gas station trying to find a bathroom. Finally, I found it and walk through the door. As I enter the bathroom, I jump at the man standing in front of me, and then I realize it is a mirror. I do not know the man in the mirror. I slowly walk up to the mirror and start to inspect my face.

Besides all the cuts and bruises, it is clear that I am a handsome man. Then I say.

"Who the hell are you?"

I wish the mirror could give me an answer but it is only me and my empty thoughts. I sigh loudly and then walk over to the basin. I start to roll up my sleeves and then I see where the blood is coming from. I must have cut an important vein on my arm as I can not use it anymore.

I tear the end of my shirt to get a piece of material to cover the wound. After I have rinsed all the blood from my arm, I put the material on as tight as one hand allows me. Somehow, I know I should stop the blood. It must have been part of a training exercise. I have no idea how I know this.

Then I drink some water and try and wash the blood off my face. Then I put my hands on the basin and stare at myself in the mirror.

"What de fuck are you going to do, dude?"

It feels like I have to be afraid and start to panic but I do not. I am sure that it should be normal to panic about something like what I am finding myself in now but somehow I do not. Then I turn around and walk out of the bathroom.

I need to find a car or someone that I can talk to that can understand me. But just as I open the door to leave the bathroom a man stands in front of me as if he is blocking my path. Then he says to me.

"I think you should get out of here"

His accent is thick from the language the man in the shop was speaking. I can not understand why he is being so hostile.

"What do you mean? I did nothing"

He looks me up and down and then he gives me a sarcastic smile.

"You do not have to do something, you just have to look in the mirror"

At first, I do not understand what he js saying but then I realized that my clothes might mean something to them. But why would he want me to leave?

"Listen, man. I do not want any trouble. I am just lost and if you could maybe help me and tell me where I am?"

The man then steps even closer to me while staring me in the eye.

"I do not think you heard what I said. Get the fuck out of here. Now!"

I know that I should be afraid but it is as if he does not have any effect on me. Why is it so difficult for everyone to just tell me where I am? I start to feel a bit angry as if I want to attack him but I need more information.

"I get what you are saying. If you can just-"

Then the man grabs his gun in the back of his pants and he pushes it against my forehead. Still, I am not afraid. Surprisingly, I stand my ground. I have no idea why I am not running away.

"Will this give you a clue to leave? Motherfucker?!"

This guy seems to be angry at me for no reason at all and that kind of makes me angry. So, without realizing what I am doing I grab his gun and slam it against his face. He falls to the ground in an instant. I look at my hands in surprise.

What the hell did I just do? I can not help smiling because this is fucking awesome. I must be very good at what I do. Then I push my knee against him and make sure to keep his arms above his head.

"So, now that I have you where I want you. Why don't you tell me where I am and maybe I will let you live"

I can see the fear in the man's eyes and I can hear what I am saying but I still stay surprised at what I am doing.

" are in Afghanistan"

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