I am standing on somebody's chest that I do not know. I have no idea who this man is or who I am. He just told me that I am in Afghanistan and for some reason, this does not help me at all. What am I doing here? Am I staying here? Am I working here?

I can see that the man is very much afraid of me and then I ask him another question.

"What is written on my uniform?"

I can see him frown at my question and I know that it is a ridiculous question but I need to get some kind of answers.

"What de fuck?! Can't you read?"

I am beginning to feel a bit irritated with this guy that first had a gun in my face and now he is the one asking me ridiculous questions.

I press a bit harder with my knee on his chest and then I say. I hear him moan as the pain of my knee is probably excruciating.

"Let's try this again. What is written on my uniform?"

"Okay, it says that you are part of the rebel forces, Chaja"

Still, nothing makes sense to me. Am I part of the rebel forces and not the army? Am I a bad guy or a good guy? Why would I join something like that in a country that I am clearly not born from? I can see the woman in that photo is an American. So, what the hell is going on?

It seems the more questions I ask the more questions I have. Nothing is making sense to me. Then I say to him.

"Where do these rebels come together?"

"I do not know man...fuck...would you let up with that knee of yours"

I realized that I am maybe pressing a bit hard on his chest but right now I do not really care. He is the one with the gun and I still have to ask him a few questions. For some reason, I know he is lying, he knows where they are.

"I do not know if you realized but it is my leg that is on your chest. I have the gun. Maybe you should start talking the truth or I might just press a bit harder. Now, let's try this again. Where do these rebels gather?"

I can see that he is going to tell me another lie and then I press my knee even more into his chest.

"Fuck man! Okay...Okay...I will tell you. They are in the southern part of the country. I do not know exactly where but if you head that way. I know they have a camp there. Just keep on. You will see it"

I am not sure if I can believe him but right now I do not even know what I should believe. Then, for some reason, I feel the need to ask him one last question.

"Do you know me?"

"No man. I have never seen you before"

I can see that he is highly irritated with me and then I take my knee off him. Then I turn to him and say.

"Now, I will take your gun and you will run away as quickly as you can before I change my mind to let you live"

I hear what I am saying and I can not believe the nerve that I have. I do not even know if I have shot a gun before in my life. It sounds like I know exactly what I am doing but truth be told I have no idea. He does not wait for another second and then he turns around running away.

I put the gun in the back of my pants and let my shirt cover it. If I am a rebel, people might not necessarily like me. Everything is so confusing and I do not know which way to turn. Maybe if I can find these other rebels I will soon know whether I am part of them or not. Maybe they can help me in the right direction and tell me where I am.

I start to walk back the way that I came. Maybe if I look at the accident scene again. I might get some kind of an idea. Maybe there is someone that has come and look for us. So, I make my long walk back to the place of the accident.


Finally, I am finished with most of my surgeries and I can not even lift my arm up anymore. I can feel how tired I am and exhaustion is not the word that I am feeling. Everything in me wants to sleep but there is one thing that is keeping me awake and that one thing is called Nick.

The sun is almost setting again and this would be the second night that Nick has not returned. I do not understand why nobody is in contact with them and no one knows where they are. I wish that someone can tell me just something so I can know that Nick is okay.

I start to make my way out of the hospital and get something to eat. Maybe if I get some food in me I would not need so much sleep. As I sit at the table and look at all the soldiers around me, I can not stop wishing that he was here too. Then I see a familiar soldier.

I make my way over to their table and then I ask.

"May I take a seat with you?"

"Yes, of course, ma'am"

I take a seat and then talk to the soldier that looks familiar.

"Were we in the same team when we came to this base the first time? I mean the same helicopter?"

"Yes, ma'am, we were"

"I remember because you saved me from that tree root that stuck out of the ground"

"Yes, that is right ma'am. We both almost fell over that root"

We laugh a little bit together and then I ask him.

"I am Dr. McPherson and what is your name soldier?"

"Vic Tyson, ma'am. It is a pleasure to finally meet you in person. You are well known in our team"


"Yes, Master Chief Roberts can not seem to stop talking about you. I guess a congratulations is in order"

I almost can not believe how lucky I am that I came to sit at this table. He must be in bravo1 and he should know where Nick is. I do not want to sound like a longing girlfriend but I am going to ask anyway.

"Thank you, I appreciate the congratulations. So, you are in bravo1?"

"Yes, ma'am"

I feel relieved and then I say.

"So, have you heard anything about where Master Chief Roberts is?"

He looks away and he avoids my eye contact. I immediately feel uncomfortable and I can feel my heart starting to race. I can feel my breathing increase and my lips drying but I patiently wait for him to say something. Then he looks into my eyes again and says.

"We have had radio silence since we came back to the camp last night. We haven't heard anything from him or John"

A million thoughts run through my head. He could have been captured or he could have died or he is just in a place where he can not talk over his radio. There are so many reasons why he would not radio back to his base.

But the thing that bothers me the most is that not even John has made contact. It is as if I get lost in my own thoughts and I do not know what is going on around me. Then I feel a hand on my forearm and I see Vic's mouth moving but I can not hear anything. All I can hear is my own breathing.

"What? What are you saying?"

Then he squeezes my forearm and I can see an urgency in his eyes. Then suddenly I feel myself falling to the ground. Just before I hit the ground I feel strong arms around my waist then I slowly look at the man that is catching me and it is Vic.

He lays me down on the ground softly and he keeps on talking to me but I can not hear a word he is saying. Everything around me starts to get blurry and then suddenly everything turns black.


With every step that I take the pain in my chest seems to increase. I stop and then I open up my shirt and what I see shocks me. There is no blood but a big blue and red mark on my chest. Then I put a finger lightly on the mark and it feels like I took a hammer and slammed it against my chest.

"Aaahhh!! Fuck!!"

Something is hurting and it is hurting bad. I do not know what it is but it is definitely influencing my breathing. I need to get somewhere where someone knows me and I think I better get there soon. I then continued to walk on and almost everything in my body starts to ache from severe pain.

Finally, I can see the Jeep in the distance and I can not wait to get back to where I started. I know that is not home but that is the only place I know right now.. As I get to the scene I quickly walk over to where the man was lying but to my surprise, he is not there anymore.

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