I stare at the piece of ground where the man was that was with me in the accident. Suddenly, I start to doubt myself. I am almost positive that I did not feel a heartbeat. But where the hell did he go to? How can I have been so wrong in checking someone's pulse and thinking that they are dead? Maybe I was so lost in my mind that I did not really do a proper job.

This makes me mad because he was my only lead in telling me who I am and now he is gone. I look around me and I hope that I could see him somewhere walking along the road but my luck is out. All I see is the desert and it is almost as empty as my thoughts.

I walk over to the Jeep, maybe I did not search it good enough like I did not check his pulse good enough. I make sure to go through everything but all I find is a map and some loose change. I really messed things up by not making sure if he is still alive. There are so many directions in which he could have walked but I think that he would have stuck with the road.

If you make your way through the desert I am not sure whether you would come out to something that is worth your while. So, I decided to just walk on as he definitely did not go in the direction I came from. Luckily, I found some water in the Jeep and that should keep me going for a little while longer.

As I start to walk the long road, I can feel that breathing becomes a problem for me. I am guessing that I broke a rib or two but it does not seem to stop me. If I am indeed a rebel I probably should have had some sort of training to survive. I am very glad that this is keeping me going on. I wipe the sweat from my forehead and then I say out of frustration.


But I keep going as I should get to something if I just keep going.


I open my eyes and I see a few people standing around me. I do not know what just happened but the last thing I remember is Vic telling me that there has been radio silence. I feel like such a fool because it is clear that I have fainted. I guess that I am much more exhausted than what I thought.

"Dr. McPherson, are you okay?"

"Uhm...Yes, thank you. I think that I am just tired"

He reaches out his hand to help me up but he keeps holding his hand on my waist. It is clear that he is scared that I might faint again. But to be honest I am scared too because the news of Nick not talking to his own men is definitely brewing worry in my heart. I slowly sit down in my seat again and then Vic slowly walks away from me.

Then I realize that Nick must have asked Vic to be on my team when we came to this base. He wanted me to be safe and he trusted him enough to do that. That thought only makes me miss him more because he has such a great heart and he cares so much for me. I can only pray that he would be safe and come back to us alive.

"Thank you for helping me through this. I really appreciate it. I think I should just eat something and go to bed"

"It is really my pleasure, ma'am. I will do anything for Nick's fiance"

I can only smile because this shows me that their bond is thick. It just shows me once again what kind of man I am going to marry and then suddenly the thought of maybe not seeing him again and not being able to marry him almost destroys me.

I keep my head low and try to breathe as normally as possible. I can not afford to faint one more time in front of these men as I need to be the strong woman they think I am. I eat my food as quickly as possible and then excuse myself while making my way to my tent.

It is now completely dark and as I enter my tent there is nothing that can stop my tears from falling. I realize that Nick was next to me in this tent and now I am all alone. He is somewhere alone...maybe. I can not even definitely tell myself that he is okay. I can not guarantee that he is coming back and I do not know if he is alive.

I fall down on my knees and just cry. I cry and sob just letting everything out. I do not know for how long I have been crying but eventually, I fall to the ground. Then I close my eyes and sleep.


The sun is beginning to set and it feels like I have been walking for hours. I know that I am slowing down and taking more breaks because breathing has become a problem. I remember what the man at the gas station said. That the rebels will be in this direction. He was very vague with letting me know exactly where they are.

I hope to see the man that was laying on the ground by now but I have seen nothing of him. I just have to keep the faith and keep walking but so far I have only seen desert. I keep on walking, breathing heavily, and finally, I see a forest at the end of the road. I am not sure whether I should go through the forest or turn with the road.

But as far as I can see, the road is not leading anywhere. Maybe I could find some place to rest in the forest and try and make a fire or something. Of course, I have no idea even how to start a fire without any matches. But I guess I need a place to lay down for the night. Because walking is becoming a bit of a problem.

So, I walk as far as I can into the forest and then I find a nice spot to stay for the night. I have no idea what to do or where to start but without me realizing I pick up some sticks to make a fire. I start to laugh at myself because what am I going to do when I get all the sticks together.

I have no idea what kind of skills I have but then again if I am a rebel I must have some sort of training. After I have collected all the sticks, I start to think of how to start a fire. Then I take two rocks and some dry grass. Maybe I can slam them together and make a spark.

As I sit down to get closer to my so-called fire that I am going to make, I feel my ribs almost piercing into my lungs as I try to bend down.


The pain is excruciating but for some reason, I think it is logical to get this fire starting. I do not know where I am but I know that fire can protect me against predators of the forest. So, I find a way to get to the ground and start to slam the rocks together with the one rock on the ground as my other arm is of no use to me.

It does not take me two seconds to start a fire and I feel so proud of my abilities. I must be a very good rebel or I might have been stranded for many times before to know all this. I have no idea how I know to do what I do. I quickly put the grass on my sticks and I have a beautiful fire.

How the hell do I know how to make a fire but I do not know who I am? This thought is definitely going to drive me insane. I need to take a deep breath and just try and forget that I do not know who I am. I need to survive tonight and just make it to the day.

I try to lay down next to the fire as comfortable as I possibly can but the pain of my ribs is making any movement almost impossible. I am at a point where even sitting still is painful. I do not know how I am going to get any sleep and I can feel the icy cold desert night creeping on my skin.

I am so happy that I could make this fire because without it I am almost sure I would die. As I finally get some sort of way of lying down, I hear the night's noises coming into play. I can only hope that there aren't any bears or coyotes that are looking for something to eat because I am sure that I would not be able to run away from them.

I take out that photo again and look at that woman standing next to me. She is more beautiful than the first time I looked at her in the photo and I wonder if she is thinking about me. She must be waiting for me somewhere maybe she is sad because I am not there.

I have really outdone myself with this exquisite woman. Or, maybe she is my sister?

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