It feels like I am back home with Kim in my arms. I feel so rested and safe. But then the pain in my ribs is becoming more painful and I can not help to let a moan escape my mouth.

" ribs..."

Then she suddenly wants to pull away from me but I do not let her.

"No, you are not going anywhere. I am just saying my ribs are sore"

I can see on her facial expression that she does not agree with me to hold her any longer. I know what she wants. She wants me to rest and lie down but I just want to feel her a little while longer.

"You know that you should-"

I do not let her speak for one more minute because I want my lips on hers. I do not want to let her go yet. I still want to feel this moment that we have been feeling for a while. I just want to realize that I am home and the only way I know how is to have her embracing me.

I kiss her like it is the last kiss that I would ever give her. I make sure that I feel the inside of her mouth and the beauty of her lips. I make sure that she knows that my lips belong to her and no one else. I have put her through hell and I want her to recover from the hell she has been through.


I can feel his kiss against my lips and I know that he doesn't want to let go because he is afraid that he might go back to the way he was. But I can hear the soft moans coming from his mouth because of the pain that he is experiencing in his ribs.

I do not embracing him as tightly as I did before because I know that it must be hurting. I never even thought about his pain when we were crying and bonding. But now I know that he is in a lot of pain because he would not show that he's hurting unless it is very severe. I let him finish his kiss that he has started and I am enjoying every minute of it.

Then I slowly pull away and let my forehead rest against his.

"I know that you do not want to let go but you need to lie down. You need to rest. You have been through so much. Please, I beg of you, just lie down for me. I promise I will not leave your side"


I can hear how she begs me to lie down and I know she only means well. It is probably also not such a bad idea. I smile at her and then I lay down. It feels so much better now that I'm lying down and my ribs are not sticking into any major organs.

"You are right, this is much better"

I feel her taking my hand while she's sitting next to me on the chair and she says to me.

"I told you I know what is best for you"

She can not be more right in what she is saying. Ever since I met her she just knew exactly what I needed in every area of my life. I should probably try and listen to her more often. But there is something that is really bothering me.

I feel so bad for not knowing what happened to John and where he was. I consider him to be my best friend and I would really like to see him.

"I wonder if I can ask you a favor?"

"Oh Nick, there isn't much that you can ask that I would not give to you"

"That sounds very tempting. I now feel that I need to ask you something else, instead of the mediocre thing that I wanted to ask"

I feel her slapping me softly against my shoulder and then she says while laughing.

"Do not push your luck, boy"

"You know I will always push my luck"

We laugh together and it is a good feeling. It is good to be home.

"Now...what did you wanted to ask?"

"I wonder if I can see John?"


I knew that there would come a time that he wants to see John but at this moment he is still out of it. Then suddenly I realized that I should probably go and check on him since he just came out of surgery. There can be so many complications if I do not do regular check-ups on him.

"I know you want to see him but I just operated on him. I think he must still be out of it but let me go and check and let you know?"

I want to stand up and then walk out of the room but then I feel him grabbing my hand.



I turn around and look at him. I am sure I see something like fear in his eyes. I get why he is feeling this way. Nobody is supposed to go through something like this.

"Are you going to belong?"

I smile and then I put my other hand on his hand to make sure that he hears me.

"Nick, there is nowhere else I want to be but next to you. I promise that I will be back soon"

"Good. I will miss you"

"Believe me, when I say that I will miss you too"

I have no desire to get away from Nick now. I only got to spend a few minutes with him but I know how much he wants to see John. I also know that Nick is not my only responsibility, there are many other soldiers that I did surgeries on.

I smile and pat his hand then I turn and walk away. As I get just outside the curtain I see Nita standing there just staring at me. She is probably still very worried about the way that I reacted earlier on. I walk straight up to her and say.

"He remembers everything"


"Yes! I do not know how that happened but we kissed and then-"

She takes me by the shoulders and then she says with a big smile on her face.

"No! You got to be kidding me? Was it like one of those fairy tales? Do you know that it's not medically possible? Are you playing with me?"

"No. I will not joke about something like this. Go in there and you can see for yourself"

I can not stop smiling as I know that my Nick is home and I am very sure there's a lot of people that want to see him again.

"But before you go. Did you check up on John?"

"Yes, just when Tracy closed him up"

"Good. Thank you. You only have a few minutes with Nick before I will be claiming him for myself again"

She laughs and then she disappears behind the curtain. I need to go and see if my surgery was a success. I quickly make my way over to where John is lying on the bed. I quickly do a check-up and have a look at the wound I just operated on.

I have done a good job as the swelling is not so severe and it seems like the medicine is doing its job. The only thing we must wait for now is for him to wake up. If he does not wake up then all my operating was for nothing.

The only problem is that he went into surgery with a lot of stress. They say that sometimes patients can hear you even though they're sleeping or in a coma. So, I bend down and whisper in his ear.

"Nick is back and he is safe. Please wake up he wants to see you and I know that you want to see him too"

I know that John can make it through. If Nick can recover from a memory loss then he must be able to wake up. Of course, there is no way that I am kissing him. I laugh only because I am happy. I am happy to have my Nick back.


I watch her leave the room and somehow I do not want her to go. I know she probably has a lot of things to do and I am not supposed to be this weak little puppy that just wants to get attention from her the entire time.

It is just that I have missed her so bad and if I am being honest with myself. I am a bit afraid to get lost again but then another familiar face shows her face.


"Is that really you Master Chief Roberts? Or am I seeing things?"

I can not help but laugh as it is good to see her again.

"It seems like I am here in the flesh and in spirit"

"I am very glad to hear that because it wasn't so nice just to have you here in the flesh"

She walks closer and takes my hand and then I say.

"So, is my flesh is not good enough for you?"

"You are a funny man, Nick. But all jokes aside. I am very happy that you came back to us"

My face turns into something more serious and then I say.

"It is good to be back and I'm so sorry if I gave you a fright...."

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