I feel a peace enveloping me when I fall asleep. Her hand in mine is enough to make me feel safe and happy again. I can not believe that her touch has such a big impact on my life but I know now why she is my fiance. She brings the best me out of me. I am just about to fall into a deep sleep when suddenly I feel an angel pressing her lips against mine.

My eyes immediately dart open not because I am shocked but because I do not want to miss one second of her kiss. I want to see her face next to mine and I want to see her eyes looking at me but then suddenly something strange happens.

It is as if I can see my entire life flashing through her eyes. It is as if she is breathing life into me and I can almost taste my entire being on her lips. Suddenly, I remembered who I am and in an instant tears roll down my cheeks.

I do not care about the pain anymore and, as a matter of fact, I do not feel any pain. I put my hand in the small of her neck and I press myself against her. It is my Kim...My Kim is next to me. I have missed her so much. She has brought me back to life. I work my tongue through the seams of her lips and I explore her beautiful mouth. I taste her soft lips and it is heaven.


His eyes ricochet open and I want to pull away but that invisible force just presses me against him even more. I can not explain what is happening but it feels like the way that he kisses me changes. Suddenly, his lips are not closed but he opens up as if he opens his heart for me. Then I feel his hand on my neck and his eyes change before me.

Suddenly, I do not see the strange man in Nick's body anymore but I see my Nick. I can not help but frown as I kiss him because I see the tears falling from his eyes. I throw my arms around his neck and I kiss him even more.

I do not know what is happening but I know that something is happening and it is something that I want to happen. As his tongue explores my mouth I remember it very well. This is the way that Nick used to kiss me. This man lying on this bed is my Nick.

I feel his strong hands working their way down to my waist and I know that I am not alone anymore. Then he pulls away from me breathless and says with a crack in his voice just resting his forehead on mine with his eyes is still closed.

"Doc, I have missed you so fucken much..."

I can not help but burst into tears as we just hold each other as if we just saw each other for the first time. I can feel his hands caressing my back and just pressing me up against him. I know that he is in a lot of pain but it is as if he doesn't even know it.

This is the man that I'm going to marry and he has come back for me. I have no idea and I have no medical explanation for what just happened, but I can only say it is a miracle.

"Nick, are you back? Are you back for real?"


I can smell her scent attacking my senses and I know I am home. I feel her soft perfect body against mine and there is nowhere else I want to be. It feels like I have been lost for many years and only got back to the one I love now. I can feel her shaking while she is crying and I can only imagine what she must have gone through.

Now she's asking me whether I am back and I feel heartbroken that I left her alone.

"I am back and I'm not going anywhere ever again..."

As I say those words it has never been more true. I do not want to be a Navy Seal anymore. The only thing I want to be is in her arms forever. I want to make a life with her. I have done my duty. The time has come where I want to live for myself and make a family.


I do not know what it is about the words he just said but he sounds so honest. It sounds like it came directly from his heart. Then he pulls away and puts his hands on my cheeks just staring into my eyes. I can see that there is deep sorrow in his eyes and I can see that it is residing in them.

"I am so sorry that I have hurt you"

"It is not your fault"

Now there are tears rolling down my cheeks and his cheeks then we kiss again as if we've never kissed before. We do not want to leave each other's touch. We do not want to take one breath or move from this spot.

"Do you remember? Do you remember everything?"

I do not know if this is a permanent fix or just a glitch because in the medical profession this does not happen.


I can not help but smile at her question because I remember everything. I remember every little lost spot on her body. I remember how perfect she is for me and I remember how we celebrate our engagement. I remember how I can not live without her.

"I remember everything. I can not believe that I have even forgotten about who you are because you are my everything"

We can not help but kiss once again as if we can not get enough of each other. I guess we just want to stay in the moment for as long as we can but then it is as if something is missing. Some part of my life is missing. I pull away from her and I frown when I say.

"I do not remember everything...I mean I remember you...I remember everything about you..."

I touch her shoulders and I smile while I say it but then I look down and I say.

"...but I can only remember...we were driving down a gravel was just me and John and then suddenly, I wake up here. Oh, fuck...where is John?!"

I feel my heart starting to race because suddenly I remember nothing about why I am in this bed. I suddenly feel the pain all over my body and I see the bandages and it is a severe pain.


I can see Nick starting to panic and he is turning pale white. He must be in shock because he can not remember what happened. It is not good for his heartbeat to race so fast in the condition he is. I put my hand on his leg and then I make sure to make eye contact.

"Nick, you need to calm down. You can not let your heartbeat increase so rapidly. Can you calm down?"

"Okay, I will calm down but what happened? Where is John? Is he alive? What happened to me?"

I take a deep breath and try and say it as calmly as possible to him.

"John is fine. His leg got severely hurt but I operated on it and he is going to keep his leg"

"What?! What happened to us?!"

"I do not know exactly but it seems like you were in some sort of an accident. You and John got hurt but you lost your memory. You were lost for a little while but you came back to us"


I listen to what she is saying but I can not really believe what is happening. Did I lose my memory? John almost lost his leg? What the hell happened? Then suddenly I realize exactly what kind of hell Kim had to go through.

"For how long was I missing for?"

She looks down as if she doesn't really want to answer me and then she says.

"For about two days"

"Oh god, Kim. I am so very sorry. You must have gone through hell?"

I can see the pain on her face and I know that this must have been bad and wrong for her. I was here but I wasn't here. She must have been worried sick about me for two days and she probably thought that I will never come back.

"It is okay, Nick. Like I said it is not your fault. You can not help that you lost your memory"

"I know but you should not have gone through this...fuck"

I pull her closer to me and I hug you again. This time the pain in my ribs is severe but I do not care because I know that the love of my life had to go through something that no one should go through. I wish that somehow I can make this up to her. But I know there is nothing that I can do except letting her know that I am here.

"I love you, Kim and I always will"

I see a tear rolling down her cheek and then she says.

" I love you too Nick"

Hi Readers

I have released my first Chapter of "My Superstar Has A Secret" on the Dreame app.


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