My Navy Seal II: Undeniable Attraction

Chapter 75 - That Invisible Force


It amazes me how she knows me this well. I might not know a lot of things about myself but it became clear to me that I do not wear my emotions on my sleeve. But for some reason, she can look right through me and know exactly if something is wrong.

She is right on the money that something is wrong because there is a burning question that I want an answer to.

"I was just wondering who that man was that was with me in the accident and if he made it back?"

I can see her face turning pale white as if she was shocked by what I am asking.


My brain understands that Nick does not remember who he is but sometimes I forget that he does not remember anything. He just left John there next to the road and had no feeling whatsoever of what was happening to John.

If he was in his right mind he would have done CPR and would not have left his side. Now, it seems he is a bit bothered by that man that he left next to the road. I know that I should give him an answer but I do not want him to become too emotional because it might jeopardize his healing in his brain.

His mind might decide that he does not want to remember if he has too many emotional issues. So, I walk a bit closer to him, and then I try to say this as calmly as possible.

"The man that was with you in the accident name is John and you guys have been friends for quite a while. But you do not have to worry as he has made it back to the camp and he is okay"

I can see that he struggles to know what feeling he needs to feel and so I quickly say.

"He is really okay and you do not have to worry about him right now"

I do not want to go into details about how I did surgery on his leg and how he almost lost his leg. I will tell him all these things once he remembers who he is and I can only pray that he will remember who he is.

"So, we were friends...hey"

"Yes, but like I said he is okay now"

"Did you look after him?"

"Yes, me and Nita...I mean Dr. Naidoo"

"...and do I know...Dr. Naidoo?"

"Yes, you also know her for a while but we all understand that you do not recognize us right now. So, you do not have to feel bad about anything"

I can see that the internal struggle that is taking place within him. I wish I can hold his hand and just somehow comfort him but I do not want to cross a line that he might reject me for. I can see that he is getting tired and so I say.

"Why don't you just get some sleep? Maybe you will feel better after that?"


I know what she is saying is the truth and I need to get sleep as I can feel myself getting extremely exhausted. But there are so many things on my mind right now as I have seen people that I apparently know for years but I just do not feel a bond or a connection towards them.

But with Kim, it is as if I have known her all my life and she has had a very big impact on my life. The bond that I feel between me and her is something unexplainable. I want her to be close to me and I want her not to leave me alone. I do not know the other people she is talking about.

"Yes, you are right. I am feeling a bit exhausted. I should probably get some sleep"

Then I watch as she stands up to walk out of the room but everything in me does not want her to leave. If I tell her how I feel then I might look like I am needy but it is as if she has become my security.

I do not know my name and I do not know where I am but it is as if I know her. I clear my throat and then I say.

"I wonder can I ask you a favor?"

She turns around and looks at me with those beautiful blue eyes and her blonde hair lying so perfectly over her shoulders then she says.

"Sure. What can I do for you?"

"This might come across as weird but can you possibly stay just for a little while longer?"


I can hear the need in his voice and almost fear. It is as if he is afraid to be alone. I guess that this is a natural emotion to have when you have no idea where or who you are. Things must be very hard for him right now.

But what he does not know is that it took everything in me to stand up and walk out of the room. I didn't want to stand up and go away from him because he is my home and there is nowhere else I need to be. I will stay with him as long as he needs me.

"Of course, I will stay a little bit longer. I am happy to help you feel better"

"Thank you, I really appreciate it"

I make my way back to the chair next to him and then he lays down on his pillow. I would do anything to put my hand in that raven black hair of his and just make him feel better. But I sit with my hands folded on my lap trying not to move a muscle. I want him to close his eyes and I hope that he would have sweet dreams.

I take out my phone and try and catch up on some admin but it isn't long when I see him turning back to me with his eyes wide open. I thought that he was sleeping already but then he says to me.

"God...I am so sorry, but can I hold your hand?"

I can see the desperation in his eyes and I swear I can see a bit of love. I am so glad he has asked that because that's exactly what I want to do.

"Of course, you can"

He takes my hand and he entwines his fingers with mine. I can feel him holding tight onto my hand and I know that he must be afraid deep inside himself. Without me realizing I start to caress his hand with my thumb.


It feels so good to have her hand in mine and when she started to caress my hand I knew that I am safe again. It is kind of ridiculous that I am the one that wants to feel safe. I am the big strong man and she's the one that needs protection. How is it possible that she can provide safety to me?

But I put that thought out of my mind immediately and I fall asleep almost as quickly as she has put her hand in mine.


I feel his hand starting to get heavy in mine and I know now he is definitely sleeping. I remember how I used to stare at him while he was sleeping when he knew who I was. This brings back memories of having him in my arms and just feeling the love that we have for each other.

I wish I can take every piece of the pain away from him and make him remember everything but unfortunately I am not a magician. Then there is something strange starting to happen in me that I can not seem to explain.

The longer I stare at Nick the more I move closer and closer to him. I know very well that I am supposed to stay away but it is as if there is this invisible force that is pulling me closer to him. I move closer and closer until I am only an inch away from his face.

Everything in me is fighting to stay away from him and I know it isn't the right thing to do. I should not do this to him because he does not know who I am. I have to give him his space that he needs to realize who he is by himself.

If I do this, then he could very well reject me and I would never be able to see him again. He has already let me hold his hand and that should be enough for me. But now that I am so close to him and I can smell his scent, there isn't much that can keep me away from him.

Then without realizing it, I press my lips against his and now I know that I am home.. Then suddenly his eyes fly open and it is filled with shock.

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