After doing a check up on Nick, I realize that if the heart is irregular the brain does not do what it should do. When I listen to Nick's heart, it was highly irregular. In my professional opinion, his injuries have caused him to go into an adrenaline overdose and for that reason, his brain created some alternate reality.

The hope is that when his injuries get healed, he would be able to remember. I try and say this as calmly as possible.

"I am not an expert in neuroscience but I suspect that this is only a temporary memory loss. If you would allow us we will treat your injuries and once they are healed you might remember who you are"


I am being impressed over and over ever since I met this woman. I am so proud of myself for not letting this woman slip through my fingers because not only is she beautiful she is also intelligent and it seems like she is very good at what she does.

"Are you asking me whether I want to stay in the hospital and let you guys look after me?"

Once again she avoids my eye contact and looks at the ground. I can see that she feels extremely uncomfortable and then she says without looking into my eyes.

"Yes, we do not want to keep you here against your will"


I inhale sharply and I can only hope that he decides to stay with us. I hold my breath and wait for his answer.

"If you do not mind, I would like to stay here. It seems like you know what you are doing and you are my fiance after all..."

I am so relieved to hear him say those words and I want to run and give him a hug but I know that I am not allowed because he does not know who I am. I can not help but craves those lips of his to be on mine again but for now, I am just happy that he decided to stay.

"Then, we will look after you and see to it that you are doing better. I will go now and the nurse will look after you"


I do not know what it is but I do not want her to leave. I want her to stay by my side and I do not want to be alone. I know that she would send someone else to look after me but there is nothing in me that wants her to leave now. I watch as she turns around and then I say.

"I am sorry but can I ask you a question, Dr. McPherson?"

I see her turn around and it almost looks like a smile on her face. Then I say to her.

"I think that this might sound very awkward but is there any way that you could look after me?"


I hear what he is saying but I do not believe what I am hearing. I can not believe that he would ask me to stay if he does not even know me but what he is saying is exactly what I want. I do not want to leave his side.

There is not even a little bit of something inside me that wants to leave his side. I do not even want to go to the bathroom. I do not want to eat. I just want to stay here until he is better.

"I would love to take care of you..."

I do not know if that was the right reaction that he was looking for but at this moment I do not care because I want to be by his side. He might not know me but I know him and I know that I will struggle to go on with my life if I do not have him in it.


I did not expect her to say that but then I remember that we probably have a life together. Something that I know nothing about. But in the small amount of time that I knew her, I want to get to know her even more. I know that it would not be difficult to fall in love with her as it seems my heart belongs to her already.

"Thank you, I would appreciate that"

She walks back to my bedside and when she gets closer it just feels right. It is strange how I can not recognize my own name but I know this feeling that I am feeling, is the right one. As if it's not important to know my name but it is important to know her.

"Are you in any pain?"

I have not moved ever since I woke up because it's just too painful. So, I try to move and I can feel the pain again. I only wince because I do not want her to see in how much pain I am in.

"Well, I can not lie, I am in a bit of pain"


I can see that he is not just in a little bit of pain but that the pain is severe. He never was one to show his pain but I know that expression on his face. I lift my eyebrow and fold my arms, then I say.

"Just a bit of pain?"

"Okay...a lot of pain"

I can not help but smile as I have somehow broken through his exterior. I walk over to the medicine drawer and then getting the morphine that he needs. I know that if I give this to him he would probably fall asleep.

It is good for him to sleep because then he might get healed faster. This way he will remember me faster. I take a syringe and draw the medicine I need. Then I injected it into his drip.

"This will make you feel better but you might get sleepy"

"I would like to feel better, thank you"

I do not really know what I should do now because if Nick knew me I would have laid down next to him and make him feel better. But now he has no idea who I am and if I do that, he might chase me away. I need to take things as slowly as I can.

I can see that the medicine is starting to work already and he must be exhausted after those couple of days that he was alone. I take a seat next to him and then I say.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Yes, ma'am"

"First, I just want to ask you to please call me Kim, if you don't mind?"


I can see the urgency in her eyes as she asks me to call her Kim. I realized that I have been calling her something that I probably would say to someone that I do not know at all. It must be hard for her to hear her fiance calling her ma'am.

"I am sorry. Yes, I will call you Kim"


To hear him say my name is almost as good as having him back. I want to hear my name over that beautiful lips of his. But there is a burning question that I need an answer to.

"Can you tell me what happened to you these couple of days?"

I can see that he is sad and avoiding my eye contact. It must have been horrible for him not knowing who he is or where he belongs. He started to tell me everything that happened to him and I realized that I should not have asked that question.

I am on the verge of tears as it is and I can see the emotions that he goes through. But the one thing that excites me is how he keeps on telling me that he looked at our photo. He tells me how he felt when he looked at the photo and I can only praise God that he came back to me even if it was by accident.

"...and then I found the camp and somebody recognize me. And the rest is what you know"

"I am so sorry that you had to go through this. No one deserves to go through something like that"

"Please do not feel sorry. This is not your fault. I guess sometimes life deals you a hand and you just need to overcome"

This is exactly how Nick is. Nothing can get him down. He can go through anything and still come out on the other side making everything okay for everyone around him. Then I see a frown appears on his face and I know that look. Then I say to him.

"What is wrong?"

He looks at me with surprise and then he says.

"What do you mean what is wrong? How did you know?"

"I know you very well. I know that you do not know me but I know almost every look on your face"

I smile slightly and look at the ground because I do not want him to see the blush that is creeping up on my face.. I thought the time that he can make me blush has passed but for some reason, he still has that power over me.

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