I wake up and every part of my body is aching. I can not move anything but then I see this woman lying in her arms on my bed. Her face is turned to me and I can see her long locks of hair playing beautifully on her shoulders and back. She looks so peaceful and yet her cheeks are red from what looks like crying.

I study her features and it is more beautiful than anything I have seen in my life. Her eyelashes complement her face. Those velvety red lips complete her entire look. Then I realize, she's the woman in that photo. Oh god, she is my fiance. I get to marry this exquisite creature.

I wish I knew who she was. Then I feel her hand clamped in mine. I feel how soft skin feels like silk. How is it possible that a woman can be this perfect? She must then be horrible in her personality.

How did I get to be this lucky? But then I realized that I do not even know who she is. How can she make me feel that I belong to her if I haven't even spoken to her yet? It seems she has some kind of hold on me. I see a stray hair and I want to reach over to put it back in place but when I try to lift my other arm, pain shoots through it.


She suddenly wakes up from my moaning and her eyes captivate me immediately.

"I am sorry, ma'am. I did not mean to wake you up"


I must have fallen asleep without knowing it but I am awoken by a cry of pain. Nick has woken up and I must say it is a great feeling to see his eyes again. Then suddenly it hurts me when he called me ma'am and that he does not know me at all. I realized that I have been holding his hand and he must be confused by that.

I jump away from the bed and take a step back.

"No, don't worry. I should not have fallen asleep and I'm sorry for know..."

I just gesture towards his hand because I know that it is not right for me to hold the hand of someone that does not know me. Even though I know him better than he knows himself he does not recognize me. But then the strangest thing happens...I see a glimpse of my Nick.

"Do not worry about that, ma'am. I would lie if I say that it was not enjoyable. I guess that you are Dr. McPherson fiance?"

The way he speaks to me is just as gentle as he always did. It is almost heartbreaking to hear him speak to me this way. Everything in me wants to take hold of him and never let go because I thought I would never see him again but now we have to deal with this huge elephant in the room.

I do not know to what extent his memory loss is but I do appreciate him trying to make an effort to at least acknowledge that I am his fiance.

"You really do not have to call me your fiance. I understand that you have memory loss and that you do not know who you are?"

"Yes, ma'am. I have been told that my name is Nick Roberts but unfortunately, I do not remember anything. I only knew that you were important to me because I found this photo in my pocket"

He holds it out to me and then I struggle to let my tears stay inside and not roll down my cheeks. I can only hope that this photo has brought him back to me. I nod my head in agreement and then I say.

"Yes, that was you and me on our engagement party at my mother's house just before we deployed here"


I listen to everything she is telling me and her voice is as beautiful as her features but what impresses me the most is the way that she is speaking to me. She's not trying to help me remember but she's giving me space to figure it out for myself.

I can slowly see why I have fallen so deeply in love and that I would ask her to marry me. Then I say to her.

"I do not know what it is about this photo but I must say it gave me the will to carry on"

She immediately avoids my eye contact and looks at the floor. I can see that she is in much emotional pain. As hard as this is for me I can only imagine how she must feel.

"I am sorry, I did not mean to make you feel sad"

"No, please, you do not need to apologize. I can only imagine what you must go through. If there is anything that I can do to help you remember, please let me know"

I have so many questions about my life but I think if I am going to ask them she might start to cry and I do not want to let this exquisite creature cry right now. I think I just want to enjoy her company for a few more moments.

She seems to captivate me with everything she says and does.

"I think I just want to concentrate on feeling better first before I have to go through this emotional rollercoaster"

"I completely understand. I was meaning to ask you if I can possibly do a check up on you. I do not know if you know but I am a doctor and I would like to know to what extent your head injury is?"

"Yes, have heard that you are a doctor. If you think that you can help me in some way I would appreciate it. So, please go ahead and do a check-up"


He agrees that I do a check up on him and I would lie if I say that I am not a bit nervous. It is difficult to treat him like some stranger while I know every curvature of his body by heart. It is almost like I am meeting him for the first time again. I slowly make my way to him and then I take out my stethoscope.

If I can hear the rhythm of his heart, I can determine a lot from just that.

"Do you mind?"

I put the stethoscope on his chest and I can not stop the tremble that is in my hand. I feel so nervous to be next to him. I think I am afraid of losing him and if I make one wrong move he might reject me.


I allow her to listen to my heart but then I feel her hand trembling on my chest. She must be terrified because the man that she knew for a very long now suddenly does not know who she is. I really do not want her to feel nervous around me because for some reason I want to be around her.

Then I take hold of her hand holding the stethoscope and I can see shock written all over her face. She probably did not expect me to do that. I can see her chest rising and falling as her heartbeat probably picked up. Then I look at her and say.

"I might have lost my memory but I really do not want you to feel nervous around me. I have this need to make you feel safe around me. So, I beg of you please do not be nervous"

Then I watch her smile an uncomfortable smile as if she is not sure how she must feel around me.


Then she carries on listening to my heart and I let go of her hand but for some reason, it does not feel good to not have her hand in mine. Then she looks at my pupils and she tests my blood pressure.

"So, what is the outcome, doc"


I almost freaked out when he held my hand and I saw that same compassion that he always has for me but when he called me "doc" that was the last straw for me.

How can someone that does not remember who they are have so many similarities to who they were? This is not fair at all and who will play such a sick joke on someone. How could this happen to us? I do not know how much longer I can take this without breaking down and cry.

I try to go into my doctor mode and only focus on the facts. I only had a handful of neurosurgeons in my OR before and usually, I would not be there when they do a consult on one of my patients.. But I have picked up one or two things when I was around them and apparently, the heart has a lot to do with the brain.

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