My Navy Seal II: Undeniable Attraction

Chapter 72 - I Will Not Move


I am staring at the nurse that once again bothered me in the middle of a very important surgery and no one can tell me what is going on. I have no idea why Nita is, so urgently, wanting to know when I am going to be finished. I will be finished when I am finished.

If I rush the surgery John would be without a leg and I am sure she knows this. The nurse is still staring at me in almost shock that I told her that Nita herself must come and ask me when I am going to be finished. The only reason I did that is because no one can tell me why.

"Okay...yes, doctor"

Then the nurse walks out of the room and I look at Tracy.

"What the hell is going on?"

"I have no idea, doctor"

"I think you should get out there and ask Nita what is going on please"

"Don't worry, doctor, I will get to the bottom of it"

Then she walks out of the room and it is only John and me.

"Don't you worry, John, I will get you to walk again. You should just hold on a little while longer, okay"

I know that he can not hear me but it makes me feel better to comfort him in some way. Then I take a deep breath and carry on. It feels like Tracy has been gone for almost half an hour and then she comes back.

I turn to look at her and she looks white as snow.

"What is wrong?"


"Oh no, not you too...what is going on with the nurses? Can you tell me what is going on?"

"Dr. McPherson, I think that we just need to finish the surgery as quickly as possible"

"I gathered as much but why?"

I watch as she stares at the floor and does not make any eye contact with me.

"Dammit! Come on, Tracy tell me what is going on?"

"I do not think it is my place... I just think you need to concentrate on your surgery now and finish it"

I can see the seriousness on her face and that makes me panic. What is it that she is hiding and does not want to tell me? Then suddenly a thought jumps into my mind and I can not help let it escape my mouth.

"Did they find Nick?!"

"Doctor, we should just concentrate on the surgery"

I put down my scalpel and I walk to her. I can feel my heart starting to race and my mouth drying. I get her attention and then I say.

"Tracy, we have come a long way and I need you to tell me if they have found Nick?!"


Those are the best words that I have heard in a very long time. They have finally found Nick. Nick is home. I am going to see my Navy Seal. I can not believe that they would have kept this joy from me. I smile from ear to ear and then I stay.

"Then why didn't anyone just tell me that? Let's get this surgery done"

"Uhm...yes, let's do that"

I walk back to John and this time I feel much different than what I felt when I first started. Now, I want to save John and I am going to see Nick. It feels like I have seen him years ago. When I am done with this surgery I am going to see the love of my life.

I can not stop smiling as I start to work on John's leg again. I am going to do the best surgery in the world. I am going to make John's leg whole again. I can not believe they have found Nick. It feels like I have been busy for another few hours but it has only been an hour.

I am finally confident enough to close up his leg and I know that if he wakes up he would still have the leg.

"Okay, I am ready to close up. Can you do it for me and then I can go and find Nick?"

Suddenly Tracy's face is pale white again. I can see that she wants to say something but nothing is coming out of her mouth. Then finally after what feels like hours she speaks up.

"Doctor, I think you should just first speak to Dr. Naidoo before you find Master Chief Roberts"

This is very confusing to me. I do not understand why everyone is being so awkward. Why does everyone want me to speak to Nita but no one wants to tell me why? And why didn't Nita come here so I can talk to her?

Something is going on and I do not know what it is. It is starting to scare me because everyone is just shying away from me.

"When are you going to tell me what is going on??"

Just then, Nita comes into the room.

"Finally! What is going on?"

Then I see that look that I hate so much. Her eyes are filled with concern and I can not help but feel extremely nervous. Something is wrong with Nick.

"What is wrong with Nick?"

She wants to touch my shoulders and then tell me what is going on but I move away from her touch.

"No! Just tell me. Tell me now. What is wrong with Nick?!"

Thousands of scenarios run through my head of what could be wrong with Nick. Did he lose the arm and leg? Or both his arms his legs? Is he on the verge of death? Is he dead? This is driving me insane. I need to know now.

"Nick is fine except for a few broken ribs and his arm is hurt badly"

I breathe a breath of relief as I thought the worst. I smile and then I say.

"Well, that is not bad. Now, tell me where he is?"

I want to walk past her but she grabs my arm.

"That is not all..."

I turn around slowly and I know my face is pale. I can feel my body starting to tremble and I eagerly wait for her to finish her sentence.

"Nick, he...he doesn't know who he is... He doesn't know who I am and he doesn't know where he is. He is completely confused and I do not know if it's temporary or permanent. He has no idea of what is going on around him"

No, god no! I am trying to take in what she is telling me but it is like a brick wall. Everything is just bouncing off it. It is like I do not want to believe a word she is saying. How can he just forget who he is?

I know that you get a few medical conditions where memory loss is involved but not my Nick. Things like this do not happen to my Nick.

"Well...did you do tests on him? Did you figure out what the cure is? Did you try and tell him who you are? Did you check his pupils for damage? Did you-"

She put both her hands on my shoulders and make me stop talking, then she says.

"I did everything that I can that he allowed me but the pain in his ribs was so severe that he...that he...dammit...He lost consciousness and he isn't awake yet...and I do not know if he...If he will wake up again... I am so sorry Kim"

No no no! I can accept the memory loss, the broken ribs, the arm that's hurting but I'm not accepting him not waking up again.

"No! Just no!!"

I can hear the crack in my voice as I push Nita aside because I have to see him for myself. I know that I am on the verge of tears but nothing will stop me to get to his side. I walk out of the room and then I look for Nick. I have to see him.

I run around like a crazed woman, trying to find him. Then I see another room with a curtain around it. He must be in here. I start to walk to the curtain and then I slowly open it.

And there he is...just laying there on the bed peacefully. I slowly walk up to him and I see his face is cut up. My heart feels like it is ripped out of its cage. His beautiful face is destroyed. I see his arm and his upper body is bandaged. How can he look so peaceful and yet be so hurt?

Now it is impossible to stop the tears from rolling down my cheeks. I walk even closer to him and I put my hand in his. He doesn't hold my hand. He doesn't even know that I am here. He just lies there peacefully sleeping.

I know now that this will be my place right here next to him. I will not move. I will not eat. I will go nowhere. I will stay by his side until he wakes up.. No one will be able to take me away from him again.

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