I watch as a man is coming for me and I know that I could die today. Wouldn't that just be unbelievable that I die and do not even know who I am? I hope that when I get into heaven someone will tell me who I am or maybe I would go to hell, I do not even know.

I am feeling completely unstable on my feet. I know that this man can just flick me with his finger and I will fall straight to the ground. I can hear my breathing starting to increase with the adrenaline that is running through my body. Then as the man walks even closer I noticed that his uniform does not look the same as mine.

Now I know that I am in trouble because if he is my enemy, there is not a lot of hope for me. I try to lift up my hands in surrender but I can not get my hands above my head. I think if I can just show him that I come in peace, he would not kill me. But then I hear him say.

"Master Chief?!"

I look at the man's face and he almost looks concerned. I can not help but frown and then I say to him.

"Do you know me?"

He takes my arm and puts it around his neck helping me to walk and then he says.

"Yes, Master Chief, it is me, Vic. John is here too"

I have no idea what this man is talking about and who is John? I must say that I do appreciate the help that he is giving me to walk but I have never seen this man in my life before. What is he talking about Master Chief and what is that?

Did I actually arrive at the rebel's camp? But why do our uniforms look different? It is clear that he knows me and so there is a burning question that I need an answer to.

"What is my name?"

Immediately the face of the man next to me changes into something that resembles shock. A frown appears on his face and then he almost smiles while he says.

"Sir, you are Master Chief Nick Roberts"

Wow, that was a mouthful. So, my name is Nick. I really wish that once I heard my name I would know who I am. But no bell rings and I still remember nothing. I am just so grateful that I am somewhere that someone knows me.

I wonder what is a Master Chief. I must then be in some sort of army or military thing. Then suddenly I get an idea. I take the picture out of my pocket and then show it to the man next to me.

"Do you know this woman?"

I can see that the man is completely confused by my question but he patiently answered it.

"Yes, that is Dr. Kim McPherson, your fiance"

I almost gasp as he says it to me that. I knew that this woman was good-looking but I never thought in a million years that she would be my fiance. This means that I am going to marry her and on top of that she is a doctor. Then the man turns to me and says.

"Are you feeling okay, Master Chief?"

Why does he keep on calling me Master Chief? Then I start to look around me and I wonder where he is taking me. I see all kinds of tents and people walking around. It looks like everyone is staring at me. Most of the people look like soldiers and I have no idea what is going on.

"No, I am not, okay. I think that I have a broken rib or two and my arm is not working"

Then suddenly another man comes walking up to me and puts my other arm around his neck. These guys are really helpful and they all seem to care about me. I must have a lot of friends in this camp. Then the first guy called Vic says to me.

"I know that you are not okay physically but what I meant was, are you okay mentally, sir"

I want to give him my answer but I think I have already given everything away.

"I do not really know...I do not know who I am. I know you said that I am Master Chief Nick Roberts but I do not know who that is"

The man's face now turns pale white and he looks at the other man while saying.

"We need to get him to the hospital, ASAP"

I think this guy knows what he is doing because I really do need to get to a hospital but then I see them taking me into a bigger tent. I look around me and I see a lot of people on beds. I guess that this is a hospital.

As they bring me in a woman comes walking up to me. She throws her arms around my neck and I can not help but groan in pain.

" the ribs, lady"

"Oh, I am so sorry, Nick. It is so good to have you back"

I take a step back because I really do not know who this is. Then I say to her.

"I am sorry but who are you?"

Her entire demeanor changes and she looks almost as if she has seen a ghost.

"It is me, Nita?!"

"I am sorry but I do not know you. But can I ask for a doctor to help me? Maybe if I can just get some painkillers?"

Then the man walks over to the woman and whispers something in her ear. I do not know what they said but then she changes into someone friendly.

"I am Dr. Naidoo. I can help you. Would you please follow me?"

Finally, I get to a doctor. I never thought that I would make it to the hospital and it seems like everyone here knows me. I wish I can look at something that will trigger my memory but everything seems foreign to me.

I follow her step by step with the two men still helping me until I get to lie down on a bed. I look at the woman's face and I can see that she is friendly but almost completely concerned. She starts to take out some bandages and then I turn to her.

"I am sorry but how well do you know me? You seem to be concerned about me?"

It is almost as if I have told her that she is going to die with the reaction that I get from her face.

"I know you very well...We have served almost in every tour together"

What does she mean with a tour? And what does she mean we served? I need to get some sort of an idea of what I am because it seems that I might be an important person.

"I am sorry, ma'am but I am struggling to realize who I am. It seems that I might have some sort of memory problem. I know that I am a rebel but who am I?"

Then suddenly I feel my entire body going into some sort of spasm. Everything around me starts to get blurry and I can not feel my feet and legs or anything. Then, I disappear.


I still have an hour to go before I would be confident that John would not lose his leg. Every so often I would take a step away and Tracy would wipe the sweat from my forehead. Then I will just continue and go on with the surgery.

Then a nurse comes walking in and says to me.

"I am sorry to bother you, doctor but Dr. Naidoo would like to know how far are you with your surgery"

Why would Nita want to know how far I am with surgery. She knows that this is very important and she would not just interrupt me.

"Just tell her I do not know and it could be maybe another hour. Why does she want to know?"

"Oh...uhm...I don't...I mean...I will tell her"

What the hell was that? Why couldn't she just answer me? I do not need a distraction right now but now I start to wonder why does she want to know how long I am going to be. I shake the feeling and continue to work on his leg.

A half an hour has passed and then another nurse comes walking in.

"I'm sorry, doctor but Dr. Naidoo just wants to know if you are close to the end"

I lift up my hands and turn around in frustration. I need to know why Nita is so adamant about knowing when I'm going to be finished.

"I need to know why? I need to know why Nita wants to know when I am finished?"

"Well, I...I do not know?"

"Then, you say to Nita that if she wants to know how long I am still going to take, then she must come in here herself"

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