I am just about to go into the room where John is waiting for his surgery but he has no plans to have surgery right away as he was requesting Vic's presence urgently. I finally found him and then he ran faster than me to get to John.

I did not want to interrupt so I just stand at the curtain listening. What I hear is almost like music to my ears. But at the same time, it is terrifying to find out the John does not know where Nick is. How is it possible that they were in the same car but Nick was not there?

A million thoughts are going through my mind and I do not know which one I should listen to. Every thought has a feeling connected to it and it is driving me insane. Do I need to be worried or should I be happy?

John is sending out a search party for him but at the same time, he has no idea where Nick is. I need to get in there and find out more. I am just about to go through the curtain when Vic comes running out of the room.

"Someone, please help!"

"What is wrong?"

I can see panic written all over his face and then I push past him to John.

"I do not know what happened. We were still talking and then the next moment his eyes rolled into his head and he started convulsing..."

I see John convulsing on the table and I know it is the infection that is causing him to do this. I try to keep him stable on the table and then I turn to call for Tracy.

"Tracy I need help!"

A second has not even passed and Tracy is right next to me. She holds him tight while I walk over to the drawer of medicine and get him the drug that he needs. She holds his arm stable on the table and I inject it into his arm.

He slowly comes down from convulsing and I know that I do not have a lot of time to operate on him. If I do not operate right away he might lose his leg and even his life. Then I turn around and I see Vic still standing there in unbelief and shock.

I walk over to him and then say with an urgency in my voice.

"Vic, I need you to listen to me. John is going to be okay but I am sure he told you to do something and I need you to do that something. Can you do that for me?"

He is still looking over my shoulder at John and I know that I need to get his attention. I then grab his shoulders and say.

"Do you hear me, soldier?!"

Then it is as if he snaps out of whatever he was in and looks me right in the eyes.

"Yes, ma'am!"

"Okay, now go. Go and find Nick"

He turns around and I can only watch as he runs back to his team. I can not go with him and help them look. I am stuck here and I am John's only hope. My heart is completely torn into pieces because the only place I want to be right now is with Nick.

Then I turn around and look at John. I know that he has a wife and kids. I need to bring him back to his family. I need to save Nick's friend. I quickly made my way over to him and then put on my gloves. I look at Tracy and say.

"You are going to have to help me with this one. It is going to be a long procedure but if we do it right, he will be able to walk again"

She looks at me and smiles.

"I am here for as long as you need me, doctor"

I love the way that she has this enthusiasm and I try to tap into some of what she has. I take a deep breath and then I start.


I must have dozed off because I can see it is almost noon. I do not want to spend another day in the forest and I need to get out of here. I try to stand up and now it feels like an elephant has stomped on me while I was sleeping. There is not one part of my body that is not hurting.

It feels like every bone in my body is broken and I struggle to see the will to live. Every time I try to sit up and it becomes more difficult. I lay back down again and take a deep breath which I am also struggling to do too. Then I look at the photo and it almost feels like that woman is calling me.

I do not know where it comes from or who she is but it is as if I have this desire to get to her. I look at my face in this photo and I see happiness. She must mean a lot to me.

"Okay...fuck...I will try one more time...aahh..."

I slowly start to move just lifting a finger and then one hand and then one arm. If I am going to do this then I should do it slower than a snail. Even though the pain is unbearable it is easier if you do it bit by bit.

After what feels like hours I am finally sitting upright. Breathing is becoming almost impossible but I did promise the lady in the photo that I will try one more time. I think I am becoming delusional because I am talking to a picture.

Finally, I am standing and that was the easy part. Now I must walk. It feels like I am a very old man that forgot the ability to walk. So, I put one foot in front of the other and I know I am only guessing which direction I should walk in.

I pray that I see just one person. It does not even have to be the rebels. Any random person will do right now. I just need to go to a hospital. Then I will find out who I am when I am finally feeling better.

I am struggling to discern things around me. I have been in this forest for so long that I do not know if I am walking in circles and if I ever will get out of this. Then suddenly I see what looks like the forest's end.

As I start to walk closer to the end I swear I see something like a tent. But at this point, I can not trust my eyes as I have almost fallen a few times misjudging the path that was laid out before me. I want to shout for help but my throat is so dry that my voice is not working.

Finally, I am out of the forest I swore that I just saw someone walking in the distance. Then suddenly I see another person and another. Could this possibly be the rebels? Have I by accident walked right into their camp?

That would be so great. Maybe they can tell me who I am. I try to walk faster but I am afraid that I might pass out. It feels like I still have miles to go but the people are so close, maybe they will notice me now and help me.

Then I see they have guns. I know that I am supposed to turn around and run but right now, I can either face them or drop dead right here. It must be the rebels because they should have guns. Then a man comes running up to me pointing a gun at my head.

I know that I am in trouble now but maybe if I explain. He will remember me somehow.


As I am busy with his operation things are starting to get tricky. I have done a few difficult operations in my life but this one is probably the most difficult one. There are so many nerves that you have to work with and if you are going to damage just one now everything you worked on will be lost and you can just stop where you are and amputate.

I need to concentrate on what I am doing because this is not just any other soldier it is Nick's best friend. I am sure that when he returns he would like to find his best friend with both legs. I take a step away and then Tracy wiped the sweat from my forehead.

I take a deep breath and try to steady my hand again. This surgery might take another few hours and I am not going to rush it. As long as John is stable I will keep on trying to save his leg. Then I start again as if I have just started and do my best.

Hi Readers

I will be starting a new book called "My Navy Pilot" on the new reading app called Dreame. Do not forget to follow me. You will find me under Mrssmithwriter.


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