Every step that I take is more painful than the last one. I do not know for how long I can still carry on and I am starting to wonder whether I am even walking in the right direction. All I see is forest and there is no end to it. I am thirsty and I am hungry.

My water has run out last night and the pain in my ribs is excruciating. I do not see any signs of any camp or rebels and I am beginning to lose hope. I haven't seen one person since I woke up from the accident except for that guy that I almost killed.

This place is completely deserted and all I have is this one photo. Then the trees seem to open up to something that looks like a waterhole. I start to walk towards the water and then I see steam coming from it. I'm not sure what that is but I wonder if I could drink any of it.

I want to bend down and take a sip but when I put my hand in it and the water is lukewarm almost hot. It looks like there are bubbles in the water and maybe I could die drinking this water. Then suddenly I find myself in a predicament.

When I bend down I could not get up again. The pain is too much to bear so I decided to take a little rest right here. It feels as if I want to whine and give up but something inside me pushes me to carry on. I guess I will just wait here for a little bit and then try to get up again.


I was just about to walk away from John and tend to the other soldiers but then I heard him moan and I am as quick as lightning next to him again.

"Can you hear me, John? It is me, Kim?"

I watch him moaning and moving around as if he is having a bad dream. I put my hand against his forehead and I realized that he has a fever. This is a good thing and a bad thing. The good thing is that he is starting to wake up and the bad thing is that he has an infection.

"Just hold on, John"

I quickly walk over to the medicine drawer and take out a syringe. I need to get his fever down as quickly as possible and then we have to find the source of the infection. We need to get him to feel better as quickly as possible.

I draw out the amount of medicine that we need and then injected it into his drip. I get a wet towel and quickly put it on his forehead trying to cool him down. He must have some kind of a nightmare because when you have a fever it can play all kinds of tricks on your mind.

This reminds me of that one time when me and Nick barely knew each other. Someone tried to attack me and then he got cut by the attacker's knife. He had a severe fever and he was highly delusional.

I wish I can just focus on John right now and not let my thoughts get the best of me. I can not believe that I am struggling so much to just do the normal things. I should trust that Nick knows what to do in any situation. I know he will come back to me.

I watch as John starts to come down from his fever and he seems to be more calm. Then I have a look at his leg again and I can see that there is some swelling which means the infection is in his leg. I stand up and walk to Nita.

"We have a problem"

"What is wrong?"

"We can not wait for John to wake up. He has an infection in his leg. I just gave him something for the fever but it is not going to keep long enough until we need to treat the infection"

"I don't know if we should do this..."

It is very dangerous to do an operation on someone if they have not been alert and awake after their trauma. They can easily fall into a coma and never return. I understand why she is hesitating. Nothing in me wants to take him into surgery right now before he could be able to tell me something but I will be playing with his life if I do not.

"We do not have much of a choice"

She put her hand on my shoulder and then look at me with those sympathetic eyes. I know exactly what she is going to say.

"You know what this means?"

"Yes, I know that if he can not tell me where Nick is, no one can"

As I say the words it feels like somebody is stabbing me with a knife through my heart. John was my only hope and now if I take him into surgery and he never wakes up, no one would know where Nick is. But I have sworn an oath to save lives and that is what I am supposed to do.

"Okay, do you want to prep him or should I?"

"I will, it is okay"

I turn around and walk back to John. I sit next to him while putting the towel on his forehead and whisper softly in his ear.

"John, I need you. I need you to tell me where Nick is"

I know I am reaching for straws but I hope that he would open his eyes. I stare at him waiting to open his eyes but nothing happens. I stand up feeling completely hopeless. It feels as if there is no hope left. I start to prep him and I do it as a robot would. Without any feeling.

If I am going to let my feelings run around then I would either pass out or mess up and I am not planning to do either of those things. After a few minutes of prepping I start to push him into the room behind the curtain. It is only me and him as I haven't let the nurses know yet.

I push him into the middle of the room and then I turn around to get the nurses.


I do not take another step but I turn around and run back to him.

"John, can you hear me?"

I watch his eyes carefully and then I see a flatter. Oh my god, he is waking up. I put my hand on his shoulder and then I say again.

"Can you hear me, John? It is me, Kim"

"Water...I...I need...water"

He hasn't even finished his sentence when I am ready with a glass of water. I lift his head so that he can drink the water and I can see appreciation with every sip of it. I can not help but smile seeing him awake. As he lay his head down after drinking the water. He closes his eyes again but then in the instant opens his eyes wide.


My heart skips a beat at hearing his name and then he grabs my shirt pulling me closer to him.

"What about Nick? Where is he?"

"You have to find him! You have to get to him!"

I can see the urgency in his eyes and the worrying is voice. It is clear that something horrible must have happened to Nick. I am trying to figure out what he is saying and then I say to him.

"What happened? Where is he?"

"There was a bomb. The Jeep...the Jeep is on its side...he is gone"

I hear what he is saying but it is like almost broken words. Nothing makes sense. Then he pulls me even closer and says with urgency in his voice.

"I need...I need to talk to Vic. I need Vic! I need Vic!"

He is beginning to yell with urgency as his need for Vic is severe. I know that his heart rate is beginning to increase and that is not good when you have an infection because then it spreads faster.

"Okay! I will go and get him for you. Just calm down. Please!"

I do not know why he wants to speak to Vic so urgently but I turn around and start running. On my way out I tell the nurse to keep an eye on John and then as far as I go I ask everyone where is Vic. Finally, I got to him completely breathless and say.

"Quick...come...John needs to speak to you"

I haven't even finished my sentence and he starts running towards the hospital. I try to keep up with him but obviously, he is so much faster than me. I finally get to the hospital and then I hear them talk.

" need to get a search party and find Nick. He just disappeared. We had a bombing on route. Here are the coordinates. I wrote it down. I found his dog tags. Get all the men you can get and go. And go now"

"Yes, sir!"

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