My Navy Seal II: Undeniable Attraction

Chapter 68 - Can You Hear Me


I wake up feeling ice cold inside and out. It has been a horrible night and I could not get to sleep until the early hours of the morning. It was a mixture of pain and thoughts that consume me. I do not know who I am and I wake up this morning still not knowing who I am.

I want to stand up but my body does not allow me to.

"Aaahhh...fucken hell"

Pain is shooting through my entire body and it is igniting from my ribs. It is almost as if it set through the night and now I want to move it again. It feels like I am breaking it all over again. I have no idea how I am going to get from lying down to standing up.

I try to move from laying down to sitting up but every movement that I make is like a thousand spears being shot into my rib cage. I lay my head down again and I think to myself, is this the way I am going to die?


Nita is staring deep into my eyes and rubbing her hands up and down my shoulders. It is clear to me that she is greatly concerned about me and I can not lie but I am concerned about myself too. How could I think for a second that John, is Nick?

I am a doctor and I know that is the first sign of being mentally unstable. I can not allow this to happen to me. I should get something in my system and just take a bit of space. I can feel the tears still rolling down my cheeks but I clear my throat and I say.

"I am so sorry. You are right. Will you look after him and make sure that he is alive when I come back?"

"You know that we all love John and we will do our best to keep him alive. I promise. Now, please go and look after yourself"

I just nod my head and then make my way out of the hospital. I can not help but stare in the direction of which John came and I wish that Nick would have followed. Then I wipe the tears from my eyes and I walk to the food court. I better get something to eat.

I try to give myself a pep talk that it is a good thing that John is back. At least he will bring us some sort of closure to what happened to Nick. I start to eat my food and make sure that I take deep breaths staying as calm as I possibly can.

The joke of all of this is that I do not even know Nick for so long but he has managed to break into my heart and then took it with him. He asked me to marry him and I said yes without thinking. I have never met a man like Nick and should he be dead, I am sure that I will never meet someone like him again.

I make sure that I eat enough food so that I can return to John. I need to be next to him. I need to help him and I need him to talk to me. We all are eager to find out where Nick is and what happened to them. I hate being so lost and not knowing what is going on around me.

Finally, I have finished eating and then I walk as slow as I can back to the hospital. I have to be level-headed and in my right mind because I know that John should get surgery. I also know that I am the only surgeon and they are going to need me. As I get back to his bed I see Nita sitting next to him.

She has promised me that she would look after him and that is exactly what she did. As I approach his bed I turn to Nita with a slight smile on my face.

"I am sorry that I yelled at you. You know I did not mean it, right"

She stands up and walks towards me.

"You know I got your back girl. We need to stick together and help each other as much as we can"

I give her a hug and then I say.

"How is he doing?"

"He is still unconscious. All we can do now is wait. He is going to need some surgery on his leg though"

"Yeah, I gathered as much"

"But let's wait until he has woken up"

"Yeah that is a good idea"

Then she turns to me looking concerned and says.

"We are all hoping that Nick will return but for now we need to focus on who we have in front of us"

I get what she is saying and I wish it was that easy.


I need to make a plan to stand up. I wish I had some painkillers to just get me up from the ground. I really need some fire now maybe if I am warm, I can do some more moving. I see the rocks that I started the fire with last night, are not too far away from me and there is still a dry stick or two.

As I move my arm to slam the rock, it feels as if I am slamming my arms with that rock. But I muster through it and I get a fire started. As I lay back down I feel satisfied with this very big accomplishment that I just accomplished. I feel the fire starting to warm up my body and I am glad that I thought about that because I am starting to feel a bit better.

I realize that I am very hungry and thirsty. I know that I would not last very long if I do not have something in my stomach. I guess my body needs a lot right now to just survive. As I start to sit upright the pain is more bearable but then the thought comes to me. What if I get to stand and I do not know where to go?

I do not even know who I am so how would I know where to go. I can feel that sadness starts to reside in my heart. Things are becoming more difficult and my emotions are starting to take hold of me. I think that I should have something to live for. But what can I live for if I do not know what to live for?

Then just as I push my hand on the ground to help me up, I feel the photo that I left next to my head. I take hold of it and look at it again. I do not know if it is my imagination but she becomes more beautiful the more I look at her. She can not possibly be my sister because something deep within me does not agree with that theory.

Then, I guess, the reason to live would be this woman. Because she is exquisite and would make any man want to live. I am now finally sitting upright. I lift up my knee and feel that the pain is bearable. I try to keep my chest as straight as possible and not bend it at all, even in the slightest.

My other arm is not helping me very much and I start to wonder if I might be losing it completely. I wonder if I was a doctor, would I know what was going on but it is clear that I do not have an idea. But these couple of days I do not really know anything, except, of course, I know how to make a fire and I would be able to handle myself should someone attack me.

Then, finally, I got myself to stand up. I look around and try and figure out in which direction I should walk but when I take a step I do not only feel pain but my breathing is almost impossible.

I suspect that one of my ribs has punctured my lung and that is causing me to have difficulty breathing. I guess I would take one step at a time and I hope that I am walking in the right direction. I take the photo and put it back in my pocket. Maybe someone would know this woman and would be able to help me.


As we stand at the bed of John. I pray that God will hear me and that he will wake him up so that he would tell me where Nick is. But it does not help. He just lies there, unconscious and there is nothing anyone can do about it except wait.

I turn around and decide to go and help with the other soldiers but just as I walk away I hear something like a moan. I quickly turn around and touch his arm saying.

"John, can you hear me?!"

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