My Navy Seal II: Undeniable Attraction

Chapter 80 - Can You Hear Me


I wake up the next morning feeling much better than the day before. It is quiet in the hospital and only a single staff is awake. Then I look next to me and see the most beautiful woman in the world. Then I remember our conversation that we had in the middle of the night.

We are going to quit together. All this will be something of the past and we will be free and clear to do whatever we want to. The very first thing that I want to do when we get back is marry this beautiful woman. I do not want anything to come between us ever again. I want to claim her as mine and I do not want her to leave my arms.

I will make her the happiest woman alive and I will make sure that I never forget who she is. I never thought that I would get so lucky to fall in love with such a woman. When I think back on my past relationships, I can not help but shake my head because they do not even match what I have today.

I kiss her on the forehead because I can not restrain my lips to not kiss her. Her skin is so beautiful in the morning light and it is as if she is calling me to plant my lips on that beautiful silky skin. Then she wakes and she makes these incredible beautiful sounds. It is almost like soft moans and I am happy to wake up like this every day.

"I'll take that as you had a good night's sleep?"


When I feel his lips against my skin I know that I'm exactly where I need to be. But the best of all is when I see those beautiful eyes looking at me and I know that he is going to be mine forever.

"I had the best night sleep, thank you"

Then I remember what we spoke about and a smile attacks my face.

"It must be one hell of a sleep because of that smile that you are giving me"

"Actually, my smile had nothing to do with my sleep. My smile had to do with the fact that we are going to get married"


It is the best words that I can hear right now. I know that it is going to be difficult to quit but it is good to know that there's going to be a light at the end of this tunnel and that is a light that I really want to walk to.

"I can not wait to be your husband"

Then I pull her in for a kiss just as a reminder that I am still very much in love with her. She closes her eyes and pulls away from my kiss saying.

"Hmmm...but for now, we have to get you healthy and I have to go and check up on my patients"

Then I remember that I am in pain and when she gets out of my bed I can feel the pain returning.

"How are you feeling today?"

"I guess I'm in a bit of pain but that is expected right?"

"Yes, but luckily, we have something that we call painkillers. Let me get you some"

"You are a woman close to my heart"


I turn to look at him and he gives me that cocky smile of his. I know he is hiding his pain behind that smile but I like it, nevertheless. I straighten up my clothes and walk to the medicine drawer. I glance at his chart to see if someone did something in the night but I am clear to give him some pain medicine.

I draw the correct amount and then I injected it into his drip.

"You should have much less pain in a few minutes"

"Thank you"

It feels as if I am walking around in a daze. I want to say to the Admiral that I am quitting but I know there's still a lot of things to be done here. I know that I can not leave this place until the Admiral tells me that I can and then I wonder suddenly how all of this is going to work.

I make my way back to Nick and sit on his bed. I take his hand and I start to play with his fingers.


It is clear that there is something on Kim's mind and she doesn't really want to ask me but that is why we are so good together. We know what the other one is thinking.

"What is going on?"

"I'm just wondering how all this is going to work? When are we getting back and when are we telling everyone that we are quitting?"

When she says that it is like a shock running through my body. I know that I want to do this but now that it's becoming a reality it is a kind of a shock. I never thought that I would quit the Navy Seals. I always just presume they would tell me to step down because I am too old.

Now we have to have a plan of action and I know it's going to be a difficult road for both of us.

"Well, I think that the Admiral deserves to hear it first don't you?"

"Yes, I think you are right. So, are we keeping quiet?"

I rub my chin and think. Then I say.

"I think if we going to tell someone then it is going to spread like wildfire. Maybe we should just keep it quiet until we spoke to him?"

"Yes we do not want people to get upset and not focus while we are on base"

He kisses my hand and then he says to me.

"Then it stays between us at least for now"

"At least for now"

I give him a final kiss and then I pull away saying.

"I know how much you love lying in a hospital bed so I will be leaving you now"

He doesn't let go of my hand and then pulls me back into him kissing me again.

"I do not think that you should leave a sick patient like this. That is just not good doctoring"

I love the way that he plays with me and then I say to him.

"That is why I'm not going to leave you alone and send you Tracy to look after you"

I quickly wiggle out of his grip and then I stand at the door of the curtain.

"I will make sure that they sent you a nice breakfast..."

He put his hand on his heart and then he smiles saying.

"You know me so well. Come back soon"

"I will come back as soon as I can...that I will promise you"


I watch as she disappears from my sight and I can not be happier that I made the decision to marry her. I lay back down on my pillow and stare at the ceiling of the tent. I love to be in a bed not able to move. It feels like I have to do something. I do not know what but I have to do something.


I am so in love with that man lying in that bed that it's very hard for me to walk away. But I know I have to go and check on a few patients and especially John. Then I see Tracy and I say to her.

"Good morning"

"Good morning, doctor. I gathered you had a good night sleep"

"The best that I have had many days"

"That is great news"

"I was wonder if you can see to it that Nick gets breakfast this morning"

"It will only be my pleasure, doctor"

"Thank you"

I pat her on the shoulder and then I make my way straight to John. I get to his bed and then look through his chart. He had some elevated heart beating through the night but nothing serious. I wish he can just wake up now because I know that Nick would not rest until he has seen his friend.

I feel his pulse with my fingers on his wrist and it is steady. Then I just stare for a few seconds at John and say.

"Come on John. You need to wake up. You have a wife waiting for you at home. I know you can do this"

I am just about to turn around when I hear a moan coming from him. I quickly turn around and take his hand saying urgently.

"John?! Can you hear me?!"



"That hurts...*cough*"

I quickly get some ice chips and then put them on his lips. Then I watch his eyes opening slowly.

"Where am I? What happened?"

"You are back at the base. You were in an accident but you are better now"

I can see that he is still a bit confused about where he is and then suddenly it is as if he is being attacked by something. Then he says.

"Where is Nick?! We have to find Nick!!"

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