John has just shown signs of life and I am so happy to see his eyes open again but then suddenly he turned into a state of panic because he wants us to save Nick. I put my hand on his shoulder and make sure that he looks in my eyes when I say.

"Nick is here and he is safe! We found him or...he found us"

"What? Is he here? I need to see him"

"Yes, of course. I will bring him to you. How are you feeling?"

"I am okay. I just need to know if Nick is okay"

I knew that their friendship was strong but this is on another level.

"Okay. I am going to let nurse Tracy look after you and I will get Nick for you"

I pat him on his chest and then I walk to Tracy.

"John is awake. Can you please give him something to drink and just keep him awake. He wants to see Nick and I I am going to get him"


She walks over to John and starts to help him up and let him drink some water. She checks his blood pressure and everything that needs to be done. I quickly make my way to Nick. When I get behind the curtain and into his room. I see his face lit up.

"I have some good news for you"


"John is awake and he wants to see you"

"That is good news. Then let me just get out of here...aahhh..."

The painkillers must have kicked in because he forgot that he has broken ribs. I quickly ran to his aid and then I push him down on the bed.

"Not so fast, mister. I have to get a wheelchair for you. You are not going to be able to walk with those ribs"


I have completely forgotten about my injuries as I am too happy to hear that John is awake. He has been a lifelong friend and I would hate for him to die because I forgot who I was. I do not even know how it happened that we got separated and I would like it if he can tell me what happened.

I feel Kim's soft hands on my chest and I know I should listen to my doctor. So, I wait patiently as she comes in with a wheelchair, and then I slowly get off my bed into the wheelchair. I will not lie, it was very painful to move but I guess my excitement to see John overpowers the feeling of the pain.

We make our way to John's bed and I see him lying there all bandaged up. His leg is in a swing and his face is almost just as scratched as mine. I smile at him and say.

"It took you long enough. I can not wait for you forever"

I hear him laugh and cough as we see each other. Then Kim pushes me next to his bed and we give each other a handshake. Then I feel the soft breathing of the woman that I love in my ear and she says.

"I am going to leave you here. You catch up. I'll come back later"

I put my hand on her hand on my shoulder, pulling her closer and I kiss her hand.

"Thank you"

Then she walks away and I give my full attention to John. He smiles and says.

"So, we get bombed and you walk away?"

I frown as I have no idea what he is talking about. I guess it has to do with the accident we were in. I put my hand on my neck rubbing it and then I say without looking into his eyes.

"It seems I had some sort of amnesia. I have no idea what happened and I hope that you could have filled me in"

I can see the shock on his face as I think he just realized how bad the situation could have been.

"Do you know how worried I was? I thought you were captured by the enemy but in the meantime, you were wandering around?"

We laugh together trying to get away from the uncomfortable reality that we faced. Then I decide to throw in the first question.

"So, tell me what happened to you?"

"Fuck man...all I know is we were driving along and then we must have hit a mine. So, our Jeep flew into the air and we both were thrown from it. Then suddenly I woke up and you were gone. I walked as fast as I can back to the base but I had a few injuries..."

I see him gesturing towards his leg and I can see the sadness in his eyes.

"...when I made my way back to the base I looked around in the area where the accident was and all I could find was this..."

He gives me my dog tags and suddenly everything becomes a reality. Suddenly, I realize that he must have gone through shit not knowing where I am. I can see that this is very hard for him and that he is holding back whatever tears he has.

"I am so sorry man. You know that I would not-"

He lifts up his hand as he wants me to stop talking and then he smiles saying.

"You are home aren't you? That is all that matters"

I play with the dog tags in my hand and I just realized again how close I was to being lost forever. If I did not find my way back here while we are in a foreign country and if Kim did not kiss me, where would I have been today.

"Yeah, that's all that matters. How are you feeling?"

"Aahh a million dollars"

We laugh again and coughing as we go laugh through our injuries. Then suddenly I realize how sad John would be if he finds out that I am leaving. He has been my right-hand man for so many years and now I am going to give it all up.


I make sure not to walk too far away from the guys as one of them might need me. I know that John is not completely out of the woods yet and anything can happen. I need to be close by should something decide to happen. But I keep my distance just watching them.

I can see that Nick is extremely happy to talk to his friend again and vice versa. I can see both sadness and happiness in their eyes. While I watch them I realize that Nick will lose this. He will lose this closeness that they have as being Navy Seals together. John will continue and be gone for many months at a time while Nick stays home.

I know now that this would be much more difficult for Nick than for me. I have made some good friends over here but I haven't had the same amount of time that he spent with them. I think that I should make very sure whether he wants to leave or not.

Then I decide to go and check on some of my other patients and find out if there are any other surgeries that I need to do. I can not help but have this twinkle in my eye just thinking about getting married to that man. Just having that big old country wedding that I dreamt about for so many years.

I always thought that my knight in shining armor will be handsome but never have I even given a second to how handsome he is actually going to be. Every so often I keep on glancing back at them talking. That raven black hair is still throwing me off my game. He can do with me whatever he pleases, I am completely at his mercy.


We are still talking about nonsense and how lucky we are that we are alive when Vic makes his way to us.

"Master Chief, sir"

"At ease, soldier what can I help you with?"

"Sir, the Admiral would like to speak to you. He requested that you speak to him in private, sir"

"Yes, of course. Can you just push me out of the hospital please"

"Yes, sir"

He starts to push me out of the hospital and I can feel his lingering question.

"What is on your mind, soldier?"

"Sir, I just kind of feel responsible..."

He pushes me out of the hospital tent and then he stands in front of me.

"For what soldier?"

"Well, while you were gone, sir. It felt like it was my duty to look after Dr. McPherson and well..."

I can feel anxiousness rising in my heart because he is talking about the love of my life.

"Spit it out?!"

"Well, I probably shouldn't have told her a few things"

"What are you talking about? I need you to tell me everything, now! What happened to my fiance?!"

If he is not going to tell me what is going on right now I am ready to kill someone.

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