If I could stand right now I would pace up and down but unfortunately, I am confined to this wheelchair. Vic just told me that he shouldn't have told the love of my life something and I'm starting to get anxious about what he's going to say. I know that he probably is a little bit scared to tell me but he has the right to feel that way.

I am about to almost kill him if he does not tell me right now. I have to get my emotions out somehow so I start to clench my fists.

"Vic, I do not have time for this kind of game. You better tell me now right now or I swear to God..."

"It is just...I told her when you were missing, that there was radio silence between the team and you and John..."


"...and well when I told her that...she kind of passed out..."

I do not know how to feel about this information. I know that it probably took a lot of guts for Vic to tell me this and I guess he's feeling a bit guilty for making her pass out. But he has been a good friend and teammate for many years and I know he would not do anything to hurt someone that I love.

Though, the thought of her passing out just confirms what I was thinking the entire time. It must have been severely bad for her when I wasn't here and this showed me that she couldn't handle the fact that I was gone.

"It is okay, Vic. If you did not tell her she would have figured it out eventually. She's very intelligent and would have found a way. But thank you for letting me know"

He nods his head and then he leaves me alone with the radio. I know that I need to talk to the Admiral but my thoughts are now with Kim. I have to try and keep her as safe as possible and let her know that I am here. Then I radio the Admiral.

"Admiral, Master Chief come in"

"Reading you loud and clear. Over"

"You wanted to speak to me, sir"

"Yes, I have the list of soldiers that are staying there and I want you to let them know"

"Yes, sir"

My heart starts to race as he starts to tell me who is staying. I am not really a man that prays but right now in this second, I am praying like never before. I do not want Kim to stay and I have to go.

"...then of the medical staff..."

I hold my breath for his entire list of the medical staff. Every time I hear a k-sound, I wonder if it's her. Then I can breathe again because she is not one of them. I can not help but wonder if the Admiral has done this for me.

Maybe he missed me too much when I was almost lost forever and this is some sort of reward that I returned. Still, I can not stop thinking that I am going to have to tell him that I am quitting. Then he might want to change his mind if you knew that.

Soon, I have finished speaking to him and then I wheel my way back into the hospital. Just before I go back in I give the list of people to Vic and tell him to gather them so that I can speak to them. I know that some of them will be happy to stay and others maybe not so much.

As I get back into the hospital my eyes immediately lock with Kim's. I can not help but give her a smile as I know that she's not one of them staying here. We can go back home and quit together as we have decided.


I was just about to get worried about where Nick is when I see him wheeling back into the hospital. I do not know where he has been or what he was doing but boy, does he look fine. He gives me that famous cocky smile of his and I can not get enough of him. I walk straight up to him and say.

"Where have you been, Master Chief Roberts? I am almost sure that you are not allowed out of the hospital?"

I feel his hand searching for mine and then I walk closer to hold his hand.

"I guess when the Admiral requests me to talk to him and private I am allowed to leave?"

"You drive a hard bargain. I guess I don't have much to say in that matter"

He kisses my hand and then he says.

"No, unfortunately, he wins this round"

"Okay, mister. Let's get you back into bed. Those ribs aren't going to heal themselves if you don't lie on your back"

I walk around pushing his wheelchair back to his room and then he must get the last word in as always.

"You like it when I'm on my back"

I am so glad that he can not see the blush on my face because he is dead right in saying that I like it.

"I can not wait to show you how much I like it"

Suddenly, I hear him choke on his own spit. He probably did not expect me to be so straightforward about my feelings. He better get used to it because after wondering where he was these couple of days, I am not planning to hold back at all.

Then I help him from the wheelchair into the bed and cover him up with the blankets. It is starting to get chilly out there and the winter is probably coming. I wish to go back home now and cuddle in front of a fireplace. I wish to be this man's wife for the rest of my life.

"I'm almost finished with my rounds and then I will bring dinner"

"I will be waiting right here for you"

I smile and then I make my way back to my patients. I want to finish as quickly as possible so that I can be next to Nick's side.


After the engagement party, Angie and John make their way back to John's house. John is passed out on the passenger seat next to Angie and when she arrives at his home she walks around the car and helps him to his house. It is clear that John has drank one too many and Angie is not too far behind him.

When she finally got him on the couch he wants to have some fun with her but it is clear that she does not have any intention to return the fun. She sits with her arms folded and then looks at John passed out on the couch, saying.

"Did you see them?"

"W-what?...what are you babbling about?"

Angie slaps him against his head and then says.

"Kim and Nick, you idiot! All happy and in love. I want that too!"

Then John sits up and nuzzles his head in her neck.

"But baby, we have that"

She shoves him away and then says to him.

"Really? Are you a Navy Seal? Do you look like Nick? Did you even see how he looks like?! We do not have that!"

He looks at her with content in his eyes and then he said.

"Yes, I am much better than him...*hic*...looky here"

He stands up but he almost falls down losing his balance and then he quickly lifts up his shirt to show her his alcohol belly.

"He's got nothing to me...*hic*"

Angie stands up in frustration and then pushes him back on the lounge.

"I do not know what I saw in you but you are not worth my time"

Then she walks out of the door while slamming it behind her and gets back into her truck driving back home. She sways over the road and finally stops back into the driveway. It is almost past one in the morning as she slams her truck doors as she walks back into her house.

Then her dad meets her at the door and he looks mad.

"What the hell, Angie? There is a guest sleeping over. Can you keep it down?"


She then walks to her room and slams the door. Her dad wants to talk to her but he knows that there is no arguing with a drunkard. He can not help but feel sad because he doesn't know where he has gone wrong with her. She was such a sweet little girl and now she turned into this.


He stands up from the couch again trying to make his way to the kitchen but it seems like an impossibility for him. He is so drunk that everything is double. He doesn't even know where Angie has gone but that is not what is on his mind. He doesn't know what has gone wrong between him and Kim.

He knows that the Nick guy does not deserve her. He deserves her and he will get her back....

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