I hear what he is saying to me and it is like music to my ears. I love how he can say these things unexpectedly and it just goes straight to my heart. He tells me that he loves me in the most unexpected way and that is how hard I fall for him every day. He just makes being with him worthwhile over and over again.

"Do you know that you make me feel crazy in love with you?"

I just feel like I have to return what I am feeling so that he can know how much he means to me. I see him smiling that cocky smile and I know that I want to make him mine here and now. But I know tomorrow is going to be a big day and he should get as much sleep as he can.

"You know you make things very difficult for me?"

I can not help but frown at his words.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, do you know how badly I want you right now?"

I can not help but giggle because I feel exactly the same. I also want him badly but I think that we both know we can not.

"I know exactly what you are talking about but we have to rest and especially you"

"I am sure that I would be able to do what I need to do tomorrow without getting too much sleep"

I just laugh and slap him lightly on the shoulder.

"I know mister big Navy Seal, but you are under my watch now and unfortunately that means that we need to sleep"

"You are such a spoilsport"

"I will be a spoilsport anytime if that means that my man is feeling better tomorrow"


I will never get over how much she cares for me. The care that she showed me ever since the beginning was too much for me to handle and she just keeps on caring. I will do that which she wants me to do only because she cares so much for me. I smile and then I pull her even closer against me.

I make sure that I rest my head on her neck while her back is turned to me. Then I whisper in her ear.

"I think I love you too much, Kim..."

She then turns her head lightly back to me and then she says.

"I do not think there is ever something like too much. I love you too, Nick. Goodnight"

I take a deep breath and kiss her on her neck and then I say.



I feel his strong protective arms around me and I know I am going to sleep like a baby. It doesn't take me long to fall asleep because I can not wait for it to be tomorrow. Then I hear my alarm going off and I realized the night is over.

We have fallen asleep in the same position that we are waking up. I still feel his arms around me and it feels perfect and right. That is exactly what I want in my life to feel safe and secure.

Then I turn around in his arms and he slowly opens his eyes. We both just grin at each other like idiots. We do not have to say one word because we know what we are thinking. We are going home. Then I feel him giving me a kiss and he says in a hoarse voice.

"Are you ready to go home?"

"I am so ready"

I quickly get up and straighten my clothes. Then I see him trying to get up. I quickly push him down and say.

"Nobody said that you should get up?"

He frowns at me and then he says.

"Why am I not allowed to get up?"

"I am sorry, mister Navy Seal but you are now a patient and patients are being transported a different way. So, you will stay here until I tell you it is time"


I must say that I like this bossy side of Kim. But I can not just sit here and let everyone run around while I know that we should do departure quickly. I need to be out there and help them.

"I can not just lay here and let everyone do the work"

Then I watch her sitting next to me on the bed and I see so much compassion is in her eyes. She takes my hand and softly caresses it with her thumb.

"Nick, what do you think you ate going to do there when you can not even walk? You are going to be more in the way than you are going to be able to help. You have a great team, they will handle everything but let me handle you while you are a patient"

I know that everything she is saying is the truth but I still feel very useless. I hate feeling this way but I guess I will do what she says.

"This is not going to be easy for me"

She smiles at me and then she says.

"I did not expect anything less from you. Now, let me go and do what I need to do. I promise I will come and get you when the time is right"

I can not help giving her a kiss and then letting her go. I fall back on my pillow completely useless. Just as my head hit the pillow I feel the pain in my ribs and I know I should just lay down. I have trained my team well enough to know what to do in these situations.

Then I suddenly think about John and I realized that he too must feel like me. I can not help but smile as I think about him and then I close my eyes for a bit.


I quickly make my way to the very happy Nita waiting for me. She will also go home today. We quickly discuss how we will handle the patients and which staff would be coming with us. We have just spoken about who would go where when Vic walks into the hospital.

He gets all our attention and tells us that our helicopters are ten minutes out and we should gather at the gathering point. Then I turn to Nita and we know that we better Hustle. Then I quickly make my way to Nick with a wheelchair.

"It is time"

"How much time do we have left before the helicopters are here?"

"Ten minutes"

"Okay, let's get out of here"

I help him out of the bed and I can see that he is still in pain. I realize that he is going to have to leave the wheelchair behind and get into the helicopter. This could be somewhat of a challenge for him because the helicopter is high up and a steep step to climb. His leg will then push up into his ribs and that might be very painful.

I push him out of the room to the gathering point and I can see that he doesn't like to be in the wheelchair in front of his team but when he sees John next to him, also in a wheelchair, I think he feels much better. He turns to John and says.

"I guess we are the weaklings in the team now"

I see how John smile and then he says.

"I guess we have that title down"

They laugh but Nick has to hold his ribs because of the pain when he laughs. Then we hear the helicopters and they make their landing. We have to move as quickly as possible and this time I see to it that Nick is in the helicopter safe.

It is amazing how times change and how our roles change. Now, suddenly, I have to be the one looking after him. I push him close to the helicopter and then I help him up. I can see that the pain is very severe but he does not show it on his face. If I did not know him as well as I do, I would not have even noticed that he is in pain.

It makes me think back at the times that I did not really know him and I remember how many times he was in pain and I did not even realize. I finally get him to sit down and I can see he is exhausted. I put my hand softly on his chest to be as comforting as possible and then I say in his ear.

"I know it is sore but we are almost home"


What kind of a woman am I marrying? Because she is perfect in every way possible. She knows exactly what I am feeling and she knows exactly how to make me feel better. I sit back in my chair and I try to just breathe through the pain. I knew it's going to be bad but this is just ridiculous.

Then I watch her as she gets out of the helicopter and I start to wonder if I am going to see her again.. Is she going in another helicopter or will she make her way back to me? I know that I should not wonder about these things as she needs to be with a lot of people that probably need her more than I do.

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