I am running around like a madwoman. I know that the departure must be done quickly and I want to get back to Nick as quickly as possible. But then I have these other patients that I have to look after too. I ran into the hospital and get the next patient. I know that as soon as Nick's helicopter is full they will take off and I would miss the opportunity to fly with him.

I know that I do not have time to think about this but the memories of our previous helicopter ride come flooding back. I can only imagine how I will get into another helicopter which lands safely and then I hear how the other one fell into the ocean. I do not want this to happen to me again and I definitely do not want to not be by his side.

If we are going down then I want us to go together. I start to be like a dictator as I want the nurses to move as quickly as possible. Luckily, there are some nurses that are staying and can help us too. Finally, we are finished and I watch as the last person is being loaded on Nick's helicopter. I run as fast as my legs can carry me and then they stop me at the door of the helicopter.

"I'm sorry Dr. McPherson but this helicopter is full"


I watch nervously as everyone runs around trying to get the patients and soldiers into the helicopters. I want her to ride with me because this way I can protect her if something happens but if she is in another helicopter I am not guaranteeing that I can protect her.

Even though I am in a lot of pain nothing will stop me from protecting her. I watch as patient after patient gets into the helicopter and I start to wonder whether she is going to make it. After a while, I realized that I have stopped breathing as I am anticipating her arrival.

Then I see her running up to us and I can not be happier. She's going to ride with me but then one of the soldiers stops her and tells her that this ride is full. I know that it is only a precaution and that this helicopter can take more than this number of people.

I quickly get the attention of the soldier and then I say in the most commanding voice that I can muster.

"Let her through!"

"Yes, sir, Master Chief, sir!"

He takes his hand away and she makes her way next to me. I can not help but greet her with a kiss on her cheek and then she smiles at me. I can see that she's very exhausted from running around and relieved at the same time.

Then as she buckles up I feel the helicopter leaving the ground. I can not help but feel like we are leaving our past in the past and fly to our future. I make sure to hold her tight onto her hand so that she can still feel secure and safe.

Then I feel her squeezing my hand and smiling at me. It is almost as if she can feel my excitement as much as I can feel hers. We are not long in the air as we finally land back on United soil. We were able to survive this helicopter ride without any problems.

I am quietly happy about it because I really didn't want to walk with my ribs broken like this. Just stepping into the helicopter was bad enough. Then we make our way out of the helicopter and I feel my leg once again push up in my ribs.

I can not help but wince just a little in pain and then I feel Kim putting my arm around her neck.


As we get off the helicopter I think to myself, there are enough doctors waiting to look after every patient. I will be looking after my patient and he will be my first priority. This time I am not leaving him to ride in an ambulance by himself. This time I will be next to my man and looking after him.

Then as I make our way to the ambulance, Nick stops me.

"I think we should go do something first"

"What do you want to do?"

"I want to talk to the Admiral, what do you think? Do you want to do it now? Do you want to start a life with me now?"

My heart starts to race as he asks me that question. I did not think that I would feel this way but suddenly I feel completely nervous. I do not know how the Admiral is going to take it and I do not know what kind of penalties there would be involved.

I can see almost excitement in Nick's eyes as he asked me that. It is clear that he wants to go now as if he wants to get it off his chest. I look at his ribs that are bandaged up and then I say.

"But you need your rest?"

"I know...I do but I need you more"

Goddammit, he knows exactly how to play me. There is no way that I am going to say no now. I smile at him and then he gives me his cocky smile.

"I think we should do it"

"That is the answer I was looking for"

Then he takes my hand and we start to walk hand-in-hand to the Admiral's office. My heart is beating even faster the closer we get to the Admiral's door and just as we are about to go in, Nick stops us.

"What is wrong?"

I see him staring straight ahead at the door and not moving. Suddenly, I realized that he is probably more nervous than I am. I put my hand on his shoulder and then he looks at me but does not really look at me.

"Nick, are you okay?"


I had this very easy way of hiding behind a mask that I have created for myself. Nobody knew what I really felt and what I was thinking but ever since Kim came into my life she has slowly started to break down the walls around my heart. Suddenly, I do not know how to act fake around her anymore.

Now she gets to see all my vulnerabilities and at this very moment, I am scared as hell. The Admiral has become somewhat of a father to me and it feels like I am going to disappoint him. But the thought of being with Kim for the rest of my life has completely overtaken that feeling.

"I am just...I guess I am...I guess I am afraid"


Immediately I can see that saying that to me was very hard for him. I remember when I first met him that he was a closed book. I thought that he was deeply in love with Helena but little did I know anything about him. Now he stands here opening up to me and I know I should handle him with extreme care.

"Are you afraid that you going to disappoint the Admiral?"

"Yeah...I guess he's kind of a father figure to me"

"You know we don't have to do this. We can still be together..."

Then it is as if he snaps out of whatever trance he was in. He immediately takes both my hands and looks deep into my eyes when he says.

"No! I know what I want but I know it's going to be difficult. But I know that I want to quit and I want to spend the rest of my life with you"

Then I give him a gentle smile and say.

"I feel the same way. Then we will stand here for as long as you need before we go in. You need to be ready for this and you need to make sure that you want this"

"I want this...believe me"

"Good. Then we wait"

We turn back to the door and then we just stand there. Minutes go by and we still just stand there. There is some sort of serenity in just taking a breather before we go through those doors. It gives me time to really understand what I am about to do. I look over to Nick and I can see that he is dreading the moment he is going to walk through that door.


I wish I can rather run through a field of mines than telling the Admiral that I am quitting. I feel like a fool just standing here but I just can not find the will to walk through these doors. A million things run through my mind and scenarios that could happen. Still, I can not find the way.

Then suddenly she squeezes my hand and gives me a kiss on my cheek. She looks at me and says while smiling.

"You are my everything. Just wanted to let you know"

Then it is as if there is a small glimmer of hope in my heart. A glimmer that maybe the Admiral will see what I see and that he will accept my resignation the way that I want him to.. I put my hand on the handle and open the door.

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