I watch as Nick practically storms out of the Admiral's office. I knew that he was so close to a breakdown as I know that emotional things are very tough for him. But now I am facing the Admiral alone. I fiddle around with my fingers nervously, not sure what I should do right now.

"Thank you for letting us go, sir. We know that it is a bit of an inconvenience for you and believe me when I say that we didn't mean it to happen that way"

Then he gives me the softest smile and I can see the fatherly side in him. I know now why it is so hard for Nick because he is a good man and he cares. He put a hand on my shoulder and say.

"I know that you can not choose when you fall in love and I guess for you it was just meant to be this way. Now, please go and look after Nick. He is a great man but he has a lot of ghosts"

I can not describe how happy I am to hear him say that. I almost feel like crying too but I do not have time for that because I need to go and check up on Nick. I give the Admiral hug and then I make my way out of his office.


As I sit with my hands in my hair, I try my best to controls these overwhelming emotions. I do not like to come to grips with my emotions because I have tucked them away for a reason. But now the Admiral has shown me mercy and I never expected him to do that.

I take deep breaths because I do not want to cry. I do not want to be weak. Once again my own father's words come to mind that boys don't cry. I know that I need to be composed when I see Kim again. I dare not show her how weak I am.

Then I hear the door opening and I know it is Kim. I quickly get up and I realized that was a big mistake. Pain shoots from my ribs through to my entire being and I put my hand on my ribs as if that is going to help.



As I get out of the office I look around for Nick but it seems like he has disappeared. But then I hear him cry out in pain and he appears from around the corner. I see his hand on his ribs and I know that he must have hurt himself.

I quickly run to his aid and lift up his arm to put it over my neck.

"Are you okay?"

"Aahh...yeah...just did something very stupid"

I can see that there are still tears behind his eyes and I know that it is not because of physical pain. But I know I better not ask because if he wanted to show me how he felt he would.

"What do you say we get you home?"


"Yes, I think we should go to my apartment"

I see that gorgeous smile appearing on his face again and then he lifts one eyebrow.

"I think you are right. I need to get some sort of rest"

"I think that we should go back to my mom's house for this time that you recover because I know that she would like to talk a lot about our wedding. But for now, we should just let you rest for the night"

Then we walk slowly to her car that is still in the parking from before we deployed and we make our way back to her apartment. With every step that I take, it becomes more painful because I didn't get my rest right away when we got back.

Then she opens the door and she leads me to the couch. She gets out a pillow for me and she makes sure that I am as comfortable as possible. Just as she has finished fussing over me, I grab her hand as she wants to walk away again.

"You really don't have to do all this"

"But that's where you are wrong. I have to do this. You are going to be my husband one of these days and I want you to know that I love you"

I can not describe the feelings that I feel for this woman standing next to me. It is something I have never experienced in my life before. I do not know how I got this lucky. I pull her in for a kiss and I make sure that she knows how I feel.


I can feel how much he loves me through this kiss. I know that we are meant to be together and after today when the Admiral gave us his blessing, it became, even more, real for me. He has this way of awakening things inside me when he kisses me but I know that I might hurt him if we did something.

I pull away from him with my eyes still closed and smiling.

"I think we should just get some rest tonight. We have a long drive to my mother's tomorrow and you are going to need the rest"

"You should really stop worrying about my rest and start worrying about something else"

I lift my eyebrow and start to frown.

"What should I worry about?"

Then he pulls me in for another kiss and this time it is not a gentle kiss. This time he grabs my butt and squeezes it. I jump away in surprise and then I say.

"Oh, now I know what I should worry about but we can not. Because like I said, you need your rest..."


I know that she means good but I can not help as my desire for her overpower any logical thinking. I have watched her walking around the room fussing over me and her curves are calling me. Then she pulls out of grip and says with a mischief smile.

"Why don't we just watch a movie on Netflix?"

"Okay but only if you are lying right next to me"

"I will do that if you promise me no funny business"

"I do not know if I can promise you that but I can try my very best?"

I see her smiling at me and then she makes herself cozy next to me.

"I guess I'm just going to have to accept that"

We start to scroll through the movies and finally decide which one we will watch. It is almost unreal that we can lay here being normal and just watch a movie together. We have been through so many things since we met each other.

I never thought the day would come that we can just be Nick and Kim and not Master Chief Roberts and Dr. McPherson. It feels like I am back in high school again. Just thinking about nothing except girls.


Finally, I am not just home but I am also home in Nick's arms. I have waited so long for us to just be together and have no responsibilities. I do not want to think about my past or about my future now. I just want to think about this moment and how much I enjoy his strong arms around me.

I lay my head on his chest and start to play with his sculpted abs. I let my fingers play between them and I enjoy every minute of it. Suddenly, I can feel him moving around uncomfortably. Then I notice that something is moving under his pants.

"Fuck...what are you doing?"

"I guess I am just enjoying my husband-to-be's body but I will stop if this makes you uncomfortable?"

"No. I don't think the word uncomfortable is what you are doing but that whole speech about resting might be thrown out of the door"

I can not help but giggle and then I quickly take my hand away.

"No, I did not say you should stop. Carry on"

"But then you going to give me funny business"

"Uhm...I will try my best not to"

I slip my hand back under his shirt and this time he moans a little. It is clear that he is so whined up and I can not resist a man that is whined up.


I'm trying my very best not to touch her and make her scream out my name because she is playing with fire. Her mere touch is driving me insane and I struggle to keep my composure. I know that she said that we should not do anything but I have missed her so much and now that I know that she is here in my arms and safe, there is almost nothing that is stopping me to do with her what I want.

But she has asked me that we should rest and I will respect that. I will, of course, only respect it for the moment because if she keeps on touching me like that, I do not know what I would do...

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