My Navy Seal II: Undeniable Attraction

Chapter 89 - Return The Favor


I am laying next to the man that I love. The man that I'm going to marry. The man that I'm going to call my husband. I always thought I'm going to get married but never did I thought, I'm going to marry such a handsome man. He has all the things that I want in a man. He has the hair. He has the body and boy does he have the personality.

Sometimes you only get one of those things but Nick Roberts is everything that I need. I am such a lucky woman and I can see how much he wants me right now. Why would I not just give him a little something?

I lift his shirt just a little bit more just so that his shirt can cover the bandages. Then I kiss him on his abs. I make sure that I give each ab the attention that it deserves. Then I hear him curse.

"Fuck...w-what are you doing?"

"I guess I can not let a wounded soldier just lay there and not be attended to"

"Doc...what the..."

Then I move my hand to zip down his pants. I know that if I would have sex with him right now, I might hurt him but that does not mean that I can not play with him. There are other ways to satisfy a man. So, I move my hand under his pants and then he softly whispers.



I really thought that I would not get lucky tonight but, of course, Kim has decided to surprise me and make me feel even more in love with her. The moment that she put her hand on my erection, which is already rock hard just because of her touch, I knew that tonight I will, indeed get lucky.

Then I feel her starting to play with my erection and every last part in my body is standing at attention. I know that there's not much movement that I can do but it feels like I want to move with her hand. The desire that she creates in me is unspeakable and I struggle to keep any kind of control.


I start to move my hand faster and massage it even harder. I can hear him let small moans escape out of his mouth. Then I take his hand and slip it under my shirt on my breast. I know that it was too much for him to handle when he curse once more.


Then I put my hand on top of his that is on my breast and start massaging it. I make sure that he feels every curve of my breast and I can feel my desire for him increasing. I move even faster and I know that he is very close to reach his climax. His body is starting to move with my hand and then I hear him say.

"I am so close...I do not think that I...fuck!"

And then I can feel him releasing without finishing his sentence. He grabs me so that I can lay next to him and holds tight onto me. I can feel him trembling under my touch and then I see the satisfaction on his face.

"You are so good at what you do but I feel bad that I did know...return the favor"

I love how uncomfortable he is when he talks about that. Then I smile and say to him.

"This what I have done now has nothing to do with me being satisfied but it has to do with me just enjoying you. I love how you crumble under my touch. That in itself is enough"

I can see that a blush is starting to form on his face and then I kiss him again. I enjoy how he becomes so vulnerable when I satisfy him.

"I think it is time that we head for bed. We have a long drive to my mother's"

Then suddenly, I realize that I did not even ask him if it is okay that we can go to my mother's. He wants to get up but then I push them softly back down. I straddle him and then I say while kissing him on his abs.

"I am so sorry"

He looks at me with shock on his face and then he says, holding me by my waist.

"What in this world could you be sorry about?"

"I never asked you if it's okay if we go to my mother?"

Then he takes my hand and his cocky smile appears on his face.

"I'll make a deal with you right now"

"Okay, I'm listening"

"When I do not want to do something I will tell you. I know that this is your wedding-"

"It is not just my wedding! It is our wedding"

He smiles again, almost laughing a little bit, and then he says.

"I mean, I know it is our wedding but I also know that the bride usually likes to organize the wedding and talk about the wedding. So, in my eyes, I never even doubted when you told me that we're going to your mother's house because of course, you are going to talk to your mother and organize the wedding. So, I will definitely let you know if you say something that I don't like"

I can not help but feel like a princess at this very moment. He hasn't been treating me like anything else. I have always felt so special when I am in his presence. Then I grin like a little girl and kiss him all over. He starts to laugh and then he says.

" the ribs, doc"

"Oh god! I'm so sorry"

I quickly get off him and then help him off the couch. We make our way laughing to the bedroom and then cozy up falling asleep almost immediately.


I wake up the next morning with Kim still sleeping in my arms. Today is so different from any other day. Today I wake up without a job. I am so used to waking up in some foreign country or a tent or a bunker and even in my own home but never am I used to wake up with such a beautiful woman in my arms. I'm not used to waking up knowing that I'm going to marry her and I'm not used to waking up being happy.

I haven't had a lot of things in my life that made me happy. Even when I dated other girls, they never made me this happy. Even though I am laying here with broken ribs, I would not choose to be anywhere else.

I look at the sun as it's busy coming up and I realized that today is the start of my new life. I need to think about what I'm going to do now that I'm not in the Seals anymore. I have to make some sort of income and we can not just live from Kim's income.

Then I see this beauty next to me wake up and I know this is how I want to live for the rest of my life.


I kiss her on her forehead and she opens her eyes while she is smiling at me.

"I hope you had a good night's rest?"

She smiles even brighter and then she says.

"I had the best. I always sleep so well when I am in your arms. How is the pain?"

"It is bearable but I will not say no to some pain medicine"

Then she stands up and I pull her back into bed.

"I did not say that you have to get up right away"

"I know but I also know that pain is not something you play with"

"You are too good to me"

She stands up and then turns to look back over her shoulder. She gives me that sexy smile and then she says.

"Oh, I know that"

I can help but only laugh at her words because she does not even know how true it is. Then she comes over and gives me my pills. She walks right out the door and then I hear her working in the kitchen. I stand up and it seems to be a bit of an effort but I make it and then walk slowly to the kitchen.

"What are you doing?"

"I guess we have to eat, don't we?"

"So, you are not only good with pain medicine but breakfast too?"

She laughs and then she says.

"You have but only seen the tip of my iceberg"

I laugh again and this time I laugh too hard hurting my ribs. I put my hand on my ribs and then I say jokingly.

" really should keep your jokes to yourself"

She only laughs and then turns to me, saying.

"Why don't you just take a seat before you break another rib"

I know now then I will love spending each day of my life with this woman.. She completes me a hundred percent and I can only hope that I will return the favor to her.

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