Ten minutes later,

May pursed her lips and went downstairs with a stern face.

Ten minutes later, Ichika and Miku went downstairs one after another, followed by Nino who looked unhappy.

"Ichika, you're too long-winded."

"But I can't get up......"

Yihua said aggrievedly:"I couldn't sleep at night, so I went to bed very late. It's not even nine o'clock now. I used to sleep until twelve o'clock......."

"Yihua, button up your clothes!"


"Don't be stupid, fasten it"

"Um~ Erino’s housekeeper."

Several hash marks appeared on Erino’s head, and she clenched her fist and shouted,"Who do you think this is because of?"

"Good morning, Mr. Ye Feng......."

Walking downstairs, Ichika yawned lazily, closed one eye, tilted her head slightly, and showed a charming and bright smile.

Nino:"Okay, now that you are up, go wash up and have breakfast."

Then, Nino looked at Ye Feng:"Damn Ye Feng, do you want to eat?"


After the five sisters finished their breakfast, it was already 9:30 in the morning.

The study officially began.

Ye Feng had already made some preparations based on the deviations of the five sisters.

Therefore, even if he faced five idiots at once, he was still at ease.

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was noon.

Ye Feng crossed his fingers and looked at the five girls who were slacking off:"That's all for today."

"Phew, it’s finally over."

Yotsuba slumped down on the table, holding her head in her hands:"Although I feel like I understand everything, but there’s so much stuff stuffed in at once that my head is going to explode......."

"That's right, Ye Fengjun is too rude."

Yihua looked happy and raised a finger and said,"Why don't we go play in the afternoon? I haven't been to the zoo since I came here......."

"I refuse."

Ye Feng said bluntly:"No one should run away this afternoon, all of you should stay and continue"


Yihua covered her face with her hands and shook her head:"No, no, no, you bastard, the zoo, the zoo, I'm going to the zoo, I want to see Panda......"

"Eh? Panda?"

May, who was eating cookies with a happy face and oblivious to the outside world, suddenly had her ahoge hair on top of her head straightened.

As expected, even May couldn't resist Panda's charm?

Yotsuba immediately sat up straight, as if facing a great enemy:"It's actually Panda!......"

Sanjiu's eyes lit up slightly, and she looked at Ye Feng with her bright eyes:"Ye Feng, let's go to the zoo together?"

Panda is the panda.

Ah, yes, in this country, pandas are actually very popular!

"It's decided!"

Nino put her hands on her hips and made the final decision:"It's decided, we'll go to the zoo in the afternoon!"

What's the use of your decision!

Do you know what a veto is!

Ye Feng narrowed his eyes and looked at the five sisters.

What about studying? It's okay to slack off during the study, but you still want to go to the zoo in the afternoon?

It's a nice thought.

Unfortunately, you are destined not to get what you want today!

Ye Feng only said one sentence:"I'm sorry, it has started to rain."

""Eh, hey, hey?"

The five sisters hurried to the window and saw that it began to drizzle outside, and the sky was gradually covered with dark clouds.

"how so......"

Four-leaf Frustrated Forward Bend:"It was still sunny in the morning......."

Ichika felt a little regretful:"There's nothing I can do about it. I can only go next time......."

Nino said:"Then we can go next time. I'm going to make lunch first. Yotsuba, come and help."

Because of the rain, the trip to the zoo was naturally stranded.

After lunch, we rested for a while and continued to study in the afternoon.

I don't know how long it took, but Ye Feng suddenly felt that the living room had become quiet.

He looked up and saw that Ichika, Nino, Yotsuba, and Mayu had leaned against each other and had fallen asleep.

After thinking about it, Ye Feng did not disturb them.

It was almost two hours since noon.

To be honest, it was very good that they could study quietly for such a long time.

At this moment, Ye Feng suddenly felt a familiar poking sensation on his arm.


Ye Feng turned his head to look at the girl with headphones next to him,"Sanjiu, what's wrong?"

Sanjiu pursed her lips, glanced at the sleeping sisters, pointed upstairs, then stood up and walked upstairs with light steps.

Ye Feng thought about it, stood up and followed.

The girl invited the boy to the room......What can I do?

Can this Miku just hold it back?

It's just right. After two days of studying, it's time to relax.......

In the dim room,

Ye Feng's low voice suddenly sounded,"Sanjiu, do you really want to do this? What if you get caught?"

Then, a slightly nervous girl's voice sounded:"Don't worry, we'll just play for a while and it will be over soon......."

"Mijiu, how about we change the way we play?"


Sanjiu said firmly:"I heard that this way of playing is more interesting. Cricket is a frivolous leaf wind. I will not lose to you."

"Sanjiu, you are drifting"

"Don't talk, come here quickly!"

"Okay, here I come. Be careful, don't be too loud, and move your legs over a little, blocking me......."

"Um~Flirty Leaf Wind is so troublesome. The room is well soundproofed so it won't disturb them. Please sit down quickly."

"All right."

Ye Feng sat down, picked up the game controller, and said casually:"Have you played Street Fighter before?"

"I have played it before."

Sanjiu glanced at Ye Feng, raised his finger, and said confidently:"I only put in a coin once and cleared all the levels."

"Oh, so you are also a master?"

Ye Feng looked at Sanjiu. Under the light of the computer screen, the girl's pink lips were slightly raised, and the expression on her face was unexpectedly heart-warming.

I always feel that this scene has been engraved in my heart and will never be forgotten.

Noticing Ye Feng's gaze, Sanjiu's pretty face turned slightly red, and she couldn't help but said angrily:"Don't look at me!"

Ye Feng looked away and said nonchalantly:"Sanjiu is very cute when she smiles, you can smile more in the future......"

Sanjiu's pretty face suddenly turned red, and she couldn't help but stretch out her hand to pinch him:"Flirtatious! Guilty!"

Ye Feng's face darkened:"Let go"

""Not letting go, right?

I complimented you on being cute, and you weren't grateful, but you actually pinched me.......

That's too much!

Ye Feng frowned and grabbed Sanjiu's cold little hand.

Sanjiu panicked and said in a weak voice,"Let me go."

Now there were only two of them in the room, and the door was still closed. Nino said that boys of this age were very scary. What if he wanted to bully me?

I couldn't escape at all, right?

""Don't let go."

Ye Feng held Sanjiu tightly to prevent her from running away, and said with a stern face:"Unless you say I'm wrong......"

Feng Shui turns around, and this year it's my turn.

Don't think that just because you're a girl, I'll always give in to you!

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