Ye Feng said seriously:"Sanjiu, hurry up, or I will pinch other places."

Damn it!

Sanjiu's eyes were embarrassed and angry. Forget about your hands, you actually want to pinch other places.......


Big pervert!

But Sanjiu also knew that Ye Feng would keep his word. If she didn't say it, he might really.........

"I, I was wrong."

There was no other way, Sanjiu could only speak aggrievedly.

Ye Feng let go of Sanjiu's hand and said seriously:"Okay, let's start playing games!"



Miku couldn't help but glare at him, silently picked up the controller, and decided to take revenge in the game.

"You're doomed."


Ye Feng looked at Sanjiu with his eyes slanted.

Could it be that this Sanjiu is really a game master?

With this thought in mind, Ye Feng took out the more familiar Chunli trio, and then got serious.

At the beginning of the game, Ye Feng's Chunli directly rushed forward and turned on the violent combo mode, and then......

And then nothing happened.

Soon,「KO」A voice sounded.

Ye Feng looked at the game character lying on the ground without any resistance, pulled the corner of his mouth lightly, then looked at Sanjiu beside him with empty eyes.

I thought you were a master, but you turned out to be such a rookie?

Sanjiu's pretty face flushed, and she glared at him shyly:"It was an accident just now......."

However, those gamblers also had the same idea in their minds, and ended up losing miserably, with their families destroyed!

The second round began. Ye

Feng's Chun Li continued to perform a full-blood combo, and finally ended the battle with a Qigong wave.

:"......One more round!"

After a moment, Sanjiu looked blank and began to doubt her life.

She lost all three rounds, but Chunli, the first character Ye Feng played, still maintained more than half of her health and posed as a winner.......

Ye Feng put down the handle, suppressed his smile and asked:"Continue?"


Sanjiu was silent for a moment, her cheeks puffed up at a speed visible to the naked eye, she stood up, pulled Ye Feng up, and pushed him directly out the door

"Hey, hey, hey, Sanjiu, you can't afford to lose......"

Sanjiu gritted her teeth and said:"Go away! I don't want to see you again!"

Ye Feng:"......How about another one?"

Mijiu paused, turned around and sat on the chair, puffed up her face slightly, and said unhappily:"I don't want to play this game anymore, let's change to another one." In competitive games, people can only feel satisfied and happy when they are evenly matched or directly crush others. However, if you are the one being crushed, you will feel very bad.

But Ye Feng didn't let her win.......

Sanjiu decided not to play Street Fighter with him anymore. So angry!

Ye Feng is indeed a bad-hearted person.......

Before he knew it, more than an hour had passed.

Ye Feng put down the game controller and said,"It's almost time. Let's stop here today.""

"" Yeah."

Sanjiu responded, raised her hand and pressed her shoulder, her beautiful eyebrows couldn't help but frown slightly.

After sitting for a long time, the shoulders are easy to ache, especially for a girl with an extraordinary chest.

Ye Feng suggested:"Sanjiu, do you want me to massage you?"

Sanjiu tilted her head and looked at him:"Flirty Ye Feng also knows how to massage?"

Under the light of the computer screen, the girl's blue eyes reflected the light, which was very beautiful.

"What, is there any problem with me being able to give massages?"

Ye Feng walked behind Sanjiu, stretched out his hand and placed it on Sanjiu's shoulder:"Since you invited me to play games, I will give you a free massage today."


"Do not listen"


"Your shoulders are too stiff."


"Then I won’t press it!"

"Keep going, it's getting comfortable......."

After a while, Sanjiu narrowed her eyes, and her slightly frowned brows slowly relaxed."It feels better than the four-leaf massage......."


Can Siye compare with me?

According to research, the feeling brought by top masseurs during massage is no less than that of **.

Unfortunately, Ye Feng cannot give himself a massage, so he has no way to experience it. But if there is a chance, maybe he can try it?

Three minutes later, seeing Sanjiu covering her mouth and her breathing becoming disordered, Ye Feng stopped decisively:"Okay."

If he continues, it will probably be a bit bad!

Sanjiu lay on the table, her hair falling down to cover her hot cheeks. She tilted her head and looked at Ye Feng sitting next to her, with a strange light flashing in her eyes.

"Leaf Wind......"


Sanjiu looked away:"Nothing."

After a moment, Sanjiu pursed her lips and called out softly:"The wind......"


Ye Feng raised his eyebrows slightly and turned to look at this Miku.

In this country, unless you are very close to someone, you will usually only call them by their last name.

But he is different.

So in general, others will just call him Ye Fengjun, Ye Feng.......

As long as he could remember, there was only one person who called him"Feng" directly and intimately, besides Qiong who occasionally called him that.......

Sanjiu did not avoid Ye Feng's gaze this time. Instead, she looked into his dark eyes, pursed her lips, and said expectantly,"Can I call you Feng?"

What's going on with Sanjiu?

Ye Feng carefully observed Sanjiu's expression. After a moment, he looked away and said casually,"Call me whatever you like. It's your freedom......."

Sanjiu breathed a sigh of relief, with a faint smile on her face.

"Flirty Wind"


Ye Feng's face darkened:"Sanjiu, is your butt itchy?""

Damn it, you are a cold girl, and you actually set a trap here to wait for me?

Sanjiu stood up and walked away from Ye Feng, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised, adjusting her skirt, with a faint smile on her face, and said:"You said it yourself, you can shout whatever you want......"

No wonder Ichika always makes trouble, it turns out this feeling......

Surprisingly good.


I let you shout whatever you want, I'm giving you a way out, not letting you shout like that!

Ye Feng waved his hand with a fake smile:"Sanjiu, come here!""

"I won't go there."

If I go there, I will definitely be bullied by you again!

He smiled so badly!

Sanjiu glared at Ye Feng, turned sideways, raised her hand to tidy up the hair beside her ear, and said softly:"Flirty wind, it actually sounds very nice......"

Nice, right?

Alata sounds better, do you want to call out?

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

Ye Feng got up and opened the door, and saw a Nino standing outside.

Nino glanced into the room, put one hand on her waist and said,"Miku, don't always hide in the room and play games secretly."

"And you."

Erno looked at Ye Feng, glared at him, turned around and said,"I made some pastries, come down quickly......"


After eating the cakes, it was already five o'clock in the afternoon.

Ye Feng put away his phone, glanced at the five sisters who looked a little tired, and said,"This won't work."


The five sisters looked over.

Ye Feng crossed his fingers and said,"Weekends are meant for rest and relaxation, but we have spent two consecutive days studying. This is not okay......."

"In addition, Miku and Ichika can't get up in the morning. Without a good rest, their efficiency will be very low."

""Hmm~ That's right."

May's hair swayed slightly, and he took a bite of the biscuit and said in a vague voice:"Ye Fengjun, do you have any good ideas?"

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