"It's not a good idea."

Ye Feng said,"How about this, we only have one day of tutoring every weekend, and the remaining day is for rest."

Wu Yue hesitated and said,"But can we do it this way?"

"Are you tired, Ye Fengjun? I can give you a massage."Si Ye stood up and said.

Ye Feng waved his hand:"Si Ye, don't be nervous. I don't think you are troublesome, nor do I want to give up on you......."

After a pause, seeing Siye looking at him pitifully, Ye Feng thought for a moment and said,"Actually, I am still a little tired, and my shoulders are a little sore. If Siye is willing, can you give me a massage?......"

Siye's eyes lit up, and she said quickly,"Yes, please leave it to me, Ye Feng-jun!"

After dealing with the idiot Siye, Ye Feng looked at the other sisters, ignoring the unfriendly looks of Nino and Miku, and said while enjoying Siye's massage,"We will take a make-up class for one day on the weekend, and then go to the library for a while every afternoon."

"If there is something urgent, we will notify you separately"

"Siye, please use a little more strength.......Yes, that's it......."

"Yes, Not Bad"

"Hey, if Ye Fengjun is tired in the future, just leave it to me......."Yotsuba said happily.

Miku puffed up her face slightly and glared at her unkindly.

Nino looked at her with disdain:"You bastard Yefeng, stop bullying Yotsuba."

Ichika:"Yefeng-kun is a bad guy!"


Mayu:"Eh? That......Hanging?"


Ye Feng said decisively:"Goodbye!"

After saying goodbye to the Nakano family, Ye Feng walked slowly towards the apartment.

When passing by the food court, the tempting aroma of food wafted over.

Ye Feng did not hesitate and walked directly into the food court.

Soon, Ye Feng bought a portion of octopus balls and two portions of red bean daifuku.

Walking into the park next to him, there were not many people in the park, and he found a bench to sit down. Ye Feng looked up at the crack in the sky, and then retracted his gaze.

In order to deal with this demon summoning incident, he has already made some countermeasures.

Otherwise, he would not be able to enjoy his daily life so leisurely.

"Woof woof......"

At this time, a dog barked. Ye Feng looked up and saw a puppy running over. Then it began to rub against his legs very familiarly. That was fine, but it rolled on the ground, exposing its belly.

It was confirmed.

This is a dog with social compulsion!

Rubbing against each other is fine, but don't expose your belly all the time!

Do you want to submit to me?

Ye Feng was speechless. He looked at the last octopus ball in his box and then pierced it with a bamboo stick.

Ye Feng looked at the dog on the ground:"Want to eat?"

The dog immediately sat up, stuck out his tongue, and stared at the octopus ball.

""Very good, it seems that you really want to eat it."

Ye Feng nodded, then raised his hand and pretended to throw the octopus balls.

The next moment, the dog moved, turned around and looked up at the sky, then......

Where is the food?

The dog began to doubt his life. He kept sniffing and turned around, but unfortunately, he still couldn't find the octopus balls.

Finally, the dog looked at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng puffed up his cheeks and looked at the dog.

The man and the dog looked at each other. The dog slowly tilted his head with a blank look in his eyes:"Woof?"

Ye Feng swallowed the food and spread his hands:"I'm sorry, it's gone......."

At this moment, a suspicious voice sounded:"That......Ye Fengjun?"


Ye Feng turned around and saw Yuigahama Yui standing not far away, looking at him with a strange look in her eyes.

"It turns out it's really Ye Fengjun......"


Although I really want to say that you recognized the wrong person, it was indeed me.

Damn it!

I was just teasing the dog when I was free, why was it seen by an acquaintance!

Didn’t someone say that they would develop an APP to locate acquaintances? Develop it quickly!

Ye Feng pulled the corner of his mouth lightly,"Yui, when did you arrive?"

"Ah that......"

Yuigahama Yui certainly knew why Ye Feng asked this, because......


You can't laugh.

Otherwise, Ye Fengjun will be embarrassed to death, right?

Yuigahama Yui covered her mouth and turned her head away, but she couldn't help it and laughed"Puchi Puchi". Fortunately, she laughed directly in the end. Ye Feng

's face darkened. Yuigahama Yui laughed so hard that tears were about to flow out.

She never thought that she was just taking Sabre out for a walk, but she encountered such an interesting scene.......

Ye Feng, who is usually calm and aloof, rational and mature, unexpectedly, unexpectedly......

I can't take it anymore.

My stomach hurts.

Hearing Yuigahama Yui's laughter, Ye Feng's face became darker and darker. He looked at his feet and stuck out his tongue, continuing to look at his dog.......

Let's eat dog meat tonight?

Although I've never eaten it before, it's not bad to expand my taste buds occasionally, right?

Sabre saw Ye Feng looking at him, and his tail wagged even more diligently, completely unaware that he was already on Ye Feng's menu.......

Ye Feng waved:"Come here."

Sabre stuck out his tongue and quickly came to Ye Feng's hand.

Ye Feng stroked the dog's head.

He didn't know what was wrong with this dog. It was so friendly and had no intention of resisting.

But Ye Feng did have a guess.

Animals' perception is much sharper than that of humans, so theoretically, this dog can completely sense the terrible aura on him.

If so, it makes sense that the dog would expose its belly to show submission.

Yuigahama Yui laughed enough and sat next to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng glanced at Yuigahama Yui:"Not laughing anymore?"


Yuigahama Yui blushed and said cautiously:"That......Could Ye Fengjun be angry?"


Although there was a moment of embarrassment, that was actually it.

Ye Feng took the strawberry daifuku beside him, and seeing Yuigahama Yui looking at him with bright eyes, he couldn't help but say:"This is the strawberry daifuku I bought just now, do you want to eat some?"

"Eh? Can I really?"

"That's fine."

"Thank you, Mr. Ye Feng."

Yuigahama Yui quickly took the red bean daifuku, took a bite, and curved her eyes with happiness.

Ye Feng looked away.

I always feel that if I take May out to forage, I will probably see some very interesting facial expressions, right?

"Ye Fengjun, today we went to see Nitro"


"Today, Glass started to speak, although there are still many things she can't say clearly, but it's much better now."

Yuigahama Yui looked at Ye Feng and blinked:"Ye Feng-jun, aren't you curious about what we talked about?"

"I don't want to know."

When you girls get together, the topics you talk about may be bolder and more direct than those of boys, so I don't want to know at all.

"Hey, Ye Fengjun, how can you do this!"

Yuigahama Yui puffed up her face and poked him unhappily:"When a girl asks you if you want to know, you should say yes to satisfy the girl's desire to express herself, otherwise you won't be able to find a girlfriend......."

You don't have to worry about this one thing at all.

Whether it's Xiao Zhendong, Miku, or that Nino, they all have a good chance of becoming girlfriends!

Ye Feng sighed:"I want to know, tell me."

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