"It's nothing, actually!"

Yuigahama Yui stuck out her pink tongue:"But, Nitsuko said a lot of good things about Ye Fengjun, such as gentleness, attentiveness and so on......."

"Oh, and then?"


Yuigahama Yui puffed up her cheeks:"Ye Fengjun is so perfunctory"

"Feel sorry"

"I'm not asking you to apologize."

Yuigahama Yui exhaled, raised her hand to tuck the hair beside her ears, glanced at him, and said softly:"I always feel that Naturopathic is a lot happier. When I saw her before, I always felt that Naturopathic would disappear if I wasn't careful. I had to be careful in everything I did, for fear that I would make her angry......."

"but now......"

"There's light in Nitro's eyes."

"All of this was brought by Ye Fengjun"

"So, thank you, Ye Fengjun."

Ye Feng raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at Yuigahama Yui:"Have you forgotten about you?"


Yuigahama Yui looked at Ye Feng in surprise.

Ye Feng said calmly:"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been so proactive in helping Nitro in the beginning."

"So, fundamentally speaking, it is you who are really helping Nitro."

"I actually did very little."

Ye Feng would not take the credit for anything. In fact, he did not do much. It's just that there are some things that only he can do, so he did it.

Even so, those things are just casual things for him.

Moreover, there are some things that he does not have to do.

For example, helping Nishimiya Naoko learn to speak.

This can be done by anyone, but he just happens to have the ability to help Naoko learn faster.

If it weren't for the relationship between Yuigahama Yui and Yukinoshita at the beginning, Ye Feng would not have proposed to find Nishimiya Naoko that day, and then he would not have had any contact with Nishimiya Naoko.

However, Yuigahama Yui did not mention her own efforts in her words, but tried to praise others.......This is not good.

"yes......Is that so?"

Yuigahama Yui covered her mouth and looked at Ye Feng in surprise, obviously not very confident.

"That's it."

Ye Feng said honestly:"So, you and Yukinoshita have done a good job, and this deserves praise."


Yuigahama Yui pursed her lips and turned her head away:"Ye Fengjun suddenly said these words, it's a foul......"

Just telling the truth, where is the foul.

Ye Feng said speechlessly:"Yui, please have a little more confidence in yourself, how about it?"

"I......I'm not unconfident."

Yuigahama Yui retorted weakly, and then fell silent.

Yukinoshita mentioned this to her, but she didn't expect that Ye Feng also saw it.


Can I really do it?

Ye Feng glanced at Yuigahama Yui, stood up and said:"Today's Yui is also very cute. Well, it's almost time. I still have to buy ingredients. I'll leave first."

"Well, goodbye, Ye Fengjun."

When Ye Feng walked away, Yuigahama Yui gently bit her cherry lips, her pretty face slightly flushed. She didn't wear any makeup today.......

I actually deliberately praised myself for being cute.......

Is he encouraging me?

Really, can't he just say it directly?

Yuigahama Yui looked at Ye Feng's back, and suddenly saw Sabre shaking his tail beside Ye Feng.......

""Hey hey hey——Sabre, don’t run around!"

Yuigahama Yui hurriedly chased after him, grabbed Sabrel’s collar, and said angrily:"You idiot, where do you want to go with Ye Fengjun!"

Ye Feng was speechless. It turned out that this stupid dog was yours.

Yuigahama Yui put the leash on Sabrel again, and said embarrassedly:"Actually, I always put a leash on Sabrel, but Sabrel ran away just now......."

Ye Feng casually said:"Yi, do you live nearby?"


Yuigahama Yui pointed to a place not far away:"It's over there, Ye Feng-jun, do you want to go and sit for a while?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said:"Forget about it today, I'll go next time I have a chance."

"All right then."

Yuigahama Yui followed Ye Feng out of the park and said,"Ye Feng, I'm going to walk in Sabre, see you tomorrow."

"Well, see you tomorrow."

"Sabre, come on, it's time to go!"

"Woof woof......"

"Ahhh, Sabre, slow down!"


Seeing Sabre dragging the girl away, Ye Feng curled his lips and silently prayed for Yuigahama Yui in his heart.

This is not walking the dog, it's clearly the dog walking the person!

Back to the apartment.

Ye Feng put the ingredients in the refrigerator and turned to enter the critical


A gust of wind blew, and then a figure fell from the sky and landed in front of Ye Feng.


This is a short, very delicate doll girl.

She is wearing a maid outfit, holding an exaggerated sickle in her hand. At this moment, she stands in front of Ye Feng, bowing respectfully, but there is no expression on her face.

The voice is also cold and flat.

This girl is not a human being. Strictly speaking, she is not even a life.

Because she is a doll created by Ye Feng after the"Devil Summoning" incident.

A doll without a soul.

Ye Feng glanced at the doll girl, turned and looked at the dark and cold critical point, and said after a while:"How is the situation today?"

The demon summoning incident is still happening every day until now.

This means that people die every day.

Old people, children, young people, teenagers, middle-aged people......People of all ages have it.

There is no pattern, and the source cannot be found.

So it is impossible to contain it.

The existence of the doll girl is to kill monsters and send the survivors away.

"A total of 64 people have landed today, 18 of them died, and 46 survived."

Another 18 dead?

In total, nearly a hundred people have died during this period!

Ye Feng was silent for a moment, and said:"Keep going, don't let any monster go."


Ye Feng walked away and his figure quickly disappeared.

Under the blood moon, the puppet girl stood silently on the ground, her eyes dull and lifeless.

Half an hour later.

Ye Feng, who still had nothing to gain today, left the critical point.

The puppet girl continued to stand there until a certain moment, when a monster came to reap lives, and then the puppet girl moved.

She has no soul, no name, but only one mission.

That is - to kill all monsters!

The next day.

At seven o'clock in the morning, after many days, Kirisu Madoka's wake-up service continued.

Ye Feng answered the phone, and Kirisu Madoka's voice rang out:"Ye Feng, don't sleep, get up quickly"

"Don't want to"


Kirisu Madoka's voice changed immediately, and in a trance, there seemed to be a sound of everything freezing.

Ye Feng immediately said:"I'll get up right away!"


Kirisu Madoka bit her pink lips and said quickly:"I'm going to Sobu High School first. Anyway, don't sleep in."

"Little Manfuyu Housekeeper"

"What did you say!?"

"You heard me wrong, I didn't say anything"


Under Kirisu Madoka's"humiliation", the morning wake-up service ended.

Ye Feng got up, put on his clothes, and then opened the curtains.

The sun was shining outside the window, and the spring was in full bloom.

At this time, almost a month had passed since the new opening.

"Time flies so fast."

Ye Feng sighed, looked up at the crack in the sky that had expanded a little, and then looked away.

After making breakfast, there was a knock on the door.

Ye Feng opened the door, and Qiong rubbed his hands, exhaled a breath of hot air and walked in:"It's so cold today, my hands are almost frozen......."

The temperature today is indeed a bit low, probably no more than ten degrees, Ye Feng can feel the cold air brought by Qiong

"Warm my hands!"

"......Do you think I'm a hot water bottle?"


Qiong glanced at him and put her hand in his pocket:"You are a mobile air conditioner."

Hey, a mobile air conditioner is even worse!

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