After breakfast, Ye Feng and Qiong walked towards Sobu High School. When they passed the first alley, they met a four-leaf

"Ye Fengjun, Qiong, good morning"

"Good morning."

Qiong pursed her lips and whispered,"Yoshiye, good morning."

The three of them walked towards Sobu High School together.

Ye Feng said casually,"Yoshiye, why are you so late today? Aren't you going to training?""

Yoshiye shook her head,"Today's training was cancelled."

Ye Feng looked at Yotsuye in surprise,"Training was cancelled? What happened?"


Siye said:"Two seniors from the basketball team had an accident last night. I heard that they were frightened. They just need to rest for a few days, but the training may be postponed in the next few days."

Ye Feng raised his eyebrows slightly:"Do you know what happened?"

"I heard that the senior sister ran into a bad guy when she was out." Siye looked downcast:"I hope the senior sisters can cheer up, after all, this is their last year."


Bad guy?

Ye Feng suddenly remembered something. From the doll girl's memory, he learned that last night, it seemed that two seniors from the basketball team were summoned by Linji.......

What a pity.

Even the critical super-large barrier is completely unable to block the"Devil Summoning". Even if another barrier is set up in the real world, it will be useless.

A day passed quickly.

Ye Feng picked up his schoolbag and walked out of the classroom with May.

May turned her head to look at Ye Feng:"That......Is Ye Fengjun hungry?"


May pursed her lips, raised her hand to tuck the hair beside her ears, and said softly:"I always feel that Ye Fengjun is worried today. Did something happen?"

"No way?

Am I so obvious?

Even May noticed it?

Ye Feng thought about it and did not deny it:"Don't worry, it's just some small things"


May responded, thought for a while and said:"When I am unhappy, I will go to eat delicious food, Ye Fengjun, why don't you try it too."

Eat something?

Ye Feng shook his head,"Let's wait until later, let's go, call Miku, and go to the library together."

He did not perfunctorily answer May.

All day today, he was indeed thinking about how to deal with the"Devil Summoning" incident.

He was wondering if there were some rules in it, but he just didn't find them.

As long as he found them, he could solve them directly!

Although the critical matter gave him a headache, it didn't make him worried and restless.


Ye Feng glanced at the empty library:"So, except for you two, they are not coming?"


Wu Yue said carefully:"Ichika said she was going to work, Nino was going shopping, and Yotsuba was going to the basketball team for training."

Miku stood by the bookshelf, bending down to take out books one by one.

If Ye Feng was not mistaken, they were all history-related books!

"I have roughly guessed their situation."

Ye Feng looked at Sanjiu, covering his forehead and said:"But......Sanjiu, what are you doing?"


Mijiu tilted her head slightly:"Reading?"

"We are here to make up lessons, not to read books!"

Ye Feng couldn't help but complain, and then said with a headache:"Sanjiu, put those books back and read them later, you come first"

"So complicated"

"Ah, I am so sorry for causing you trouble!"

May hurriedly said:"Sanjiu, come here quickly, don't cause trouble for Ye Fengjun"


Mijiu showed a trace of regret on her face, so she could only put the book back and sat down next to May.

"When I entered the library, I subconsciously went to look for books......."Sanjiu explained.

Hearing you say that, should I praise you?

Ye Feng said:"Okay, stop talking, from now on, I'll ask you questions and you'll answer them."

At this point, Ye Feng paused and continued:"The questions I'm going to ask are all the questions I talked about yesterday, so if you answer them wrong, you will be punished."

"Eh? Punishment?"

May leaned back slightly and subconsciously covered her forehead.

Sanjiu looked at May strangely and asked curiously:"Ye Feng, what punishment?"

"If the punishment is spoken out, it will have no effect."

Ye Feng crossed his fingers and said lightly:"But I promise that none of you want to accept this terrible punishment."

Terrible punishment?

Is it a punishment more terrible than flicking the forehead?

May took a breath and looked serious:"In this case, I can't slack off."

Mijiu pursed her lips and said seriously:"I won't lose either."

"Very good."

Ye Feng nodded and said,"First question, who is known as the Sixth Heavenly Demon King in history?"

Sanjiu blurted out,"Oda Nobunaga"


"Because Oda Nobunaga had offended......"

""Very good, Sanjiu answered correctly."

Hearing Ye Feng's praise, Sanjiu's eyes sparkled and a faint smile appeared on her face, obviously very happy.

Sanjiu likes history, which Ye Feng has known for a long time.

Therefore, for Sanjiu, he directly started from the historical aspect, from the shallow to the deep.

Next, Ye Feng quickly asked questions.

Most of them were historical questions, which were not only the history of this country, but more of the famous history of other countries, which were also the knowledge points involved at present.

Sanjiu looked excited and answered quickly.

In such a link, when it comes to the history that she likes, Sanjiu will be in a good mood and will be particularly serious.

Even Ye Feng had to admit that Sanjiu's historical knowledge was indeed very rich, and she even knew many historical allusions that many people didn't know. It was a pity that she met a cheating player.

Question and answer, time���Ten minutes passed quickly.

May, who was standing by, lay on the table, staring at the two with blank eyes, as if she was doubting her life.

Ye Feng announced:"The first round of questions and answers is over, and Sanjiu won."

May came back to her senses instantly, and couldn't help but pull Ye Feng's sleeve, aggrieved:"Mr. Ye Feng, don't be so......"

They were all history questions, and many of them were new to me. Who would know them?


Ye Feng smiled and said,"This is only the first round. If Wu Yue doesn't want to accept the terrible punishment, then she should perform well in the second round."......"

Wu Yue pouted and said sullenly,"Ye Fengjun is biased."

San Jiu's face was slightly hot, and she retorted,"This is just a normal questioning session, not biased!"

Ye Feng said seriously,"Wu Yue, please don't wrongly accuse me."


May puffed up her cheeks and said,"Come on, Ye Fengjun, I will definitely not lose!"


Seeing that Sanjiu and Wuyue were both interested, Ye Feng nodded slightly and said,"The second round begins. What is 45*45+45-45*(45+45)? Please give the answer within 30 seconds."


Sanjiu:"......Are you a devil?"

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