After the math quiz was over, it was time for chemistry and physics. Before they knew it, more than an hour had passed. Needless to say, the winner was May.

This silly neighbor worked hard to improve his grades.

It was only natural that he would be rewarded.

Ye Feng looked at Sanjiu and said expressionlessly,"Sanjiu, are you ready?"

Sanjiu subconsciously wanted to run away,"I, I have something else to do......."

Ye Feng said slowly:"Sanjiu, do you still want to play the Three Kingdoms game I told you about last time?......"

Sanjiu's steps stiffened.

Ye Feng continued:"In addition, it is said that a limited edition general will be released soon......."

"And that day, actually when I first met Miku......"


Sanjiu's defense was broken instantly.

After hesitating for a moment, Sanjiu walked back with a puffed face in Wu Yue's surprised eyes, then sat down and stared at Ye Feng with a"guilty" look.


Wu Yue couldn't help but ask curiously:"Ye Fengjun, what is the punishment?"

"Anyway, it's terrible!"

Ye Feng crossed his fingers and said,"Of course, since Sanjiu worked hard today, this punishment can be postponed, but the premise is that you go back today and finish this test paper, and the score reaches the passing line."

"Otherwise, the punishment will be doubled!"


Ye Feng showed a devilish smile on his face:"Sanjiu, which one do you choose?"

(Wow......Ye Fengjun's expression is so scary.)

May patted her chest and looked at Sanjiu with sympathy and pity.

She knew very well that the punishment Ye Feng mentioned was definitely not just talk, but real action!

Sanjiu knew this, of course.

She looked at the test paper and heard Ye Feng say,"This is what you are best at, Sanjiu, are you confident?" Should I accept the punishment now, or choose to give it a try?

Moreover, May is still here, what if the frivolous Feng does something frivolous?

Although they are sisters, they are bullied in front of May.......

I feel so ashamed just thinking about it!


Sanjiu took a deep breath and held the test paper tightly:"I will definitely pass!"


Ye Feng looked at Wu Yue, and then saw that the hair of the man at the next table stood up instantly, stretched straight, with his right hand clasped in front of his chest, looking at him nervously.

"Wu Yue, don't be nervous."

Ye Feng glanced at Wu Yue's ahoge, with a slightly regretful look in his eyes, and then said:"You performed very well today, um......"

"How about this"

"Since there is a penalty for losing, then there should be a reward for winning."

Ye Feng looked at May:"May, now there are drinks, Ye Feng's buns, and Ye Feng's biscuits. Please choose a reward."


What's the matter with Ye Feng's buns and biscuits!

Ye Feng said nonchalantly:"You guessed it right, I made it myself."

After thinking about it, Ye Feng added:"In addition, please feel free to eat it because it is produced by Ye Feng's family."

In short, it is to tell them that you can rest assured that there will be no problem with eating it!

If there is a problem, it must not be his problem


May clenched her fists. This was the first time she was rewarded for her hard work. This kind of satisfaction and happiness may not be truly experienced by others.

And the girl's expression became very strange.

Excited, but confused.

Uneasy and uneasy.

Seeing this scene, Ye Feng said:"May, if you work hard, you will be rewarded one day, so this is what you deserve, do you understand?"

May quickly raised her hand to wipe the corners of her eyes. A very happy and bright smile appeared on her face. She looked at Ye Feng without blinking, and nodded vigorously:"I know, thank you, Ye Feng!"

The smile was brilliant, the ahoge swayed, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and vaguely, in the pink cherry lips, there was a sharp white little canine tooth looming.......

To be honest, May is super cute at this moment.

Especially the slightly upturned corners of her mouth, and the snow-white and translucent little canine tooth.

How should I put it, it just makes Ye Feng want to take a bite.

But canine teeth are a little dangerous.

So, it's just an organ for eating, why do I suddenly want to bite it?

And the mouth is one of the places with the most bacteria in the human body.

So it's very strange.

Could it be that spring has really arrived, and it's time for me to have sex?

Maybe Ye Feng couldn't help but look a few more times. The next moment, Ye Feng suddenly felt a pain in his foot. Obviously, someone stepped on him.


Ye Feng came back to his senses and looked at Miku opposite him, and saw Miku playing with her mobile phone as if nothing had happened.......

He looked at May again.

He saw May lowering her head, muttering something happily.

So, who stepped on it?

Ye Feng couldn't tell for a moment, but he felt that Sanjiu was the most suspicious.

Ignoring this question for the time being, Ye Feng looked at May:"May, have you thought about it?"...

At the entrance of Sobu High School, Ye Feng said goodbye to May and Miku, and walked towards the apartment alone.

As expected, May chose the meat bun.

But it was obvious that May was also struggling for a while, and even Miku looked at him with suspicion.......


Is it so strange that boys can cook?

Don't look down on boys nowadays!

Therefore, Ye Feng decided to go back and look up the guide carefully to make super delicious meat buns.

Of course, this is not out of anger.

Ye Feng knows very well how much effort May has worked hard for so long.

If there is one among the five sisters of the Nakano family that Ye Feng does not want to disappoint the most, it must be May.

Since it is a reward for May, then of course she cannot be disappointed.

This is not a trivial matter.

He will let May know that he is not perfunctory to her.

Let her continue to maintain her confidence.

At the same time, it can also stimulate the other idiots, killing two birds with one stone!

The next day.

Lunch break.


Ye Feng handed the buns made in the morning to May:"May, this is your reward"

"Thank you, Ye Fengjun."

The hair on his head swayed happily. Wu Yue thanked him and took the bag.


Yihua stared at Ye Feng with resentful eyes,"Ye Fengjun is so partial, why didn't you tell me there was a reward at the beginning? I also want Ye Fengjun's buns and biscuits......."

"So, it seems that Ye Fengjun has been eyeing May from the very beginning!"

"cough cough......"

May almost choked:"Ichika, stop talking nonsense!"

"If you show your kindness to someone for no reason, you are either a traitor or a thief!"

Er Nai gritted her teeth and glared at Ye Feng fiercely. She had clearly made lunch boxes and biscuits for him, but she only made buns for Wu Yue.......

This is clearly biased!

Damn it!

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