Ye Feng took a sip of his drink and said calmly:"This is the new game rule. I have the right to interpret it. You can have it if you want. As long as you win the game, that's all."

After a pause, Ye Feng looked at Wu Yue and said,"Wu Yue, the meat buns are still hot. Eat them as soon as possible. Otherwise, they won't taste good when they get cold."

Hearing this, several girls looked at Wu Yue.


Seeing everyone staring at her, Mayu had a few black lines on her head and couldn't help but complain:"What are you all looking at me for!"

Yotsuba:"I want to eat."

Ichika:"Yefeng-kun's meat buns must be delicious, right?"

Nino:"I just want to see how bad it tastes."


May puffed up her cheeks:"The meat buns are mine, don't even think about it, Siye, don't get so close!"

This is the first time Ye Feng has given me a reward, no matter what, I can't let it go!


Is it really unpalatable?

Wu Yue glanced at Ye Feng. In front of so many people, even if it tasted unpalatable, she had to eat it.���, otherwise it will make Ye Fengjun very embarrassed, right?

I heard from Nino that boys are very face-conscious.

Thinking of this, May no longer hesitated, took out the meat bun and took a bite of it, then paused slightly, and subconsciously widened her eyes.

The hair on the top of her head also instantly straightened.

It's not that it doesn't taste good, it's just the opposite, it's very delicious!

May has eaten a lot of meat buns, and it's no problem to say that she is a gourmet. However, May is very sure that all the meat buns she has eaten are not as delicious as the meat buns she is eating now.

The other sisters asked,"May, how is it?"

May subconsciously curved her eyes:"Hmm.........very delicious"


Hey, is this fake?

They stared at May without blinking.

Unfortunately, May's expression didn't show any reluctance at all. Instead, she showed an expression of extreme happiness and satisfaction after eating something delicious!

The four sisters were silent.


This script doesn't seem right. Shouldn't it be very unpalatable, and May should eat it with a bitter face?

Why does she have such an expression of extreme happiness and satisfaction?

Nino hesitated:"It's impossible. Is it really delicious?"

"But May is not good at lying......."Ichika said, with a gleam in her eyes.

Yotsuba gave a thumbs up:"As expected of Ye Feng-kun!"


Ye Feng said calmly:"What Ye Feng produces must be top quality."



"Ye Fengjun, I want to eat too"

"I want one too!"

Want to eat?

Want to get something for nothing?

You guys are dreaming!

If you want to know whether it tastes good or not, and how good it is, then come and learn from me!

Ye Feng said firmly:"No, I don't have it, make it yourself"

"No, no, Ye Fengjun needs to treat everyone equally, otherwise we will be jealous......."Yihua said coquettishly, her voice was soft and sweet, and especially pleasant to the ear.

Ye Feng was indifferent.

A reward is a reward, and you guys actually want to get it for free?

No way!......

After lunch, when Ye Feng passed by the staff office, he subconsciously looked inside through the window and saw Jing Keai busy and focused.

Ye Feng thought for a moment, stopped, and then went forward and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Jing Keai's voice sounded, and she looked up at the same time, and then she saw Ye Feng pushing the door open.

Seeing Ye Feng, Jing Keai raised her eyebrows slightly, and a moment of unnaturalness flashed across her face.

That night, she was clamoring to touch his muscles or something.......

It can be directly included in the black history book and never mentioned again! It

's just like a nympho.

Jing Keai still clearly remembers the touch at that time. To be honest, his figure is real, cough cough......


Don't let your imagination run wild!

Jing'ai's pretty face turned red, and she quickly diverted her attention.

But Jing'ai is an adult after all. Although what happened that night is extremely embarrassing, she is not so shy as to be shy when she sees Ye Feng.

Therefore, Jing'ai recovered quickly.

Jing'ai leaned back in the chair, crossed one leg, crossed her arms, and said in an unhappy tone:"You kid actually came to me on your own initiative......Why didn't you accompany the five sisters of the Nakano family today?"

Ye Feng pulled a chair over and sat down:"I have already accompanied them."

"whispering sound......"

"That's a really infuriating answer."

Jing Keai pouted, then said with a half-smile:"I advise you to be careful and avoid going to places like rooftops where there are few people. I don't want to see news like"a few pieces, not enough to share" on the news one day......."

You think too much.

Learn about danger judgment and automatic body protection.

Even if you stand there and let someone attack you, you can't break your defense!

"You don't have to worry about these things."

Ye Feng said speechlessly:"Teacher Jing, you should pay more attention these days. If you encounter any abnormal situation, remember to call me."

Abnormal situation?

Jing Keai thought of something at the first time, and couldn't help but said:"Ye Feng, are you talking about the"Devil Summoning" incident that has been discussed on the Internet?""

Ye Feng nodded:"That's it."

Remind Jing Keai, lest this Jing Keai gets excited and then some accidents happen.

This is not impossible.

This Jing Keai is very chivalrous and likes to help when he sees injustice. However, if he really reaches the critical point, the first thing to do is to stay away from danger and delay time.

But it is obvious that this Jing Keai may stand up when he encounters the weak and gets excited!

If he loses Jing Keai again, Xiao Zhendong will be very painful, right?

Therefore, he has to give Jing Keai a shot in advance, lest she is unwilling to call him because of what happened that night.

"turn out to be......Is it true?"

Jing Keai was startled and subconsciously clenched her fists:"I heard that no less than a hundred people have disappeared in this incident......."

"What's wrong now?"


What's wrong? Isn't this an obvious problem?

Ye Feng didn't say anything.

Jing Keai looked at his expression and understood everything in her heart. She took a deep breath and said seriously,"I know."

Human power is limited. It is not shameful to ask your students for help when necessary.

Besides, even if Ye Feng didn't remind her, if she really encountered something strange, Jing Keai felt that she might call him.......There is no way. Although I don't want to admit it, this guy can easily give people a sense of security.

"Well, I'm leaving first."

Ye Feng stood up and was about to say goodbye and leave.


Seeing him looking at her, Jing Keai looked him straight in the eyes and said seriously,"Ye Feng, please be careful."


After Ye Feng left, Jing Keai couldn't help but sigh, and then murmured:"It must be very hard, whether it's Xiao Zhendong or him......."


Jing Keai took a deep breath, raised her hand and rubbed her temple, feeling a little irritated.

"In the end what happened?"

"What is the Demon Summoning incident?......"

"What happened to Ichinose? What does Ye Feng have to do with these things?......"

"And are all those people really dead?"


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