In the evening, Ye Feng, Wu Yue and San Jiu left the library together.

Only Wu Yue and San Jiu attended today's study session. As for Nino, Yotsuba, and Ichika, who was elusive, they were still absent.

"Ye Fengjun, you have worked hard today."

Wu Yue looked at him with sparkling eyes, her pretty face slightly red, and she stammered:"That......Are there any rewards today?"


Sanjiu instantly looked at Ye Feng,"I want to eat too."

Ye Feng was speechless and said,"Today is just normal study, no rewards......"


Yue let out a mournful cry and held her head with both hands:"After eating Ye Fengjun's meat buns, other meat buns have no taste at all......."

You are exaggerating!

Besides, I didn't see you eat less meat buns today!


Sanjiu poked Ye Feng, and seeing him looking at her, she pursed her lips slightly and whispered,"Don't bully Wu Yue......."

"Then I bully you?"


Miku puffed up her cheeks slightly and continued to poke him.

Always bullying people......


Ye Feng pulled the corner of his mouth and directly grabbed Sanjiu's hand.

Sanjiu's cheeks suddenly turned red. She looked at May in panic. When she saw that she didn't notice, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, Sanjiu bit her pink lips hard, and glared at him shyly and angrily:"Guilty! Hanged!"

You are still fierce at this time, can't you tell the situation?

Ye Feng frowned, then gently scratched Sanjiu's palm with his fingers.

The itchy feeling in the palm of her hand made Sanjiu couldn't help but let out a muffled groan:"Um~"

""Eh? Sanjiu, what's wrong with you?" May looked at Sanjiu curiously, because May was walking on the other side of Ye Feng, and the moment she saw him, Ye Feng also let go of Sanjiu's hand, so May did n't notice anything.......

May looked at Sanjiu with a strange look in her eyes:"Sanjiu, your face is so red......"

At this point, May glanced at Ye Feng, and her intuition told her that Ye Feng must have done something to Sanjiu.......

Subconsciously, May puffed up her cheeks slightly.

This was too much.

She was right beside him, but he was secretly bullying Miku.

When did the two of them become so close!

Miku raised her hand to tuck the hair by her ears, turned her head slightly, and her side bangs covered her red cheeks. She said calmly:"It's nothing, I was blinded by the sand just now, I'm fine now......"

"Is that so?"

May looked doubtful. Did she really misunderstand?

Miku suddenly pointed to the vending machine on the roadside ahead and said,"That's it, May, didn't you say you wanted to buy a drink? There is a vending machine there......."


Wu Yue looked at Ye Feng, pursed her lips slightly, and then whispered:"I'll go buy some drinks first......."

Leaf Wind:"......."

I don't know if it's an illusion, but I always feel that May is in a bad mood!

The promised Daimao is sitting next to me, but she only cares about eating and studying?

Ye Feng looked at Sanjiu with disdain:"You lied to May, don't you feel guilty?"


Oh my god!

How dare you say that?

The Great Wall of China is not as thick-skinned as you!......

Sanjiu looked at May and bit her lips subconsciously. May's expression just now, could it be that she was not interested in frivolous things?......

Should, shouldn't it be?

After accepting May's drink, Ye Feng glanced at the wilted May and said casually:"I made some cookies and didn't finish them. Do you want some?"

May blurted out:"Yes!"

After reacting, May's pretty face instantly turned red. She pursed her lips and couldn't help but glared at Ye Feng:"Ye Fengjun, see you tomorrow, Sanjiu, hurry up......"


Ye Feng walked towards the apartment alone.

The sun was setting.

The setting sun was like a scorching sun.

Ye Feng bought some ingredients and materials for making cookies at the supermarket. Just as he was about to go back, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a familiar pink-haired figure.

That was......

Little Manfuyu!

Little Manfuyu was still wearing a professional suit, outlining her slender figure. Her slender body stood straight, with one hand covering her chest, looking focused and serious.

What is she doing?

Is she thinking about what ingredients to buy tonight and cook at home?


Little Manfuyu cooks and so on, so it’s absolutely not possible!

What if she gets an upset stomach and food poisoning?

So it must be stopped!

Ye Feng walked over with a serious expression, but when Ye Feng got closer and turned around a row of shelves to see clearly, his steps froze slightly, and then he couldn’t help but cover his forehead.

What a pitfall!

I thought you were thinking about what ingredients to buy to cook at home, but you are actually choosing cup noodles?

It’s just cup noodles, any kind will do!

Is it necessary to be so entangled and serious!

Sure enough, expecting you to cook is the biggest mistake of my life!

Kirisu Manfuyu felt that there was someone standing next to her, her eyebrows slightly frowned, and she moved away a little without leaving a trace.

However, when she noticed that the person next to her was getting closer to her, Kirisu Madoka's pretty face froze and she looked at the person next to her with a cold gaze.......

"Hey, Ye Feng?"

After seeing the person next to him clearly, Kirisu Madoka slightly widened his eyes, and the ice on his face melted quietly, but soon, Kirisu Madoka frowned and glared at him:"What are you doing standing next to me?"

"Waiting for you."

Ye Feng said seriously:"I saw that you were so serious about choosing, so I didn't disturb you."


Kirisu Madoka bit her pink lips and couldn't help but glared at him. She picked up two buckets of soup master cup noodles and turned away. She was actually seen struggling over which cup noodles to buy.......

What a bad decision.

I should have bought some more.

How embarrassing.

Ye Feng reminded her:"Xiao Madoya, you bought something with a spicy flavor."

Madoya Kirisu doesn't like spicy food. Like many people, she prefers lighter food.

The same goes for cup noodles.

If I don't remind her, she probably won't eat it when she gets it back, and I don't know how long it will be kept. It will be troublesome to deal with it later.

Hearing Ye Feng's words, Madoya Kirisu froze in her tracks, then walked back with a stern face, pretending to be calm as she put the cup noodles back, and picked up the one next to her.......

However, that cheek was clearly flushed with pink, so cute!

Ye Feng coughed lightly:"Come to my place for dinner today." Kirisu

Madoka said angrily:"No."

Ye Feng said seriously:"I'm the only one at home today. In addition, I plan to try new Chinese cuisine today. Little Madoka, are you sure you don't want to eat it?"

Kirisu Madoka looked embarrassed and annoyed:"......Don't talk!"

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