"Onii-chan, are you going to hit Nanako?"

Nanako's eyes were filled with tears. She looked at her Nissan with a pitiful look, and her voice sounded even softer. If it was someone else, such as Menma,......

I can't bear it anymore!

Ye Feng looked at the ghost girl standing in front of Nanako:"Do you want to be beaten too?"


Menma blinked and quickly crouched down with his head in his hands:"That......Unconsciously......"

Although this Nanako is indeed very cute and knows how to act cute, you are so useless to be captured without knowing it!

Ye Feng was unmoved:"Nanako, come here quickly!"


Seeing that her Nissan was unmoved, Nanako subconsciously pouted and tried to bargain:"Onii-chan, can you let Nanako finish this game first? Without me, they will lose......."

You're overthinking it. Without a rookie like you, they might be able to win more easily!

Ye Feng frowned and walked over.

Nanako saw that the situation was not good, so she stood up and rushed towards her Nissan with a"Hey!"......

"Onii-chan, look at my super big head!"


"Woo~~~Nissan is a pervert! A big pervert!"


"Damn it! I'm going to fight you!"


"I'm going to tell my mom that Nissan is secretly......"

"Bang! Keep talking!"

"Woohoo......Onii-chan, Nanako knows she's wrong, please stop hitting me......"

"You loosen up"

"Onii-chan, it hurts......"


Facing his tearful and spoiled sister, Ye Feng also had a headache, but on the surface, he still kept a straight face and said,"Hurry up and clean up the room.""

"Nissan villain!"



Nanako covered her buttocks and quickly stepped back. Her pouting mouth was so tight that it could hold several bottles of oil.

"Nissan is too much, my butt must be swollen! I want to eat braised pork, garlic shrimp dumplings, sweet and sour spare ribs, spicy chicken......"

"Don't even think about it"



Seeing that her Nissan was unmoved, Nanako had no choice but to start cleaning the room with grievance.

What could she do?

Meeting such a Nissan, she was also helpless!

"Miss Ghost, come here quickly and help me play for a while. I'll come over after I clean up the house......."

"Eh? But I don't know how to do it......."

"Don't be afraid, as long as you can move, like this, right, right......That's it, just follow the assistant......."

"Wow......Nana-chan, someone is coming to kill us"

"Idiot, run away!"

"Oh oh oh......"

In the kitchen, Ye Feng couldn't help but twitching his lips when he heard the noise from the bedroom.

An hour later, dinner was ready.

Because he had eaten the green peppers boiled in Nino's water last time, Ye Feng couldn't forget it, so today, he tried to make shredded pork with green peppers.

I heard that everyone who has eaten it said it was good.

In fact, the green peppers are indeed much more delicious when processed in this way.

Ye Feng came to the next door and knocked on the door.

Kirisu Mando opened the door, pursed her lips and said,"Ye Feng, I'm still......"

She had heard the noise from the next door.

After all, it was an old apartment, and the sound insulation was not very good. If she spoke a little louder, the neighbors could hear her.


Ye Feng grabbed Kirisuma's wrist and said,"You are not allowed to go back on your promise. Besides, as long as Nanako is here, there will be no problem."


Kirisu Madoka looked ashamed. What kind of identity would he go there with?

Ye Feng said seriously,"Today I want to thank Teacher Madoka for taking care of me......."

"So, don't overthink."


Kirisu Mafuyu couldn't help but glared at him. What kind of care is that? It's obviously just calling you to get up every morning.

If you didn't want to get up, I wouldn't agree to call you every day!


Hearing this, Kirisu Mafuyu felt a little less ashamed. The most obvious reaction was that she was no longer so resistant.

So, you are clearly deceiving yourself!

Kirisu Mafuyu changed her shoes and walked into the living room. Seeing Nanako looking at her curiously, she pretended to be calm and said,"Nanako, good evening......."

"Good evening, Mafuyu-sister."

Nanako showed a very happy smile, then hugged Kirisu Mafuyu's arm and complained tearfully:"Mafuyu-sister, Nissan just bullied me......."


Kirisu Manfuyu immediately frowned, used the"Death Stare" on Ye Feng, and scolded:"Ye Feng, as a brother, you are not allowed to bully your sister."

However, what's wrong with beating up his sister because she is naughty! Those brothers who know that their sisters have grown up crooked but don't want to correct them are the ones who are really irresponsible!

Ye Feng narrowed his eyes and looked at Nanako who was looking at him proudly.

Very good! You are taking advantage of the power of others, right? I'll teach you a lesson later!

Nanako shuddered, and obviously understood the look in her Nissan's eyes. She quickly changed the subject and said:"Sister Manfuyu, Nissan is actually a very good person. He is not only super handsome, but also has a gentle personality and is very considerate.~"

"Nanako did something wrong just now, so Nissan gave her a lesson"

"So, sister Manfuyu, don't blame Nissan."


My goodness, your moral integrity has completely fallen!

Kirisu Madoka glanced at Ye Feng and said,"Nanako, don't worry, if he bullies you, just tell me."

Ye Feng said speechlessly,"Teacher Madoka, you pamper Nanako too much......."

She actually called out my name?

Nanako blinked, looked at the stern-faced Nissan, then looked at the super pretty sister Manfuyu, and instantly understood. Then she smiled sweetly and said in a soft voice,"Thank you, sister Manfuyu, Nanako got it......."

Hearing Nanako's voice, Kirisu Madoka's eyes instantly softened.

Seeing this, Ye Feng curled the corners of his mouth.

So, in this world where appearance is everything, you have to suffer the consequences!

While eating, Nanako secretly waved to Menma who was looking at her eagerly.

Menma's eyes lit up and she quickly floated over:"Nana-chan......"

Nanako covered her mouth and said in a low voice:"Ghost sister, the food made by Onii-chan is super delicious."

Menma swallowed subconsciously.

Seeing this, Nanako raised the corners of her mouth slightly and said:"So, just act like a spoiled child, just act like a spoiled child to Nissan......."

"As long as Onii-chan agrees, Nanako can let the ghost sister possess her for a while......"

"behave in a spoiled manner......"

Menma's face flushed, she covered her face and whispered,"But......So shameful"

"There's nothing to be ashamed of!"

Nanako said confidently:"Isn't it natural for girls to act like a spoiled child?"

"Hurry up, or it will be gone in no time."


Opposite Nanako, Jianmima looked at him pitifully, and Ye Feng was speechless.

Nanako was obviously fooling you!

You actually believed it?

Very good.

Nanako, you are willing to sacrifice yourself for others, right?

Then it will be as you wish!

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