One night passed.

Menma opened his eyes blankly, and what he saw was an unfamiliar ceiling.

Who am I?

Where am I? I am so sleepy.

No......I want to sleep a little longer.

Menma arched the quilt happily, then closed her eyes, and her breathing soon became smooth again.

Ye Feng opened the door, his eyes fell on the girl who wrapped herself like a silkworm, and said,"Nanako, hurry up and get up!""


"It’s Onii-chan’s voice~"

Menma opened her sleepy eyes, sat up, and said subconsciously:"Onii-chan, good morning"......"

The sun was shining brightly outside the window, and the golden sunlight poured into the room, shining on the girl who was rubbing her eyes, making her skin look white.

Ye Feng glanced at her, and his heart was calm. It was a done deal. She was about to go to


High School, but she hadn't changed at all since she was a child, and she was still wearing underwear for girls.......

The milk I drink every day is just a waste!

Ye Feng turned around and said,"Breakfast is ready. It's your favorite curry rice."

"Curry rice?"

Menma's eyes lit up, and he quickly threw off the quilt and stood up. Suddenly, a chill hit him, and he subconsciously looked down at his body, then his eyes widened in an instant.......


My clothes?

Where are my clothes?

Did I accidentally take them off yesterday?

Menma looked confused, but she was not slow in her movements. She quickly pulled the quilt over herself.

Seeing that Ye Feng didn't look at her, Menma breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Onii-chan didn't see it.


Menma suddenly realized why she was lying on the bed. She didn't need to sleep....... and......

It feels so strange.

Menma looked at her hands curiously. They were a pair of small but very delicate hands.......

So warm.

This warm feeling......

Menma touched his hands, his face full of curiosity.

"Wow, I slept so comfortably......."

At this time, Nanako's soft and sticky voice sounded, and Menma hurriedly asked:"Nana-chan, where are you?"

Menma looked around the room. The room was empty. There was no one else except herself.


Nanako paused, then uttered a cry of grief:"Ghost sister, you actually took away my body......."

"Hey hey hey——"

After a while, Menma finally figured out a fact.......

I entered Nanako's body and shared the same body with her.......

The most important thing is that Menma found that he had no way to get out of Nanako's body.

"How......What should I do?"

Menma said in panic:"Nana-chan, Menma didn't mean it......."

However, Nanako was not panicked at all. After a while, the young loli girl had completely calmed down and began to enjoy herself!

"This feeling is so strange, Ghost Sister, I leave Nanako's body to you, I'll sleep for a while......"


"Don't worry, this may be puberty syndrome, maybe it will be fine in a few days......"

Nanako said seriously:"So these two days, school, homework, and physical education are all given to you. By the way, I was planning to do yesterday's homework later, so I'll give it to you as well." Menma's body stiffened, revealing a look of being about to cry:"Nana-chan, Menma, Menma can't do this......."

"I'm going to sleep."


In the living room, Ye Feng looked at Nanako, who was walking out of the room slowly with her head down, nervously pinching the corner of her clothes.

What should he do? What if Onii-chan finds out? He will be very angry and chase him away, right?

Just when Menma was feeling uneasy and at a loss, Ye Feng said,"Nanako, come over and have breakfast quickly."

"ah......"I'm coming."

Menma's body trembled, and she stood up straight quickly, looking at Ye Feng timidly.

Seeing that he didn't move, she breathed a sigh of relief.

There was no other way.

She could only hide it from Onii-chan for the time being. She had already caused Onii-chan a lot of trouble, and she didn't want to be hated.......

Menma took a deep breath, then sat on the chair, picked up the spoon and looked at the curry rice in front of him. Menma swallowed her saliva, and her eyes instantly became bright.

Ye Feng drank a mouthful of soup and said,"Don't look at it, eat it quickly.""


Mian Ma nodded quickly, secretly glanced at Ye Feng, then carefully opened her mouth and took a small bite.

Good, delicious!

Mian Ma's eyes lit up immediately, and then she concentrated on eating.

When she finished eating, Mian Ma stared at the empty plate in a daze, and tears suddenly flowed out.......

Seeing the girl suddenly burst into tears, Ye Feng said speechlessly:"Why are you crying?"


Menma wiped her eyes subconsciously:"Did I cry?""What do you think?"

Menma quickly wiped her tears and showed a shy smile on her face:"The curry rice is delicious. Maybe it's because I haven't eaten such delicious curry rice for a long time, so......"

Suddenly realizing that she is Nanako now, Menma tilted her head, a silly smile appeared on her face, she stuck out her pink tongue, shamelessly acted cute, trying to get away with it

"Hey hey......"

"Onii-chan's curry rice is super delicious!"

Ye Feng glanced at the silly Nanako, stood up to put away the dishes, and said casually:"As long as you like it."

After throwing the dishes into the dishwasher and cleaning up the kitchen, Ye Feng came to the living room and saw Nanako sitting upright on the sofa, looking embarrassed.

Compared with Nanako on weekdays, Nanako at this moment clearly had some dignity.

Ye Feng couldn't help but cover his forehead.

He miscalculated.

He thought he could teach Nanako a lesson this way, but this sister used this to...���opportunity, and started to be lazy blatantly!

You are too careless!

At this moment, Menma suddenly floated out of Nanako's body, and Nanako took over the body instantly.

It's time.

Nanako was disappointed:"I wanted to sleep a little longer, what a pity......"

Menma exhaled and patted his chest:"It's okay, it's okay, we finally separated......"

"Noodle code......"


Seeing the ghost girl looking at him curiously, Ye Feng took out a piece of red rope and said,"Take it. As long as there is enough bond and longing, it will lead you to find the person you want to find......."


Menma was startled, her eyes quickly filled with tears, she hurriedly wiped away her tears, stood up and bowed:"Onii-chan, thank you, really......"

Menma raised her little face and looked over with a bright smile on her face:"I'm really happy to meet Onii-chan, and Onii-chan's curry rice is really delicious!......"


Menma took the red string and left quickly.

This time, the red string will guide the direction.

The stupid ghost will not get lost again.

Until now, Ye Feng did not know the real name of the ghost girl, just like an unknown wild flower on the roadside.

Maybe after this time, we will never meet again?

"Stupid Nissan, stop looking at the sky and walk faster, you're going to be late"


After walking for a while, Ye Feng suddenly stopped and looked up at the crack in the sky. He saw a flash of red light. Although it was only for a moment, it felt......

It can't be wrong.

Another ghost was absorbed by the sky crack.

But if it was just like this, Ye Feng would not stop. What really made him stop was that he felt a strong wish and a familiar energy.......

That was his energy aura.

The ones who currently possessed his energy were the ghost girl who had just left, and little Mafuyu.

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