Ren Tai looked up at Ye Feng, his face showing no fear or terror, because he remembered why he died.......

Why did I suddenly appear here?......

Jinta looked at Menma, who had a dull look in her eyes and tears streaming down her face. A smile appeared on her face and she said softly,"Menma, I'm sorry that you came back and saw me like this......."

"do not Cry"

"Because only in this way can we be liberated"

"Menma, you know what? I am so happy to see you. I am so happy......."

After hearing Jinta's voice, Menma couldn't hold back any longer and burst into tears, covering her face.




"I am the one who should say sorry."

Renta struggled to get up, and black energy began to gather around him.

"I shouldn't have let you see this......."


Jinta took one last look at Menma, then resolutely turned around and staggered away.

Ye Feng took a step and followed.

Menma suddenly felt a strong fear in her heart, and hurriedly chased after her:"Jinta, where are you going?"

However, her speed was too slow. She could only watch the two of them go away.

Jinta gritted his teeth and walked very far away, so far that he could no longer see Menma, and could no longer hear her voice.

He stopped, turned around and looked at Ye Feng, who had an indifferent expression, a smile appeared on his face, and raised his hand to wipe away his tears,"Sorry, I made you laugh......."

Ye Feng was silent for a moment, then asked,"Are you from this world?"

"ah......That's right."

Renta's face showed a look of reminiscence,"One day, this world suddenly changed, and monsters appeared. Finally, one day, the balance was completely broken, and then the end of the world came......."

"Countless nuclear bombs began to attack indiscriminately......"

"The whole world was engulfed in gunfire, countless monsters died, countless humans died......"

"But we still lost."

Jinta shook his head and smiled bitterly:"In the end, I don't remember anything, I just remember that we were all dead. This time, I appeared, probably because I felt Menma's presence and woke up in some obsession......."


Jinta looked at himself who was gradually becoming a monster, his eyes blank:"But......We all became monsters......"


"They all turned into monsters......"

Jinta held his head, a look of pain on his face, and the dark aura on his body continued to gather.


Jinta used up the last bit of his sanity to get off the seat and begged,"Please......Please, please save the following code......"

"We killed her, but she can't become a monster like us......."



When Jinta raised his head again, his eyes were replaced by a dark red light.


As Jinta stood up, a ferocious bone-spurred tail fell to the ground. With a"boom", the ground shook violently, and a strong wind whistled up.

"I am......Humanity......Not a monster......I do not want......"

"Don't want to be a monster......"

"kill me!"

"kill me!"

"kill me!"


Renta screamed in pain, and terrible energy waves continued to burst out of his body.

The ground cracked layer by layer.

Buildings continued to collapse.

Suddenly, a hideous and terrifying figure appeared in front of Ye Feng in an instant, and a huge fist with bone spurs came and collided with Ye Feng's raised hand.


The strong wind shattered the dark clouds, and under the blood moon, the monster's figure became larger and larger.

"Kill me!!!"

The scream turned into a roar that broke through the sky.


A huge fist smashed down instantly.

Ye Feng raised his hand and took the attack from the demon with his ant-like body. His black hair was in disarray, and a huge dent was instantly created on the ground beneath Ye Feng's feet. He raised his head and stared at the demon's red eyes.......

Violence, begging, pain, bloodthirstiness......

This is the Void Demon.

So, is this how the Void Demon came about?

Ye Feng closed his eyes, and a brilliant white light suddenly burst out from the blade.......

"Onii-chan, don't......"

The sudden shrill voice made Ye Feng pause for a moment, but the next moment, he swung his knife mercilessly.

All monsters must die.

No exceptions.

When the day passed and darkness fell, the monsters disappeared.

Menma's eyes were dull and he knelt on the ground powerlessly.

Ye Feng looked at Menma, his expression was calm, but he couldn't say anything.



Sorry, these methods are of no use at all.

Sadness is like that, it can only be tasted by one person and endured silently.

Others cannot share it.


Why wasn't I born in a truly peaceful and stable world?

Super powers or something......

If this is the price of super powers, then what good are they?......

What can be done?

Ye Feng raised his head, took a deep breath, pursed his lips, closed his eyes and said nothing.

In this world, there are some people who are obviously suffering, but they just can't see the suffering of the world.......

Some people say that such people are hypocritical.

But they don't know that judging others by their own standards is a very stupid thing.

People are not the same.

Their sorrows are even more different.

Although there are many bad people and selfish people in this world, there are also many good people.

It's just that it's hard to be a good person.

Deep love does not lead to longevity, and extreme wisdom will hurt.

Therefore, he doesn't want to be a good person, because good people live too hard and will be unhappy.


He was wrong.

No matter how cold he was, the softness deep in his heart had never changed.

This might be......

Even though I have only known this stupid ghost for a short time and have not had much contact with him,......

But it was impossible to remain indifferent.

The heavy rain fell again.

The cold rain was a bit biting. Ye Feng was silent for a long time, turned around and walked towards the face.

"Get up and come home with me"


Menma raised her head, her eyes blurred with tears, staring at him blankly. After a while, she shook her head gently, lowered her head, and let the tears fall one by one.......

Ye Feng was silent. He squatted down, grabbed Menma's hand, and was about to pull her up when his eyes suddenly fell on the red string in Menma's palm.

At this moment, the red string was emitting a faint light.

That light seemed to connect to somewhere, and a very beautiful warm feeling emanated from it.

This was......

Ye Feng was slightly startled.

Menma looked up and smiled:"Onii-chan, thank you, but Menma can't go back......."

"Because this is Menma's home......."...... ps: Well, good night.

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