"Everyone, here"

"Menma can feel that everyone is here, waiting for Menma......"

The light of the red rope gradually became stronger.

The warm light spread out like a rainbow, the darkness was dispelled, the sky turned blue and white clouds again, and the earth began to come alive, with small grasses breaking through the ground, followed by flowers in full bloom.

This scene was too magical.

It made people feel like they were in a dream.

By the clear river, behind a few trees, young men emerged, and there were two girls.

They looked over, with smiles on their faces, and gently waved to Menma, then bowed slightly to Ye Feng.

Menma wiped away her tears, stood up and walked over there.

Suddenly, Menma turned around and looked at the dazed Ye Feng, and a bright smile suddenly appeared on her face,"Onii-chan, we can be together again, so please don't be sad, and you must be happy in the days to come......."

"Because smile is the most beautiful scenery in the world."

"Menma is leaving, Onii-chan, if there is an afterlife, Menma���As Oni-chan's younger sister, even though her older brother always pretends to be cold and indifferent, Menma knows that Oni-chan is actually a very gentle person."

"If I become Onii-chan's sister, I will be very happy, right?"

Menma wiped away her tears and smiled:"Although the time is short, Menma is very happy, really happy, the games are fun, the snacks are delicious, and the big brother's food is also super delicious. Menma is really happy......."

Menma bowed and smiled:"Onii-chan, remember Menma's smile, you have to be as happy as me......."

"Goodbye, Onii-chan......"

"Thank you."

Mianma waved his hand, then ran towards his companions. Finally, everyone looked at Ye Feng, bowed slightly, and then laughed and played, heading towards the distance.

Gradually disappearing.

Darkness enveloped the earth again, and the blood moon hung high.

The scene just now was like a dream.

Ye Feng stood still for a moment, looking up at the sky.

What happened just now was not an illusion.

However, he did not think that the red rope he gave could do this.......

Even if it was a miracle, it couldn't be done this way, right?

Or did he underestimate the power of the so-called miracle?

But Ye Feng was more inclined to believe that this critical area might contain some secrets that he didn't know.


Ye Feng retracted his gaze and took a deep breath.

The air was cold.

He took one last look and whispered,"Just go, stop talking so much nonsense......."

Ye Feng turned around, and as he was walking, he subconsciously stopped and looked behind him.

There was nothing there.

The ghost girl with a silly smile really disappeared.

Ye Feng stared blankly for a while, turned around again, and his figure quickly walked into the darkness and disappeared.


The expressionless puppet girl appeared here. She squatted down and stretched out her right hand. A drop of crystal clear water flew up from the ground and landed on her hand.

The puppet girl tilted her head and stared at the drop of water without blinking. Then, she spread out her left palm, and suddenly many water drops appeared on her hand. The drops looked even more crystal clear under the blood moon.

After a while, the puppet girl closed her palms and collected the water drops.

The figure flashed and disappeared.

When she appeared again, there were more water drops floating in front of the puppet girl.

She stretched out her slender fingers, gently touched the water drops, closed her eyes, as if she was sensing something.

Drop by drop, the puppet girl suddenly felt something, and an expression appeared on her face for the first time.......

That was confusion.

Leaving the critical point.

Ye Feng appeared in the sunlight. He bathed in the warm sunlight and looked towards the corner of the alley. His eyes fell on a flower growing in the crack of the corner.

An unknown flower.

Ye Feng paused for a moment and then walked towards Sobu High School.


"Sorry, I already have enough sisters, one more......It's even more of a headache......."


Ye Feng suddenly covered his head and stopped.

People were coming and going.

He stood there alone, covering his head, with a look of confusion on his face.

Just now, he seemed to remember something.

What was it?

When he looked carefully, those fleeting images disappeared in an instant like a white horse passing by.

But Ye Feng is not an ordinary person.

He caught those images.

One picture after another flashed through his mind, and the confusion in Ye Feng's eyes gradually disappeared.

He remembered.

He remembered some things he had forgotten.

That was before he was seven years old.

Passersby looked at Ye Feng who was standing still. Just when someone couldn't help but want to step forward to ask, Ye Feng put down his hand and took another step.

"It turns out he's fine. I thought he was sick."

"Yeah, it's motionless, I want to call an ambulance"

"These young people lack exercise, are weak and get sick easily."

"Who says it's not true?......"


Listening to the whispers of passers-by around him, Ye Feng murmured:"There are indeed more good people in this world......."

He looked up at the crack in the sky.

He saw that the crack had shrunk a little, and his ability had just improved a little bit.

He became stronger.

But his body......

But it limited his ability.


To be precise, his ability should be restored.

Because before he was seven years old, he was much stronger than he is now. This also made him understand why his ability improved so quickly.......

Because his ability is not improving, but recovering.

In addition, what happened with Menma today made him know a huge secret, and at the same time, it also made him confirm some things.

It turned out that not all the creatures in Critical Level died.

Instead, a part of them came to the world where he is.

It’s a pity that he has no memory of these things before he was seven years old, which means that all of this has nothing to do with him.

Where did those creatures come from?

Who are they?

What kind of bond do those people have with Critical Level?

Will these people make Critical Level expand faster?

Why did the crack in the sky suddenly shrink?

Are his superpowers innate, or are they acquired from somewhere else?

These are all questions.

Thinking all the way, Ye Feng walked into Sobu High School as if no one was around after the bell rang.

Disciplinary Committee Member:"......"

The two of us standing here are transparent!

I am so angry!

If the chairman hadn't reminded me, I would have stopped you today!

Walking into the classroom, Ye Feng sat down, and the Daimao next to him came over immediately and asked curiously:"Ye Fengjun, are you okay? You came very late today."

Ye Feng put away his schoolbag, looked at Wu Yue, and said:"Because I sent my sister to school......."


Daimao, who sat at the next table, shook his head slightly and asked in surprise,"Isn't Ye Fengjun's sister in the same grade as us?"

"It's another sister."

Ye Feng thought for a moment and said,"I can introduce her to you some other day."

I'll introduce Nanako to you.

That shameless girl can make you thick-skinned very quickly!

After a pause, Ye Feng said seriously,"Nanako is super cute and loves to act like a spoiled child. Do you really want to meet her?"

May nodded quickly,"I want to meet her"


Ye Feng stretched out his hand:"Let me touch Daimao, I'll introduce him to you this afternoon."


Wu Yue held her head in her hands, puffed up her face and glared,"Ye Fengjun, I won't let you touch my ahoge!"

"That's fine."


Yes, I bullied you.

Because bullying makes people happy!

Otherwise, why do you think Ichika likes to make trouble so much?

The bell rang and the first class began.

Teacher Sato walked in with a thermos cup. Ye Feng looked out the window and soon couldn't help lying on the table.

May secretly glanced at Ye Feng and was speechless when she saw this scene.

"Ye Fengjun is really something, why does he sleep every day?......"


"Probably because I'm too tired......."

Wu Yue pursed her lips, guessing something in her heart, and her mood became a little complicated.

Every time Ye Feng took out his notes and test papers, they were all written by himself. There is no doubt that this would be a very time-consuming and energy-consuming task.

So, Ye Fengjun sleeps every day, but he is actually busy until very late every day, right?

In places where he cannot be seen, he has been silently paying


Wu Yue couldn't help but mutter, and subconsciously clenched her fists:"Ye Fengjun works so hard, I have to work hard too, I can't let Ye Fengjun's efforts go in vain!"

"If you really want to touch the hair, there are meat buns.......It's not impossible, right?"

So, the girl's self-attack strategy...... schedule:???

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