During lunch break, Ye Feng did not go to the cafeteria, but went to the rooftop.

Menma's matter was actually okay.

At least Menma's wish had been fulfilled, so this was also something worth being happy about.

Moreover, he was used to these things.

Of course, when you are in a bad mood, just put down all your burdens and do something that makes you happy.

For example, bully May.

Some things don't feel good at first, but if you do them more, you will become thick-skinned.

The moral integrity will naturally be gone.

So, this matter has come to an end.

Let's go to the appointment first and eat Yukinoshita's bento!

To be honest, the bento made by Yukinoshita is very rich. Although the taste is a little worse than Nino's bento, it is also very good and deserves the word"delicious".

In addition, Yukinoshita is unexpectedly very careful.

Perhaps because she thinks that boys have a much bigger appetite than girls, the bento prepared by Yukinoshita is very sufficient.

This is very good.

I always feel that if I marry Yukinoshita home, she can do well in the future, whether it is making money to support the family or doing housework.

And Yukinoshita is super cute.

Although her figure is a little off, if she takes off her clothes, her curves will be very beautiful!

Of course, Ye Feng definitely did not use perspective to spy on Yukinoshita.

The reason why he concluded that Yukinoshita's figure is actually not bad is actually a conclusion drawn by visual observation.

Yes, that's it.

Under the blue sky, Yukinoshita sat dignifiedly on the bench, with her legs together and tilted to one side, and a book on her legs, reading quietly.

Ye Feng knew that the book was not a literary work, but a novel.

The ink-dyed shoulder-length hair floated slightly in the breeze, and under the serious and focused expression, the pink cherry lips were gently pursed, the bright big eyes, the just right slender waist, and the fair and transparent skin, matched with the red bow ribbons tied on both sides of the hair.......

Today, Yukinoshita is still a girl who seems to have walked out of a painting.

She seems to be a girl who will still exist even if the world ends.


Yukinoshita's temperament is just like her name, cold and icy, making people afraid to approach her.

Should we say that she is worthy of being the flower of the high mountain of Sobu High School?

Hearing the footsteps, Yukinoshita paused slightly in turning the pages of the book, tilted her head, and when she saw Ye Feng, she pursed her lips and then retracted her gaze.

"Good afternoon, Yukino."

"Well, good afternoon."

Yukinoshita did not correct Ye Feng's address. She closed the book and picked up the lunch box beside her:"I heard that you can also make dumplings, is that true?"

Aren't you asking even though you already know the answer!

However, it is a bit surprising that you would pay attention to these things!

Ye Feng took the lunch box and looked at Yukinoshita.

Yukinoshita had a calm expression and turned her head to look at him:"Ye Feng, don't you know that it is very rude to stare at a girl like this?"


Ye Feng:"Because......Snow is so cute"


Yukinoshita looked at me with disdain and said,"Sorry, sweet words don't work on me......."

But you blushed.

It turns out that sweet words to girls are actually very effective.

Of course, there is a prerequisite.

That is, the other party does not hate you.

Ye Feng vaguely remembers that when he first met Xueshita, he praised her for being super cute, and the disgust on her face was about to overflow.......

However, even though she was still disliked when I praised her now, I felt that Yukinoshita was more shy, right?

Was it an illusion?

Ye Feng was in a subtle mood, and suddenly he remembered the warm touch of her cheek that night, and the faint smell of fruit.......

Subconsciously, Ye Feng's eyes fell on Yukinoshita's cherry lips.

Not sure if it was because she applied lip balm or it was natural, but Yukinoshita's cherry lips looked particularly moist and shiny.

If you take a bite, it should taste great, right? Yukinoshita looked embarrassed and annoyed, and turned her head to glare at him:"Ye Feng, what are you thinking about?" I'm wondering if you are still using the fruit-flavored lip balm. If possible, I want to taste it!

Ye Feng said decisively:"I'm not thinking about anything."


Xuexia pursed her lips and looked at Ye Feng with a stern look. The look in her eyes just now clearly showed that she was thinking about something bad, right?


Ye Feng opened the lunch box and changed the subject:"Today's lunch is also very rich, thank you for your hard work, Xueno"


Yukinoshita exhaled, raised her hand to tuck the hair beside her ear with a little distress.

Could this guy have discovered something?

After hesitating for a moment, Yukinoshita pursed her lips and said,"Ye Feng, what happened today?"


Ye Feng looked at Xueshita in surprise:"Why do you ask that?"


Yukinoshita looked away and looked at the lunch box on her lap. She gently opened it and said,"I feel like you are a little different than usual......."

Is it that obvious?

Ye Feng looked at Xuexia unexpectedly, then looked away and said,"Because some things have been confirmed, I am hesitant now......."

He was wondering if this tutoring job should end.

Because he had determined that the Nakano family was from the critical......

It came from the critical point, and it had nothing to do with it.

But the key point was that there was a being in the critical point that had a strong bond with the five Nakano sisters.

And it might also be related to him.

The probability was 90%, yes, the probability was that high!

At the same time, this also confirmed that he was indeed the one who caused the Ichinose incident.

In other words, the Void Demon was targeting him.......

Thinking back to these things, unless he was a selfish and cold-hearted person, it was impossible for him to remain indifferent, right?

Then the question came.

The critical monster must die.

If one day, things really developed as he thought,......

Recalling the first time I met the Nakano sisters seven years ago, and everything that happened after the Nakano sisters transferred to the school......

I feel terrible.

Yukinoshita pursed her lips and turned her head to look at Ye Feng who was lowering his head and eating his lunch quietly.

"If I can, I would like to be a listener"


Ye Feng paused for a moment, raised his head and looked at the azure sky and the hideous crack in the sky.

After a while, he whispered,"It's just a small matter, not worth mentioning."

Yukinoshita bit her cherry lips silently,"We are friends, right?"


Sorry , in my world, there are only girlfriends, no female friends."......"......

One day passed quickly.

Because of Nanako and Menma's incident, Ye Feng canceled his trip to the library today. Nino was very unhappy about this.

Especially when she remembered that in the cafeteria, May distributed a cookie to her like a treasure and praised Ye Feng lavishly, Nino was even more unhappy.

This is clearly partiality! It's okay to only give May a cookie, but in the afternoon, she rejected her friend's invitation to go shopping together, and then she planned to work hard.......

Finally, he went home!

"Damn it!"

Nino couldn't help but kick the small tree by the roadside, but the next moment, the girl couldn't help but groan, staggered to the ground, and almost cried in pain

"Woo......Damn it, I'll come and chop you off tomorrow!"

After a while, the pain subsided.

Nino gritted her teeth and walked slowly towards the tram station.

Just as she approached the tram station, she suddenly heard a familiar voice.

"Nanako, don't run around"

"Is it Ye Feng, the soul-danting one?"

Nino turned her head subconsciously and saw a petite, cute girl with twin ponytails suddenly throwing herself into Ye Feng's arms.......

And he not only didn't refuse, but hugged the girl?

Nino's eyes widened instantly, and for a moment, three words suddenly popped up in her mind - lolita control!...... ps: Well, I filled in part of the gap.

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