Ye Feng turned on the video call function.

Since it was a question-and-answer mode, he would naturally use the video call mode.

When the video was connected, Erno snorted,"You damned Ye Feng, come on over here!"

"Okay, let's start now."

Ye Feng said:"The first question is mathematical arrangement."

"Please listen carefully to the question"

"How many three-digit numbers can be formed without repetition using the numbers 0 to 9?"

"Please answer"


There was a moment of silence.

Ichika:"I remember it was 638?"

Ye Feng had a blank expression:"Wrong answer, one point deducted!" Nino hesitated for a moment, and suddenly felt that this question was a little familiar, but it seemed that she had encountered it at Ye Feng's house today, and Ye Feng had specifically explained the answer and the rules.


"Wrong answer, one point deducted!"

But it was Miku, Miku blinked, pursed her lips and said:"I don't know."

Very good.

You don't know, right!

Ye Feng narrowed his eyes:"Miku handed in a blank paper and deducted two points."

Miku puffed up her cheeks immediately:"Bullying." After hesitating for a moment, Miku turned her head away and said:"I suddenly remembered that there are 648."

Ye Feng was blunt:"Miku disrupted the order of the examination room and deducted two more points."

Miku puffed up her face immediately:"Guilty!"

Ye Feng ignored Miku's words"Guilty, seppuku" and looked at Yotsuba:"Yoto, it's your turn."

Yotsuba blinked and said:"That......648?"

"you sure?"

"Eh? That one......"

Yotsuba looked at Sanjiu pitifully, Sanjiu pursed her lips and nodded slightly.


"Yotsuba answered correctly, Miku cheated, and one more point was deducted"


May was the last to answer. She said seriously,"The hundreds digit cannot be 0, so you can choose from 1 to 9, for a total of nine choices. Then the tens digit is 0, and then subtract the number you used......."

"So, the final answer is 648."

Ye Feng looked at the stupid girls who were thinking and then suddenly realized something, and said slowly:"May's answer is correct, now let's start the second question, which is still math."

"Please listen carefully to the question......"

"The stairs you use to go upstairs have 18 steps in total, and you can walk up the stairs in 12 steps. You can walk up one step at a time, or you can walk up two steps at a time. How many ways are there in total?"


Time passed slowly.

The question-and-answer session was indeed much more interesting. Even that Nino was very cooperative.

Although she would always get so angry that she would pound the table.

Half an hour later.

Yotsuba covered her face and cried out,"I, I lost!"......"

On weekdays, Yotsuba has the least study time because she has to participate in club activities.

So Ye Feng was not surprised.

Then it was Ichika.

What surprised Ye Feng was that Ichika actually answered a lot of questions correctly, even better than Nino.

You know, although Nino was uncooperative, in fact, Nino participated in study sessions more times than Ichika, and today she even had a special session.

Nino crossed her arms across her chest, with a smug expression:"I told you, I won't lose."

Ichika noticed Ye Feng's gaze and puffed up her cheeks slightly:"Ye Feng, you look down on me, but I've also been working hard, right?......"

"I don't look down on you."

Ye Feng said seriously:"The first place is May, followed by Ichika, Miku, Nino, and Yotsuba."

"You're done, Yotsuba."


Siye covered her face and cried again:"Ye Fengjun, you bad guy!"

"That's right, I am."

Ye Feng admitted calmly, then looked at the time and said,"The punishment time is tentatively set, it ends here today, see you tomorrow."

"Goodbye, Ye Fengjun"



There was no conversation that night.

In the morning, the phone suddenly vibrated.

Ye Feng picked up the phone and when he saw the caller ID, a hint of surprise appeared on his face.

He answered the call:"Glass, good morning!""

"Good morning, good morning."

Nishimiya Naoko greeted her with a stuttering voice.

Ye Feng stood up and said,"Noko, your pronunciation is very good now."


A happy smile suddenly appeared on Nishimiya Naoko's face.

It was indeed true.

I don't know about other things, but she spoke simple words very fluently and her pronunciation was also very standard.

Nishimiya Naoko only came once last weekend. In addition to his help, her progress today was more due to the girl's own efforts.

However, Nishimiya Naoko usually just chatted by typing, but today she actually made a phone call?

After chatting for a while, Ye Feng asked:"Noko, why are you calling today? Is there something wrong?"

"Ah, that......that is......Actually, nothing......."

Seeing his sister so nervous that she couldn't speak, Yuzuru Nishimiya couldn't help but cover his forehead.

So, she just wanted to invite him to hang out together on the weekend, why was she so nervous?

"Sister, let me help you speak!"

Unable to bear it any longer, Yuzuru Nishimiya snatched the phone away and said,"Hello, is this Ye Fengjun?"

"Yes, it's me."

Ye Feng recognized Nishimiya Yuzuru's voice and greeted him,"Good morning, Yuzuru.""

"Good morning."

Nishimiya Yuzuru said quickly:"This weekend, my sister wants to invite you to play together"

"Okay, that's it. I'll let you know the exact time......."



Several question marks popped up in Ye Feng's head.


Are girls so straightforward when inviting people nowadays?

You should at least ask if they are free, do you want to?

After making breakfast, there was a knock on the door.

Ye Feng opened the door, and a figure rushed over:"Nisan, your cutest sister is here......"

"Ugly rejection!"

Ye Feng supported Nanako's head without any hesitation.

Nanako hugged Ye Feng's arm, puffed up her face and retorted:"Stupid Nissan, Nanako is not ugly!"

As she said that, Nanako looked towards the living room cautiously, got close to her Nissan, and lowered her voice and said:"Nissan, Sister Nino has gone back, right?"

"gone back......"

Ye Feng narrowed his eyes and looked at Nanako:"Nanako, why are you asking this?"

Nanako quickly shook her head and said:"Nothing......."

However, you look guilty, there must be something wrong, right?

Ye Feng felt something and looked at the girl outside the door....... ps: Regarding the relationship progress between Nino and Miku, it is written so ambiguously, it will definitely happen soon, don't worry.

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