The sun is shining brightly in the morning breeze.

The silver-haired girl outside the door has twin ponytails and wears the uniform of Sobu High School.

A white shirt with a red bow tie at the collar.

A black coat and a plaid skirt, revealing a pair of slender legs wrapped in black tights.

Extremely fair skin, a delicate face like a doll, a cold expression, bright and penetrating eyes, exceptionally beautiful.

This is Qiong.

In terms of appearance, she is no worse than Yukinoshita.

If she didn't always take leave and stay at home and not go to Sobu High School, Qiong would probably be more popular in Sobu High School!


In the past, we would always say"good morning" when we met, but today, he pursed his lips and said nothing.

That's fine.

What does the cold and disgusted look mean?

Qiong pursed his lips, looked away, suppressed the dissatisfaction in his heart, stepped hard on the floor and walked into the entrance:"I'm hungry......."


When Qiong walked into the living room, Ye Fengxu narrowed his eyes and looked at Nanako:"Nanako, what did you say?"


Nanako tapped her fingers lightly, her eyes wandering:"It's nothing, it's just that Nissan brought a super cute girl home to spend the night......."

Damn it!

Bringing a girl home and bringing her home to spend the night have completely different meanings!

No wonder Qiong had an"I'm very angry" expression, was it you, an idiot, who was talking nonsense?

"Um~ Nissan, don't pinch your face......"

"Do you know you are wrong?"

Ye Feng frowned and rubbed the girl's rosy cheeks without any mercy.

Nanako also knew she was wrong, and tears welled up in her eyes:"Nanako actually explained it to me, but mom and sister didn't believe it......."


The point is, if you didn't say that, there wouldn't be any troubles!

Ye Feng let go of his hand.

Nanako hugged Ye Feng's arm, shook it gently, and said pitifully:"Onii-chan, I'm sorry, Nanako promises that she won't let anything slip next time......."


Sorry, your promise is not credible at all!

After breakfast.

Nanako ran away with her schoolbag because she felt guilty.

Even a fool can feel the low pressure emanating from Qiong!

What's more, Nanako is not stupid at all.

Walking on the road, Ye Feng glanced at Qiong who was silent beside him. From morning till now, except for the sentence"I'm hungry", this cheap sister didn't say a word.......

You must be very angry, right?

There is no way.

As a girl with a strong possessiveness and super jealous, when I know that the person I like suddenly brings a girl home......

It would be strange if she wasn't angry.

Ye Feng thought for a moment and said,"Yesterday, Nino just came over to get some cookies."


After waiting for a while, seeing that Ye Feng didn't say anything, Qiong couldn't help but puff up her cheeks slightly:"And then?"

"What do you think?"

"you like her?"



"You're going too far."

"You said you would never leave me, you liar!"

"I didn't abandon you"

"You have"



Ye Feng frowned:"If you say that again, I will really abandon you!"

Qiong was silent.

After a moment, Qiong whispered:"Anyway, you can't go back on your promise."

Ye Feng:"......"

However, what they promised was that they would not abandon you, but they did not say that they would support you for the rest of your life!

However, if it were someone else, they would probably be very happy, right?

After all, Qiong is really beautiful, and her figure is very slim. No matter how you look at it, Qiong is a super beautiful girl, and she doesn't like shopping. Just give her snacks and an internet cable and she'll be fine.

Thinking about it this way, Qiong is actually very easy to support!


Give it a try?

Ye Feng thought for two seconds and decisively suppressed his heartbeat. It was just a thought. If he really did it, many people would probably be disappointed, right?

At least, not now!

Lunch break.

When almost everyone had walked in, Ye Feng stood up and walked out of the classroom slowly, intending to go to the rooftop to eat the lunch box prepared by Yukinoshita.

""Ye Feng."

A familiar voice sounded.

Ye Feng turned around and looked at the girl behind him, and couldn't help showing a subtle expression on his face.

Her long cherry-colored hair reached her waist and fluttered slightly in the wind. The black swallowtail butterfly hair accessories on her temples spread their wings as she walked.

The most important thing was that the girl had a very gentle smile on her face. Although she looked very cute,......

But it's too suspicious!

Ye Feng greeted:"Nino, good afternoon"

"Well, good afternoon."

Nino put her hands behind her back and looked up. Although she was smiling, her eyes were unfriendly. Then she said in a gentle tone:"Why, can't I be a little gentle to you suddenly?"

"Of course!"

Ye Feng said seriously:"Gentle Nino is super cute!"


Nino blushed slightly, pretending to be indifferent, and handed him the lunch box:"Here you go"

"Is this a return gift for the cookies?"

"What do you think?"

Nino curved her eyes:"Ye Fengjun, how is the food I cooked?"

Ye Feng nodded honestly:"Very good"

"In this case......"Nino's mouth curled up slightly, and she said softly:"Ye Fengjun, I will help you make lunch tomorrow, too?


Nino, you're not right!

Forget about today's bento, which can be seen as a return gift for the cookies, but what about tomorrow's bento as well?

A love bento?

Ye Feng looked at Nino suspiciously, and put his hand on Nino's forehead:"Nino, are you okay?"


Nino's face turned red and she gritted her teeth and said,"Damn it, don't go too far!"


Sure enough, this is Nino!

Although Nino is very cute when she smiles gently, and her voice is gentle and delicate, it is also very pleasant to listen to.......

I always feel creepy, afraid that the next moment, this Nino will take out a knife from behind!

Ye Feng decisively changed the subject:"Why do you have to give me a lunch box tomorrow? It's troublesome to get up every morning to prepare a lunch box, right?"

"It's okay."

Nino stroked her waist-length hair and said calmly,"I just make a little more every morning. Instead of putting it in the refrigerator, I might as well bring it to you."

However, Yotsuba said that your family eats bread and milk almost every morning!

Something's wrong!

Very wrong!

What's wrong with this Nino?

Ye Feng turned his head to look at the girl next to him, thought for a moment, and said in a subtle tone,"Could it be Nino's love bento?"


Nino's pretty face suddenly turned red. She pursed her lips and glared at Ye Feng with an embarrassed look,"Of course not, don't think too much.""

"Also, I will bring any extra food to school for you in the future. If you can’t finish it, there will be leftovers. If they get cold, they won’t taste good. I will give them to you......."

I should have thanked you for your hard work in making the bento, but now that you've said that, I can't feel any gratitude at all!

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