
Sanjiu's eyes sparkled, and the corners of her mouth subconsciously curled up slightly. She felt warm in her heart, as if something was constantly pouring out from the bottom of her heart, instantly filling her heart.

"Sure enough, something is going on."

Miura Yumiko and Ebina Hina looked at each other.


Ebina Hime moved closer to Miku and lowered her voice and said,"Miku, are you and Ye Fengjun secretly dating?"

"We are not dating."

Sanjiu pursed her lips, hesitated for a moment and whispered:"He is our sister's tutor"


Miura Yumiko showed a surprised look. No wonder she often saw Ye Feng with the five sisters of the Nakano family. Was this the reason?

"Miku, if you are not happy, do you want to read this?"

At this time, a white light flashed across Ebina Hina's lens. She took out a comic book and placed it in front of Miku, her tone gradually becoming fanatical:"Miku, I tell you, only......Hmm......"

Miura Yumiko sweated a few drops on her head, covered Ebina Hina's mouth, and dragged her away.

Normally, Ebina Hina looked like a quiet and well-behaved girl, and she didn't talk much on weekdays.

However, as long as the topic of rotten girls was mentioned, she would instantly become fanatical, regardless of the occasion, and began to preach on her own without paying attention to others.......

Even Miura Yumiko feels a headache

"Um, Sanjiu, we'll go first."

"Remember to drink milk"


The two classes in the afternoon ended quickly.

Because the five sisters were not feeling well, today's trip to the library was cancelled.

Should we say that they are worthy of being five sisters?

They even did such a thing together.

Thinking that a certain Miku might be starving now, Ye Feng looked at May who was packing up and said,"May, do you have any meat buns?"


Wu Yue looked over curiously:"Ye Fengjun, are you hungry?"

As she spoke, Wu Yue opened her schoolbag and took out a bag that was specially used for meat buns.

"As for the meat buns, there are two more."

"Others include chocolate bars, chocolate, bread, milk, and biscuits......."

At this point, May paused, her cheeks slightly red, and then she covered her bag with her hands as if nothing had happened, pursed her lips and looked at it:"That's all......."

Leaf Wind:"......"

Although he had known for a long time that there were a lot of snacks in May's bag, he had never paid serious attention to it. Until now, he knew how many snacks were in May's bag! There are so many kinds of snacks. Are you planning to open a small store?

"May, give me a piece of chocolate"


Seeing that Ye Feng did not laugh at her, but instead helped her bring cookies, May breathed a sigh of relief, and said happily,"Mr. Ye Feng, is one piece of chocolate enough?"

"That's enough."

Ye Feng took the chocolate, stood up and said,"May, see you tomorrow"

"Goodbye, Ye Fengjun."

Wu Yue looked at Ye Feng's back curiously, blinked, and then looked away.

"It's so strange, why did Ye Fengjun leave so early today?"

"By the way, Sanjiu has gone back early, but......It should be just a coincidence, right?"May thought about it, then shook her head and muttered,"A new noodle shop opened nearby recently, and the udon noodles taste super good......."

"It is said that the store manager specializes in udon noodles. There is also another store that sells tonkotsu ramen, but I haven't eaten there for a while......."

"Do you want to try them all?"

"There shouldn't be any problem, right?"

"I have been exercising these days. Although I have gained a little weight, I haven't gained any belly fat, so it's no problem at all......."

"I can just get up early and run tomorrow......."

While muttering, the hair on May's head swayed happily.......

It is already summer. This early summer is not that hot. The temperature is even a little low.

However, even so, most of the cherry blossoms on both sides of the street have begun to wither.

Mijiu exhaled and put her hands in her pockets. She looked around, pursed her lips slightly, found the direction of the tram stop, and walked away.

Because of her health, Mijiu has decided not to go to the library these days.

There is no way.

She has not been in good health since she was a child. Every time at this time, her body will be very uncomfortable.

Ye Feng shouldn't be angry, right?


I heard that massage can effectively relieve the pain. The frivolous Ye Feng's hands are so warm and he is good at massage. It shouldn't be a problem, right?

But it's still so embarrassing.

I can't speak at all.

Mijiu was thinking about it while moving her steps.

When she came to her senses, she suddenly found that she had deviated from the direction, but she was lucky that she had been to this place before.......

"This is where I got lost that day. It was also here that I ran into Ye Feng. We had just met, but he approached me as if nothing had happened......."


"But it was from that day that you noticed his other side, right?"

Sanjiu stopped for a moment and continued to move forward.

Soon, she came to the apartment where Ye Feng lived.

Sanjiu stood on the street and pursed her lips slightly.

It was here that she accidentally sprained her foot, and then she had to let him carry her back.......

The wind was cold that day, but his body was warm.

"Nino has been acting strangely lately. Today, she even prepared a lunch box for Ye Feng. Although it was a return gift of cookies,......"

"But I always feel something is wrong."

Mijiu was a little absent-minded for a moment. As a person who doesn't like to talk but likes to observe silently, Mijiu's observation ability is very sharp.

She vaguely noticed Nino's abnormal behavior.

Could it be that......

Nino also likes Flirty Leaf Wind?

If so, should I quit? It's impossible to win against Nino, right?

Thinking of this, Miku suddenly felt a little scared.

Especially when she thought about the future, she could only watch Flirty Leaf Wind and Nino walk hand in hand.......




The sudden voice in her ear startled Mijiu.

She came to her senses and subconsciously moved away. However, the next moment, the girl suddenly groaned and couldn't help showing a trace of distress on her face.

Because she sprained her ankle again in the same place!

And it was when she was speaking.......

Ye Feng pulled the corner of his mouth slightly, stretched out his hand and grabbed the girl who was about to fall.

"leaf......Ye Feng?"

"That's right, it's me."

Ye Feng's eyes fell on Sanjiu's face, and suddenly he found that the girl's eyes were slightly red. He raised his eyebrows slightly,"Someone bullied you?"

"who is it?"

"tell me"

"I'll go light the fireworks for him right now!"

Miku felt a warm feeling in her heart, she turned her head slightly and whispered:"No one bullies me."

However, you don't look convincing at all!

I thought you were not feeling well, but it turns out that not only you are not feeling well, but you are also in a bad mood!

Ye Feng thought for a while:"Is it because of Nino?"......

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