Ye Feng asked:"Is it because of Nino?"

Sanjiu slightly widened her eyes, then lowered her head:"I'm fine, I'll go back first......"

"You're going the wrong way."

Ye Feng grabbed Sanjiu's wrist:"Go this way."

Sanjiu hesitated for a moment, pursed her lips and said nothing, lowered her head and followed him silently.

This scene was just like that evening.

It was just that he didn't carry her on his back, but held her hand, but the warmth coming from him was still so warm.



So fast!

Sanjiu subconsciously raised her head, and then a confused look appeared on her face. She looked around and said in panic:"Ye Feng, we are on the wrong road......"

Ye Feng took out the key and opened the door, saying casually:"I didn't take the wrong road. This is my apartment. Come in."

Wrong road?

Not happening.

I just took Miku back to my home.


Leaf Wind......Home?

Miku blinked and looked around blankly, a little confused for a moment.


Didn't you want to take me home? Why did you suddenly bring me to your home?

I heard from Nino that if a boy invites me to his home, I must refuse without hesitation. If the other party pesters me, I should call the police directly.


We have already arrived.

Also, if it is Ye Feng's family......

It doesn't matter , right?

After all, we are so familiar with each other, and I like him.

But why did he take me home?......

Sanjiu started to think wildly, and she didn't know what she was thinking about, and her cheeks were getting redder and redder.

Sanjiu raised her hands to cover her face, her cheeks flushed:"Ye Feng, this is too fast, I'm not ready yet......"

Ye Feng opened the door and said without turning his head:"I'll be ready."

I just asked you to come as a guest and help you solve your health problems.

You don't need to make any preparations at all!

"Although this is the case......"

Between her fingers, Sanjiu subconsciously opened her eyes and looked at Ye Feng, and at this time, Ye Feng put his hand into his pants.......

Don't get me wrong, he wasn't trying to pull out a weapon.

He just felt the vibration of his phone. However , in Miku

's eyes, it clearly had another very bad meaning!......You can't stand it even if you don't even enter the door?

Wow - how scary!

At least I have to go on a date, watch a movie, and then go to the amusement park to ride the Ferris wheel, and I also want to go to the haunted house that I have never dared to go to before.......

Then we kissed under the dim street lights on the way home.......

But this is too fast!


At this time, Ye Feng took out his mobile phone and saw that it was a message from Nino, asking if he had seen Miku.

After thinking about it, Ye Feng told the truth:"Miku is not feeling well. I will treat her. If you are worried, you can come over."

There are some things he doesn't like to lie about, because lies are easily exposed.

At the same time, a lie requires countless lies to cover up. To be honest, it is super troublesome.

Below the apartment where the Nakano family lives.

When Nino saw Ye Feng's message, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but the next moment, she couldn't help biting her cherry lips hard.

Her fingers unconsciously clenched the phone, and after hesitating for a moment, Nino typed a reply:"I won't go. Miku is not feeling well today. Let her come back early. Also, don't bully Miku."

Miku is not good at lying.

Apart from May, Miku and Ye Feng are the closest to each other.

Therefore, except for the stupid foodie May, everyone else probably noticed something about Miku's thoughts. Besides,

I just went to Ye Feng's apartment yesterday, so I have no right to say anything about Miku.

Well, let's just treat it as fair competition!

Nino thought silently, then turned and walked towards the apartment.

After ending the conversation, Ye Feng put away his phone, then looked at the shaky girl, pushed open the door and said,"Miku, come in......"Hmm?""


Why is your face so red?

Ye Feng seriously suspected that if this was a TV show, steam would come out of this girl's head!

"No, no, that's not possible......."


Ye Feng grabbed the staggering Sanjiu and said with a frown:"Sanjiu, what are you thinking about again!"

It was the same thing last time at the shopping mall.

It's like this again now?

Damn it!

Do you think I'm going to do something to you when I take you home?

Even if I do, your reaction is too big!

It's very doubtful that in some cases, you will faint directly because of shame!

At that time, whether to continue or give up is a very serious question!

Footsteps were heard in the stairwell.

In order not to cause trouble to others and in order not to attract unnecessary attention, Ye Feng had no choice but to hug the limp Sanjiu and walk into the room, then close the door.


Ye Feng put his hands on Sanjiu's waist, trying to push her away.

However, after feeling his movements, Sanjiu's body trembled, raised her head and begged with tears in her eyes:"Ye Feng, it's not possible today, it's too fast, at least......At least......"

"What do you want at least?"

Ye Feng frowned and said,"Hurry up and stand up, or I will kiss you!"

It's okay to have wild thoughts at other times. But you still dare to have wild thoughts here?

And now this Miku is lying softly in his arms, warm and soft, feeling very comfortable, a feeling that makes one's heart beat faster.......

Do you really think I'm an indifferent piece of wood?


Miku looked up at him, then suddenly closed her eyes, her long eyelashes trembling.

Other things are not allowed, but if it's just a kiss......

Because I don't want to lose.

Whenever I think of that possibility, I feel like crying.

Seeing this Miku raise her face and close her eyes,���Feng's breathing paused slightly.


Is this Sanjiu serious this time?

An impulse?

Or is it because of her wild imagination that she hasn't distinguished between reality and illusion?

Ye Feng's expression became serious.

His eyes fell on Sanjiu's face. Because of nervousness, the girl pursed her lips tightly, but the pink lips clearly exuded a temptation that made people salivate.

The expression on the girl's face was shy and timid, which made people want to bully her.

So here comes the question.

Sanjiu is so proactive, what about me?

Should I respond?

Ye Feng's eyes paused slightly, then he followed his heart and lowered his head without hesitation.


Do you really think I'm just kidding!


This time, I'll kiss you if I say so!


The person you like is not a good person!

Because now, his top priority is his own feelings!


The warm touch on the lips made Sanjiu open her eyes suddenly, and then she stared blankly at the pair of black eyes.......

Time seemed to stand still.

Their eyes met.

Miku's eyes were blank, and then she suddenly closed them as if frightened.

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