
Sanjiu suddenly opened her eyes and looked at Ye Feng.

What are you looking at!

Do you think a kiss is enough just by sticking like this!

After understanding the meaning of Ye Feng's eyes, Sanjiu felt ashamed and angry, but she could only close her eyes aggrievedly and let him bully her.

However, if she didn't want to, the best thing to do at this time was to push him away, instead of letting him be bullied!

Pushing further, let's see!

Faced with this situation, Ye Feng naturally would not hesitate, and decisively pushed further.

Soft, sweet and sweet.

It is a fruit-flavored lip balm, sweet and delicious.

Sweeter than Xiao Zhendong.

But this should be the reason why Xiao Zhendong did not replenish the lip balm in time?

While thinking about this, Ye Feng easily broke through the wall. This Sanjiu had no resistance at all, so weak! Sanjiu wanted to escape aggrievedly, but there was such a small space in her mouth, so she couldn't escape at all.

Soon, Sanjiu's head became dizzy, and she couldn't help but raise her arms to hug his neck.

Although clumsy, Sanjiu still responded instinctively.

I don't know how long it took, but Sanjiu couldn't help but pat his shoulder hard, and the sound of her little fist hitting him was"bang bang".

Damn it!

I can't breathe!

Ye Feng estimated the time, good, it's less than two minutes.......

Your lung capacity is too poor!

No wonder your sports performance is so bad!

Ye Feng raised his head, his face was not red and he was not out of breath, he looked very calm.


Sanjiu took a deep breath of fresh air, and then she felt embarrassed and angry, and couldn't help but reach out to pinch him.

This is too much.

He said he couldn't breathe, but he didn't stop!

Ye Feng grabbed Sanjiu's hand and said,"Rest for a minute, and do it again.""


"If you don't say anything, I'll take it as your agreement!"


"I protest"


"You're going too far. It's obviously you......."

Sanjiu covered Ye Feng's mouth, her eyes filled with shame and anger:"Qingfu Feng, you are not allowed to talk!"

So, it was obviously you who took the initiative, right?

After a moment, Sanjiu walked out of the bathroom, and when she saw Ye Feng on the sofa, her cheeks couldn't help but turn red again. After hesitating for a moment, Sanjiu pursed her lips and walked over,"Qingfu Feng, what are you doing?"

"Chatting and reading the news."

Ye Feng put away his phone and looked at Sanjiu.

"Don't look at it!"


If you don't want to see it, then don't see it!

Do you think I really want to see you?

Ye Feng looked away:"What happened today?"


Sanjiu was slightly startled, pursed her lips and sat on the sofa, hesitating for a moment, and whispered:"Nothing......"

How could I possibly tell you about that?

Sanjiu subconsciously touched her belly. She felt uncomfortable before, but after kissing him, her whole body felt comfortable.

How strange.

Sanjiu glanced at Ye Feng and said hesitantly:"Ye Feng, what happened today?......Can we keep it a secret for now?"


Ye Feng looked at Sanjiu in surprise.

Sanjiu whispered:"Don't ask, anyway......Just keep it secret for now"


Ye Feng patted his side:"Sanjiu, come and sit over here."

"I refuse!"

Sanjiu blushed, pursed her lips and walked quickly towards the door:"I, I'll go back first......"

"Wait a minute." Ye Feng stood up and took out a piece of chocolate:"This is the chocolate I borrowed from May, for you." Sanjiu stopped and turned to look at Ye Feng, with sparkling light in her eyes.

After a moment, Sanjiu's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a shy and sweet smile. Although it was only a flash, the smile at that moment was particularly beautiful.


"I like Ye Fengjun"......

"I'm back."

In the living room, Nino stood up and looked at Miku. Seeing that Miku's expression was natural and there was nothing wrong, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sanjiu, are you okay?"


Miku bent down to change her shoes and looked up, and saw Nino looking at her with a worried look on her face.


Sanjiu pursed her lips, walked into the living room, and said:"I'm fine, Nino, don't worry.""

"That's good."

The next moment, Nino crossed her arms and said with a bad look in her eyes:"Since you're fine, don't come back so late next time. Do you know that we are all worried about you!"

May's expression was serious:"Nino is right, we almost thought that you were lost again, Miku."

Miku was unconvinced and said:"I won't get lost." Nino snorted:"People who get lost at the beginning of the school year have no right to say this."

Miku couldn't help puffing up her cheeks:"Nino, you got lost as a child, and you were scared to tears at that time......"

Yotsuba raised her hand:"I know this too, Nino seems to be very afraid of the dark......"


Nino's pretty face suddenly turned red, and she rushed directly to Yotsuba.

Yotsuba:"Woohaha......Nino, stop tickling me.......Hahaha......Woo......You can't pinch it there......."

After dealing with Yotsuba, Nino stood up, tidied her clothes and hair, and gritted her teeth and said:"Mikado, I told you, it was just the sand that blinded me, I didn't cry!"

Mikado:"I cried!"




On the sofa, Ichika stretched and yawned, then opened his bright eyes and looked at the two people who were confronting each other, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Ichika clapped his hands and said in a sweet voice:"How about this, this weekend, let's go to the haunted house to decide the winner?"

Yotsuba coughed lightly and said seriously:"Nino, if you want to prove that you are not afraid of the dark, it's actually very simple. Learn about haunted houses!"

Nino couldn't help but shivered, and said stubbornly:"Let's go, I'm not afraid!"

"Where's Sanjiu?"

Sanjiu turned her head away:"It's hot, I don't want to go."

"Okay, Sanjiu gives up, now the score is 4 to 1, it's decided, let's go to the amusement park this weekend!"

May said speechlessly:"Ichika, I haven't agreed yet"


Yihua jumped onto Wuyue's back and said with a grin,"Wuyue, are you going to refuse?"


May's pretty face turned slightly red, and she said shyly:"Yihua, go away, don't use facial cleanser!"

"No no no, May's expression is so cute......"

"I'm getting angry!"

"Woo......I was actually disliked by May......."

"That's right! Go away!"

"I won't leave!"

Yihua stretched out her hand seriously and said,"As a sister, I must always pay attention to my sister's health......."

"Woo ah......"

May's hair stood up instantly, her pretty face flushed red, and she shouted in shame and anger:"Yika, don't touch me!"


At this time, Yotsuba followed Miku upstairs


Yotsuba came close to Sanjiu and asked curiously:"Sanjiu, your lips seem to be swollen......."

Sanjiu subconsciously covered her mouth and stammered:"That's because......That's because I ate chili peppers. Yes, it's because I ate very spicy snacks."

Yotsuba smiled and said with her hands behind her back:"Miku is not good at lying......."

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