"Miku is not good at lying......."

Yotsuba leaned against the wall, lowered her head, and tapped the ground with her toes."Sanjiu, don't force yourself if you're not feeling well. We're all worried about you because we can't find you."......"

Mijiu pursed her lips and whispered,"Yoshiha, I'm sorry."

Because she was not feeling well and her phone was out of battery, she left without saying hello to them, and she didn't think too much about it. She didn't expect that people would be so worried.

That's right.

According to the time, she should have returned home, right?

But she didn't go back, but came to Ye Feng's apartment instead.

"It’s nothing~"

Yotsuba smiled and said,"We are divided into five equal parts. Next time, if you have any problems, just don’t keep them in your heart......."

"Actually, the one who is most worried about you is Nino."

Yotoha said:"Nino didn't go shopping today and came back very early......."

"That's right."

Yotsuba changed the subject, curiously approached Miku, looked at her with wide eyes:"Hey, Miku, tell me quickly, why are your lips swollen, did you really eat chili peppers?"

Miku pursed her lips:"Yoto, you are so annoying"

"No way!"

Yotsuba retorted:"It's Miku who is guilty. Yesterday it was Nino, today it's Miku. What are you hiding?"


Miku pretended to be calm and said,"It's nothing, okay, I'm going to get some clothes to take a shower."

When Miku entered the room, Yotsuba nodded her chin and looked up,"Can eating chili peppers make your lips swollen? I thought Miku was injured, but I always feel like something is wrong......."

"what is it then?"

"Oh, didn't Ye Fengjun say he would punish me? Did you forget?"

Si Ye thought about it, then shook his head quickly.

"Only an idiot would bring it up. Nino has already said that Ye Fengjun's punishment is super scary......."


Yotsuba's expression became depressed, and she murmured,"I feel like the relationship between Miku, Nino, and Ye Feng-kun has been getting better and better recently......."

"It was obviously me first......"......

Ye Feng walked out of the supermarket, carrying the food he bought and heading towards his apartment.

There was no Nanako or Qiong today, so he would call Xiao Zhendong over for dinner and then clean up the room.......

As a reward, it's not too much to ask for a lap pillow, right?

However, just when Ye Feng was thinking this, his cell phone suddenly vibrated. It happened to be a call from Xiao Mandong.

Ye Feng felt something was wrong. He answered the call and Kirisu Mandong's voice rang out:"Ye Feng, I'm sorry, I may be back late today......."

"I don't want to hear it!"

Ye Feng said in a serious voice:"I worked hard at home to prepare dinner and waited for you to come back......."

"If you don't come back today, don't come back!"


Kirisu Madoka bit her lips fiercely and said angrily:"I won't talk to you anymore......."

He actually acted like the head of the family, but he wasn't married, nor was he in a confirmed relationship.......

What a shame!

"Xiao Zhendong, I was wrong!"

Ye Feng apologized decisively,"I was just simulating married life, please don't mind......."

Kirisu Madoka subconsciously retorted:"I won't stay out so late and let you wait for me......."


Kirisu Madoka realized that by saying this, she had implicitly agreed to marry him in the future.


"Obviously just one......"

"Wrong decision, no more talking, I'm hanging up!"

Kirisu Madoka was so angry that she was about to hang up the phone


Hearing Ye Feng's voice, Kirisu Madoka paused for a moment:"What else do you have to say?"

"Serious business!"

Ye Feng said speechlessly:"Isn't it that Jing Keai who asked you to accompany her to a blind date again today?"She always calls Jing Keai cute......

Although Xiaojing is quite cute sometimes, it’s not okay to call her like that, right?


Kirisu Madoka showed a trace of distress on her face, pursed her lips and said:"I can't help it, I don't know what's going on, Xiaojing's mother is urging her very urgently, and Xiaojing's father was diagnosed with heart disease, so Xiaojing can't refuse......."

It's really hard for Jing Keai to get married!

But Ye Feng can understand Jing Keai. After all, she is a very good woman. However, the blind date she meets every time is not so good.......

Last time, she even met a top-notch guy, which made Jingkeai very angry.

In addition, as she gets older, both mentally and in her lifestyle, she is more inclined to be single.

In other words, the older you are, the harder it is to be moved.

This is why there are so many older young people and older leftover women now.

Some people are purely picky, some are under pressure from life, and some are completely used to living a free and easy life alone.......

But Jingaiai, with her conditions, actually doesn't care about the other person's family background, work, etc. She just wants to find someone she likes and is pleasing to the eye to marry.


I don't know if it's because she is too unlucky. After so many blind dates, Jingaiai has not met anyone she likes or is pleasing to the eye.

Now her father has been diagnosed with heart disease again, which is very stimulating.......

It's really hard for Jing Keai!

Ye Feng sighed and said,"Remember to drink less. I'll come pick you up when the time comes.""


After ending the call, Ye Feng continued to walk towards the apartment.

When he reached a remote and deserted place, Ye Feng threw the ingredients back into the apartment.

It was still early, more than an hour before the evening, and Xiao Zhendong also had things to do, and she had to accompany Jing Keai to a blind date in the evening.......

So, he decided to just stroll around.

When passing by a bookstore, Ye Feng thought about it and walked in.

He walked past the bookshelves and stopped at a comics section, his eyes scanning the comics one by one.

"Comics of the Backlight Project......"

"Got it!"

Ye Feng pulled out a comic book.

On the cover of the comic book, a black-haired older sister was kneeling on the floor, and in front of her was a young boy.......

The accompanying text is a bit bad, so I won't talk about it.

But the painting style is unexpectedly exquisite, and there is no sense of collapse at all.

That's right.

This is a book.

And it is a book about the Anti-Genji Plan.

Ye Feng flipped through it casually. He was naturally not interested in these, and it was even more impossible for him to carry out any Anti-Genji Plan.

Even if he wanted to, he would directly carry out the Genji Plan.

"Not bad."

Ye Feng showed a satisfied expression on his face.

Whether it was the exquisite painting style or the delicate and compact plot, it was very good.

"I've decided. I'll give this comic book to Jing Keai as a gift tomorrow."

"Who told you to pull Xiao Zhendong around all day?......"

Ye Feng walked out of the bookstore, and then a voice rang out

"Ye Fengjun?"


The last time I bought a notebook, I was bumped into by Nino, and today I was bumped into by an acquaintance again?

Is there some bad buff installed on me!

""Woof woof~"

A familiar dog barked.

Yuigahama Yui exclaimed,"Sable, slow down, don't run so fast!"......"

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