
"You idiot, I am your master, don't always throw yourself at Ye Fengjun!"

After teaching Sabrel a lesson, Yuigahama Yui exhaled and looked at Ye Feng embarrassedly:"Ye Fengjun, I'm sorry to trouble you......."

"It's okay."

Ye Feng silently put the shopping bag in his hand behind him.

If it was a normal notebook, it would not matter if it was discovered, but this kind of anti-Genji was discovered.......

That's really bad!

Yuigahama Yui was walking beside Ye Feng, and she was keenly aware of Ye Feng's movements. She blinked her eyes, and suddenly came over and said with a smile:"Are you here to buy study materials, Ye Feng?"

"That's right."

Ye Feng said calmly:"I just bought the study materials"


Yuigahama Yui looked at the shopping bag curiously:"But Ye Feng-kun seems a little guilty......."


Ye Feng pushed away Yuigahama Yui who was approaching him and said with a stern face:"Yui, do you know what curiosity kills the cat?"

"But I'm not a cat——"


Indeed, Yuigahama Yui's personality is more like a dog. As for a cat, Yukinoshita's personality is more like a cat!

"Ye Fengjun has such good grades, so I'm curious about what books he will buy......."

"Study materials!"

Ye Feng decisively changed the subject:"Yui, have you encountered any troubles recently?"


Yuigahama Yui raised her hand to tuck the hair by her ears, exhaled, and said:"It's just that something happened, it's nothing......."

Ye Feng asked directly:"What's the matter?"


Yuigahama Yui was speechless and stammered to change the subject:"Um, Ye Fengjun, Sabre seems to like you very much......"

"Don't change the subject"

"What? It was Ye Fengjun who changed the subject first......."

Yuigahama Yui poked his arm and puffed up her cheeks slightly:"Don't ask, Ye Fengjun, I'm fine anyway......."

"By the way, is Ye Feng-kun free?"

Yuigahama Yui looked at Ye Feng expectantly. Ye Feng thought for a moment and asked,"What do you want to talk about first?"

"Of course it's walking the dog!"

Yuigahama Yui showed a distressed look on her face:"Now Sabre has grown up and has become very strong. Sometimes I can't even hold him......."

This is indeed the case.

Not to mention last time, just now, Yuigahama Yui was also dragged over by Sabrel!

Ye Feng looked at Sabrel, who was sticking out his tongue and rubbing his head on his legs, with his belly exposed at his feet. He couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth slightly.

If you don't know, you might think that I raised this stupid dog of yours!

Ye Feng said:"I can teach it a lesson for you, and I guarantee that it won't drag you around again next time."


Yuigahama Yui quickly shook her head:"No need, Sabue is actually very well behaved, it's just that he stays at home too long every day and feels uncomfortable, in fact, he is very pitiful......."


In fact, Ye Feng felt that Yuigahama Yui must have thought too much.

The lesson he said was not just a beating.

But since Yuigahama Yui didn't care, it didn't matter.

Ye Feng took the leash:"Get up."

Sabrel stood up immediately.

Ye Feng said:"Follow."

Sabrel immediately followed him obediently, just like a well-trained guide dog.

"It's too much. She actually listened to Ye Fengjun so much......."

Yuigahama Yui couldn't help but pat the dog's head and said angrily:"Idiot, who is your master?"

However, in fact, the person who raises a dog is not necessarily the dog's owner. Maybe in the dog's eyes, it is the master, and you are just a poop scooper!

"Woof woof......"

Sabre shook his head and barked twice.

Ye Feng was a little curious, so he activated his"Animal Controller" superpower to listen to what the stupid dog was saying.

"Don't get close to me, stupid mistress!"

"The male owner is such an outstanding man but he doesn't know how to seize the opportunity. How stupid!"

"The world is so dangerous now. The only way to save your life is to hold on tightly. Do you understand?"

"hurry up!"

"Come on, be like me and act like a spoiled child like the man!"


"So stupid!"


Dogs can't talk, but Ye Feng can feel what the dog wants to say.

Ye Feng's mouth twitched slightly.

Good fellow.

One stupid master on the left, and another stupid master on the right. I thought you were submitting to the strong, but it turned out to be for your master?

You are really loyal!

But to be honest, this dog is a bit strange. It actually sensed danger?

Although animals' perception is many times stronger than that of humans, it is a bit too much to be able to sense the danger brought by criticality.


What has this dog seen before?

Yuigahama Yui blinked and looked over curiously:"Ye Fengjun, what's wrong with you? You look so weird."


Ye Feng put away his thoughts and said,"Let's go! Go to the river in front. There is an open space there, so Sabre can run around......."


Just as he came to the river, he met a mature and beautiful woman with orange hair.

However, strangely, Ye Feng felt that she looked familiar.

Just as he thought so, Ye Feng felt that the other person's eyes fell on him, and then, the other person showed a gentle smile on his face and called softly:"Yui"

"Eh? Mom?"

Yuigahama Yui opened her eyes wide and looked over. Sure enough, she saw her mother coming over:"Mom, why are you here?""

Yui's mother?

Ye Feng's eyes fell on the other person's hair. The hair color was the same as Yuigahama Yui's, and the face was somewhat similar.......

It's confirmed, it's Yui's mother.���Because they looked very similar, and looked very gentle and beautiful, Ye Feng couldn't help but take a few more glances.

It was just like encountering a beautiful scenery and couldn't help but want to take a few more glances. It was actually a very normal thing.

However, the next moment, Ye Feng felt a pain in his waist.

Ye Feng said speechlessly:"Yui, why are you pinching me?"

"My hands are itching."

Yuigahama Yui glared at Ye Feng, then quickly stepped forward and took the shopping bag from her mother's hand.

Mrs. Yuigahama's eyes fell on Ye Feng, and she smiled and said,"You should be Ye Feng-kun, right? I often hear Yui mention you......."


Yuigahama Yui blushed and quickly explained:"Ye Fengjun helped me a lot, so I mentioned him. Mom, please don't misunderstand, it will cause trouble for Ye Fengjun."

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