"Hello, Auntie."

Ye Feng took the initiative to greet her:"I am Yui's friend. I was just helping Yui walk the dog."

"You actually called Yui directly?"

Mrs. Yuigahama curved her eyes and said,"Ye Fengjun and my Yui have a very good relationship......."

""It's okay."

I just called out your name, why are you smiling so happily?

Are you still worried that your daughter won't be able to get married?

You're totally overthinking it.

Yuigahama Yui is very popular among the boys in Sobu High School!

Suddenly, Mrs. Yuigahama asked curiously,"Well,......Ye Fengjun, are you and Yui dating?"

"Hey hey hey——"

Hearing this, Yuigahama Yui's face suddenly turned red, and she said in shame and anger:"Mom, what nonsense are you talking about!"

"I'm just asking out of curiosity."

"You have too many questions......"

Yuigahama Yui quickly looked at Ye Feng, pleading:"Ye Fengjun, how about you go back first?"

Oh my God!

She actually asked such a question all of a sudden, mom must be stupid!

Seeing Yuigahama's big reaction, Ye Feng's eyes fell on Yuigahama Yui's face, and after a moment he looked away and nodded,"Okay, then I'll go first, bye"

"Yes, Sabre, come here quickly."

After Ye Feng left, Yuigahama Yui looked at her mother shyly and angrily:"Mom, you will cause trouble for Ye Fengjun by saying that, okay?"


Mrs. Yuigahama covered her mouth and said,"Because Yui always mentioned him, I thought my Yui liked that boy."

"Having said that, I am just very grateful to him!"

"All right."

Mrs. Yuigahama showed a trace of regret on her face:"The boy just now was very good. If it was my Yui, I would have brought him back......."


"Okay, I won't say anything more."

After a while, Mrs. Yuigahama suddenly said:"It's so late, we should invite Ye Fengjun to our home as a guest, right?"


Yuigahama Yui reacted and looked back quickly, only to see that Ye Feng had already walked a long way away.

Seeing her daughter like this, Mrs. Yuigahama couldn't help but sigh in her heart, and couldn't help but want to raise her hand to cover her forehead.

So, you obviously care about that boy very much, right?

You are unhappy during this period, it should be because of him, right?


But there is no way!

Yuigahama's mother is also a little headache for her sensitive and cowardly daughter, but this assist was successfully delivered anyway. The expression of the boy just now clearly showed that he had noticed something, right?

If there is no progress, then there is no way! No!

Maybe you can deliver a few more assists, such as inviting the boy to come as a guest?

There is a saying that it is easy for a girl to chase a boy, and Yuigahama's mother doesn't believe it. Her daughter is so beautiful and cute. As long as she takes the initiative, there will be no boy who will not be moved, right?

After making a decision, Mrs. Yuigahama said:"Yui, let's go. Let's invite Ye Fengjun next time."


On the other side, Ye Feng went straight back to the apartment.

After another video study session with the five stupid sisters of the Nakano family, Ye Feng walked out of the apartment.......And brought a gift for Jing Keai.

Just in time for her to study hard at night.

When passing by a newly opened cake shop, Ye Feng stopped slightly and looked inside.

The melodious and pleasant piano sound echoed.

The melody was very beautiful.

But every note in the melody revealed an unsatisfactory sadness and endless tears.

I am waiting for you here, but where are you?

This life is short. Is it destined to end like this between us?

The sad melody plays out endless thoughts.

The curtains were blown up by the wind.

Ye Feng's eyes fell on the corner of the coffee shop. A blonde woman in a beautiful dress was sitting in front of the piano.

The ten slender and white fingers pressed the keys deftly. In the dim light, the white fingers seemed to draw a trail of afterimages.

Ye Feng could only see her profile, which was a beautiful face with a little sickly paleness.

The long eyelashes trembled slightly.

The pink lips were pursed tightly.

The snow-white, graceful and proud neck.

A beautiful golden hair cascaded down her shoulders, and her long hair reached her waist.

This was a very beautiful woman.

However, compared to her outstanding appearance, at this moment, it was clearly the melody that jumped out from her dancing fingers that was more attractive.

Outside the cake shop, other passers-by, hearing the sad and beautiful melody, couldn't help but stop, then closed their eyes, raised their faces, and their thoughts drifted to who knows where.

I don't know how long it took.

The melody slowly disappeared.

The pedestrians who stopped took their steps again.

Life is like this. The heart that was thought to be gradually becoming indifferent will occasionally be touched, making people cry and laugh, but what happens afterwards? Life still goes on.

No matter it is boring or tiring and painful.

Passers-by left one after another.

Only Ye Feng was still standing there. I don't know how long it took, Ye Feng opened his eyes and slowly exhaled.

He took a last look at the woman in the coffee shop and turned to leave.

In the coffee shop.

A woman smiled softly and said,"Xiaoxun, your piano playing is getting better and better.""

""Hmm~" the woman called Xiaoxun responded softly, and subconsciously looked out the window.

Suddenly, her eyes froze.

Then, a look of surprise appeared on her face, and she quickly stood up and ran out.

Because she was too excited, her high heels almost fell off.

"Xiaoxun, what's wrong with you?"

"Tsubaki! It's him! Hurry up!"


Chun was also shocked when she saw Xun, who was about to cry with excitement. She had never seen Xun's emotions fluctuate so much in such a long time.

"Xun, don't be so anxious, go slowly."

Chun hurriedly helped Xun run to the entrance of the coffee shop, but at a glance, there was a sea of people, and the person they were looking for had already disappeared.

"How could it be? I have waited so long for this moment......."

Xun suddenly threw herself into Chun's arms and started crying.

Chun was a little flustered:"Xun, what happened? Tell me quickly!"

Noticing the strange looks from passers-by, Chun quickly pulled Xun back to the lounge in the coffee shop in order not to cause trouble to others.

"Xun, what's going on? Who did you see?"

"He is a very important person.

Xun took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and whispered:"I'm sorry to make you worry, Chun"

"Huh, I'm almost scared by you!"

Chun patted his chest, hugged Xun's waist, put his chin on Xun's shoulder, and said softly:"Okay, okay, don't cry, crying too much is not good for your health, you know?"

"By the way, Xun, who is that person?"

Chun said with a wicked smile:"Is it the person Xun likes?"


Xun shook his head, raised his left hand, revealing a red string on his wrist, and said softly:"But he is very important, very important to me."

"So, I must find him!"

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