"Xun, come here quickly, there is a child in a coma"


A young boy and a young girl found a little boy unconscious in the grass.

They didn't know what happened to the little boy.

But they knew that the boy was in a very bad condition.

"His face is so pale.......His hands are so cold, Kousei, please call for help."

"I know, I'll be back soon!"

The girl named Xun didn't expect that the boy would never come back.

Just as the girl was anxiously using the first aid knowledge in her mind to treat the little boy, the little boy suddenly opened his eyes. Those were a pair of bloodshot eyes, which were very scary.


The girl was startled and subconsciously fell to the ground. The next moment, her face suddenly turned pale and she curled up in pain.

Her health was not good.

She was even suffering from illness. If there was no miracle, her life would soon be over.

���Fate is so cruel.

The little boy woke up and quickly understood what had happened.

He looked up at the sky and saw a vast expanse of blue.

And the crack that had spread out had been completely blocked in the city.

All the monsters that escaped were sealed by him.

Is it over?

The little boy breathed a sigh of relief, with a simple and innocent smile on his face.

He looked at the girl with a painful expression, untied a red rope from his neck, then pursed his lips, grabbed the girl's hand, and wrapped the red rope around her hand.

The red rope glowed slightly, and a warm power emanated.

The girl felt the pain in her body slowly disappear.

She opened her eyes wide, looked at the red rope on her wrist with surprise, and then looked at the little boy who smiled shyly at her.......

He has two dimples when he smiles, which is super cute.

However, he seems a little introverted.

The girl wanted to reach out and touch his head, but the boy quickly stepped back and looked at her with vigilant eyes.

The next moment, the boy turned around and ran away.

The girl subconsciously shouted,"Wait a minute!""


The little boy stopped, tilted his head, hesitated for a moment and said,"Big sister, don't throw away the red string, it can protect you......."

"And thank you, big sister."

The little boy said, and ran away quickly.

Inside the cake shop.

Xun whispered:"And it was on that day that Kousei disappeared and has never been found......."

"So, I want to find that child. He must know where Kousei is.......Is he still alive?"

Xun's breathing stagnated.

Chun reacted and said quickly:"I'm sorry, Xun, I shouldn't have said that."

Xun bit her cherry lips hard and whispered:"It's not your fault, Chun, no matter what, I want to know an answer."

On the other side.

Ye Feng walked on the street with flashing neon lights and murmured:"Is that the big sister who clumsily saved me?"

"Haven't seen you for ten years?"

"But why does the piano sound so sad?......"

Ye Feng shook his head. People will have joys, sorrows, anger and happiness in their lives. There is nothing to be curious about.

It's just that because the two of them had a brief contact, he cared a little bit.

If he hadn't seen it today, Ye Feng would not have remembered it.

Because after that day, he lost his strength and memory.

Outside the coffee shop.

Ye Feng stopped under a tree and glanced around. He saw Xiao Zhendong sitting alone by the window. He looked particularly lonely!

On the other side, opposite Jing Keai, there was a man in a suit.

Looking closely, Jing Keai's face revealed a hint of impatience, while the middle-aged man was smiling and saying something.

Obviously, Jing Keai was not satisfied.

So the result is self-evident.

Ye Feng was about to retract his gaze when he suddenly saw a young man walking up to Xiao Zhendong's table.


Ye Feng frowned and walked over.

In the coffee shop,

Kirisu Madoka looked at the young man who suddenly approached her with some surprise, pursed her lips and said,"Sorry, I already have a boyfriend."

"Is that so?"

The young man smiled nonchalantly, turned around and sat opposite, and said with a smile:"In that case, can I have a drink with you, young lady?"

Kirisu Madoka frowned slightly, and her face turned cold.

She politely refused.

Under normal circumstances, men who come to chat up will leave tactfully. However, sometimes, there will always be one or two self-righteous men.

"Sorry, please leave immediately!"

Under the cold gaze of Kirisu Madoka, the young man paused for a moment and forced a smile,"Miss, isn't it better for you to sit here alone and chat with someone else?"

"Sorry, she is not alone."

Ye Feng strode over and came straight to the young man,"I told you to leave, didn't you hear me?"

The young man looked unhappy:"Who are you? Why do you want me to leave?"

Ye Feng was too lazy to say a word to this kind of persistent person:"Get lost!"


The young man stood up suddenly, but his expression was terrified, and his steps involuntarily walked towards the outside of the store.

He walked out of the store.

The cold wind blew, and the young man's steps did not stop, but he still walked towards the center of the road.

The young man opened his eyes wide, with a terrified expression.

Cold sweat continued to flow out, soaking his clothes.

Suddenly, Kirisu Mando grabbed Ye Feng's arm tightly and said in a gentle voice:"Ye Feng, it's okay......"

"No way."

Ye Feng frowned and said,"Unless you agree to one of my requests!



Kirisu Madoka was so embarrassed that she couldn't help pinching him.

Ye Feng grabbed Kirisu Madoka's hand, then sat down and said casually,"Don't worry, I won't do anything wrong."

Of course, this is in front of you.

And the young man should be glad that he didn't touch him, otherwise......

Even if the gods beg for mercy, he must die.

Kirisu Madoka subconsciously tightened his hand, pursed his lips and whispered:"In short, you must control yourself. You promised me that you would not become a bad person......."

"I didn't say"


Ye Feng squeezed Xiao Zhendong's hand and said,"I just promised that if Xiao Zhendong is willing to control me forever, I will never mess around."

The boundary between good people and bad people is very vague.

Therefore, Ye Feng never uses good people or bad people to label himself.


Feeling the small movement of his hand, Kirisu Madoka's pretty face turned red, and she glanced around subconsciously. Her guilty look was super cute.

"Xiaojing will see us, let me go."


Feng added:"Don't worry, she can't see our movements."


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