On the curb, the young man who was about to step into the street suddenly resumed his actions.

He fell to the ground with a look of fear in his eyes.

Finally, he took a look inside the coffee shop, then lowered his head, pushed away the crowd of curious onlookers, and hurried away.

In the coffee shop.

Ye Feng pinched Kirisu Mando's hand and said seriously:"Little Mando, don't stare at me, I'm warming your hands."


You are obviously taking advantage!

Kirisu Mando felt that her originally cold hands began to warm up. She hesitated for a moment, but did not break free.

Although she always refused Ye Feng to get close, in fact, she did not resist. It's just that sometimes she can't help but have a lot of concerns, plus shame.......

After all, Xiao Zhendong is not like some shameless person who doesn't care about anything.

After the waiter brought the coffee, Kirisu Zhendong asked:"Ye Feng, how is the recent incident?"

You are talking about the demon summoning incident, right?

Ye Feng took a sip of coffee and said in surprise:"Why do you start paying attention to these things?"

Kirisu Zhendong hesitated for a moment and said:"Actually, Xiao Jing wants to know. She is a little worried......."

It's better not to know.

Once you know, as an ordinary person with no resistance, you will naturally be worried all day long.

Of course, that cute little girl is probably not worried about herself, but for others, such as family, friends, colleagues, and her group of lovely students.

Ye Feng thought for a while and said,"I have an idea......."

"What idea?"

Kirisu Madoka looked at Ye Feng curiously.

Ye Feng said:"Jing Keai thinks so much, she is just bored all day, just find something for her to do, such as letting her stay at home to rest for the baby.......Well, I'm recovering at home."

"No violence is allowed."

Kirisu Madoka denied this idea and said speechlessly:"You actually want to hit Xiaojing. If Xiaojing knew, she would be very angry."

"I don't mean to hit her, I'm just giving a simple example."

Ye Feng said:"I recalled some things recently, and my ability has improved again."


Kirisu Madoka grabbed Ye Feng's hand in surprise.


Ye Feng held Xiao Zhendong's hand, squeezed it gently, and said:"So, I can actually let her help me, so that she won't think of all kinds of messy things."

Kirisu Zhendong:"......"

Seeing Kirisu Madoka silent, Ye Feng also knew what she was worried about. After all, the place called Linji was not an area that ordinary people could set foot in. It was not an exaggeration to call it a human restricted area. As long as you stay there for a little longer, you will be corroded by the ominous breath and die.

Then you will turn into a monster.

Ye Feng is still the same, and cannot directly give others abilities.

It's like he himself is a power bank.

Others are devices that need to be charged.

By touching, the"power" can be temporarily left on the"device", but the"device" cannot provide"power" to itself.

Therefore, even if it is given, it must be through physical contact, and there is a great time limit, and the more powerful the ability, the shorter the duration.

For example, the ability to fight monsters and the ability to teleport.

Powerful abilities require powerful carriers.

In fact, Ye Feng has always said that he is not a human, and there are actually two meanings.

The first is to get rid of the human body and fully control the ability.

The second is that in the future, he is likely to give abilities to others, making others disposable consumables, in order to counter Linji.

Because he knew very well that when the time came, he would not need to force others at all, countless people would flock to him to beg him to give them abilities!

And this would be like sending them to death.

But now.

The situation has changed.

On the one hand, Ye Feng has become stronger, and on the other hand, after he remembered some things, he has further mastered his abilities.......

And he just needed a human test subject.

Jing Keai's overall quality was naturally not particularly outstanding.

However, Jing Keai could make him feel at ease.

"Of course, this is just a suggestion."

Ye Feng glanced at Jing Keai who was walking over and said,"There will be no danger in this matter. Okay, Jing Keai is here, let's go."

If he really told Jing Keai, she would definitely agree without hesitation. Love Iron Fist Jing Keai is not just a casual talk.

But he also has to consider Xiao Zhendong's thoughts.


Jing Keai walked over with small steps, looking at the two of them with a half-smile:"You two, are you holding hands?"


Kirisu Madoka quickly retracted her hand as if she had received an electric shock, and her pretty face instantly turned red.

Ye Feng didn't care at all, he looked at Jing Keai and said casually:"Is the blind date over?"

"It's over."

Shizukaai sat next to Kirisu Madoka, raised her hand to tuck the hair beside her ears, with a look of distress on her face:"I'm already in a lot of pain, and you're still feeding me dog food......."

Jing Keai covered her chest and gritted her teeth and said,"Don't go too far!"

Ah, it's really the cry of a single dog!

As long as you are not picky and just find a man, you can get married easily!


Jing Keai sighed and said faintly:"The men I meet nowadays are getting worse and worse."

Ye Feng said:"You can consider younger ones. Young people are in better health and are less likely to divorce due to inharmonious sexual life after marriage......."

Before he could finish his words, he felt a pain on his feet.

Ye Feng said speechlessly:"Little Madoka, why did you step on me?"

Kirisu Madoka glared at him in shame and anger:"Don't talk nonsense."

Who is talking nonsense! What

I just said is the truth!

There are not many examples of disharmonious couples these days. Although this cute girl claims to be 29 years old and many months old, in fact, because of her regular exercise, her body is actually in a period of vigorous energy.......

So, it’s not impossible for this cute little thing to feel lonely every night!


Jing Keai just blushed slightly, then crossed her arms, glanced at Ye Feng with disgust, then waved her fist and gritted her teeth and said,"You will be beaten if you talk nonsense, do you know"

"You can't beat me"

"Ha, you really dare to say that, come on, come on, if you have the guts, come with me to the gym!"

And then become a punching bag for you to vent your anger?

Ye Feng looked at her with disdain:"As long as you relax the age limit, there are many excellent men."

Jing Keai looked at her with contempt:"For example?"

"Please don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about myself, I really do like younger ones."

Under the table, Ye Feng moved his legs and clamped the kicking foot directly, then leaned over slightly and reached out to grab


At the same time, Jing Keai's face on the other side turned red, and she glared at him with gritted teeth:"You bastard, let me go!"

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