Leaf Wind:"......"


So this time it wasn't Xiao Zhendong who kicked someone, but you, Jingkeai?

Do you want to be slapped?

Ye Feng looked at her with disdain, and then threw Jingkeai's legs aside without hesitation.

Seeing this, Jingkeai was furious.

If Xiao Zhendong wasn't right next to you, I would definitely teach you a lesson today about respecting teachers!

Ye Feng ignored Jingkeai's murderous look, stood up and said,"It's getting late, let's go!"


The three of them walked out of the coffee shop together. In the night, neon lights flickered and people were coming and going on the road.

In the daytime, the streets were very deserted, but at night, the prosperity of the city was highlighted.

Kirisu Madoka exhaled and said softly,"It feels like this summer is a little colder than in previous years......."

"In fact, it's about the same. It should get hotter after a while.

Jing Keai looked at Ye Feng,"By the way, how about going to the gym with me this weekend? I haven't been in a good mood recently......."

Ye Feng said unhappily:"I'm in a bad mood, why are you pulling me?"


Jing Keai tilted her head, her lips slightly raised:"Because......Are you more resistant to beatings?"

Ye Feng's face darkened.

Damn it, that clearly means he is very good at fighting, right?

Although he knew that this was Jing Keai's way of provoking her, Ye Feng still decided to teach her a lesson.

So he nodded and said,"Okay, I agree, I'll go on Saturday."

Seeing that he agreed so readily, Jing Keai felt a little guilty for a moment, but it was only a moment of guilt.

She just didn't believe that this guy would beat her like he did when they first met?

At this time, Kirisu Mando discovered what Ye Feng had in his hand and asked curiously,"Ye Feng, what did you buy?"


Ye Feng glanced at Jing Keai and handed the bag to her:"This is a gift specially picked for you, you're welcome."


Jing'ai looked at Ye Feng in surprise, but she didn't refuse. Because of Kirisu Manfuyu, Ye Feng actually had a good relationship with her.

But why did he suddenly give her a gift?

Jing'ai didn't think much about it, accepted the gift, and asked curiously:"Is it a book? Can I take it out and read it now?"

Ye Feng reminded:"You'd better read it when you get home."

If it was a normal book, there would be no problem at all, but the key is, with such a shocking cover, anyone who is not a fool will know what book it is!


Jing Keai was silent for a moment, then decisively put it away.

She glanced at Ye Feng subtly, then said goodbye:"Xiao Zhendong, please be safe, I'm going back first."

"Xiaojing, you should also pay attention to safety"


Shizukaai waved her hand, hailed a car, and quickly disappeared into the night.

Ye Feng held Xiao Zhendong's hand and said,"Are you curious about why I gave Shizukaai a book?"

Kirisu Zhendong pursed her lips and turned her face away slightly:"I'm not curious at all"

"That's not going to be said."


Kirisu Madoka puffed up her cheeks slightly and couldn't help but squeeze his hand.

Ye Feng looked at the unhappy little Madoka with a smile on his face. With the breakthrough of their relationship and the passage of time, little Madoka was becoming less and less resistant to him.......

This is a good thing.

Ye Feng looked ahead and said,"Actually, it's a comic book, a comic book that is not very friendly to Jing Keai."

"Comic book?"

Kirisu Madoka looked at Ye Feng curiously, and then Ye Feng said seriously:"Yes, it's the 18* comics, about......'s book. '

Kirisu Mafuyu:"......"

After hearing the explanation, Kirisu Madoka couldn't help but pinch him lightly, and said angrily:"Don't you lead Xiaojing astray?"......"

As they chatted, they walked into the park.

The dim street lights could not illuminate the entire park.

On a chair in the shadow, a couple was hugging each other. Ye Feng looked carefully and found that the two were kissing.

Faintly, there was a sound floating in the wind.

"don't want......"

"Don't worry, I'm just kissing you"

"Don't move your hands, idiot."

"Don't worry, I promise I won't move my hands."


The man was clearly lying. He said he would not touch her, but you should take it away!

If it was a year ago, when Ye Feng was still a simple child, he would think it was bad to see this scene and hear these words.

The girl has rejected him, but you are still messing around?

Then he would go over and remind her.



Ye Feng looked away expressionlessly, saying no, but showing an expression of enjoyment.......

This is what it means to say one thing and mean another!

At the same time, Kirisu Madoka also noticed the two people not far away. She only took a glance and then looked away, then looked at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng noticed Kirisu Madoka's gaze, tilted his head and asked:"Do you want to try?"


Kirisu Mafuyu was silent for a moment, glanced at Ye Feng with disdain, and then turned away.

Ye Feng understood.

This is saying one thing and thinking another, right? So, little Mafuyu just wanted to give it a try?

Ye Feng looked around and gave up the idea. There were quite a few people in the park now. Although he didn't care, he didn't want little Mafuyu to be stared at with strange eyes.

He could bully little Mafuyu however he wanted, but he couldn't allow anyone to look down on little Mafuyu.

Back to the apartment.

Ye Feng stopped, looked at Kirisu Mafuyu, and said seriously:"Little Mafuyu, it's time to tidy up your room today."

"Well, I'm sorry to trouble you, Ye Feng."

Kirisu Mafuyu didn't doubt him.

So Ye Feng successfully entered Kirisu Mafuyu's apartment.

Then he turned around, his eyes fell on the pink lips of little Mafuyu, and his eyes changed a little.

Before kissing, Ye Feng was not keen on kissing.

It was even difficult to understand.

He didn't understand why lovers would be keen on kissing, it was just the contact between the organs of eating.

Many times, on the road, in the park, amusement park and other places, you can see couples kissing passionately.

Wouldn't those people feel disgusted?

However, when he kissed little Mafuyu for the first time, he really knew what it meant to"talk on paper is always shallow, you must practice it to know it thoroughly"!

Kirisu Mafuyu raised her head and keenly noticed Ye Feng's intention. She looked away in panic, pursed her lips and said:"You, why did you suddenly stop? I've given you the shoes, change them quickly......"

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