
Ye Feng said sternly:"Xiao Zhendong, have you forgotten that you promised me just now that you would fulfill one of my requests."

Kirisu Zhendong paused for breath, then turned around and ran.

However, the next moment, he was pulled back by Ye Feng.


Kirisu Mando crashed into Ye Feng's arms and made a distressed sound. She raised her head in shame and anger and said,"Ye Feng, wait, I haven't brushed my teeth yet......."


Sorry, wait a moment, you will run away in shame again.

As for the problem of brushing teeth, that is not a problem at all, because Ye Feng will find an opportunity to add some buffs to Kirisu Madoka every day.

Among them is the cleanliness buff.

For ordinary people's problems, odors, bacteria and so on, it is impossible for them to exist on Kirisu Madoka!


Ye Feng smelled the sweet taste of strawberry cake and the rich sweetness of coffee.

This time, it was very sweet.

At first, Kirisu Madoka couldn't help but pinch him hard, because she had drunk wine, coffee, and eaten something. What if there was a strange taste in her mouth?

As long as she thought of this possibility, Kirisu Madoka couldn't stand it.

But Ye Feng didn't give her a chance at all.

There was no way.

With her head dizzy, Kirisu Madoka could only hug his neck aggrievedly.


(You used to be a very gentle person, but in less than a year, you have become so bad.......)

(Even I......)

(What a mistake!)

(But......I don't want to resist at all......)


(I like you the most......) helped Kirisu Mafuyu tidy up the room. Under Kirisu Mafuyu's cold gaze, Ye Feng's dream of getting a knee pillow was naturally gone.

So here comes the question.

Did he make a profit or a loss today?

Returning to his apartment, Ye Feng took a shower and picked up his phone.

Now, he has completely integrated into the life of Sobu High School and into the five idiots of the Nakano family.

It can be said that everything is moving in a good direction now.

The only problem is......

Ye Feng suddenly found that he seemed to have become popular.

Although he was popular before, his personality was not as bad as it is now. He always took pleasure in pleasing others.

So, what is the problem?

While thinking about it, Ye Feng replied to the messages of Nino and Miku, including Nishimiya Glass and even Yuigahama Yui. Even


After replying to the message, Ye Feng pondered for a moment and murmured:"Although it is a good thing to suddenly become popular, because it means returning to the normal track of life, but......"

"I always feel like something is wrong."

Ye Feng suddenly remembered a TV series"I Have Few Friends". He pulled the corners of his mouth slightly, and his expression became a little subtle.

Because the product of reality and fantasy has a very subtle overlap!

"Do you want to date two men?......Bah, friends?"

Ye Feng thought about it, and then decisively denied it.

Even when he was with the five idiots of the Nakano family, the two idiots of the service department, and Nishimiya Glass, he was almost always the passive party.

Because at the beginning he didn't care, and didn't want to spend energy to cultivate so-called friendships.

This was the case with girls.

And actively building friendships with boys was not a big deal.......

After all, forget it.


Ye Feng lay on the bed, chatted with Miku who stayed up late for a while, then closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Ever since creating the puppet girl, Ye Feng has rarely gone to the critical point, because the puppet girl is different from humans and does not need any buffs.

Their relationship is like that between a servant and a master.

The puppet girl can gain strength from Ye Feng, and because she is not a human, she can even exert combat power that exceeds Ye Feng's own.

However, there are pros and cons.

The disadvantage is also obvious, that is, the consumption will be much greater.

But as long as the puppet girl does not experience too intense a battle, such as encountering a monster more powerful than the Void Demon......Then for Ye Feng, it is nothing.

This is even more true after Ye Feng recovered his memory and his abilities improved a lot.

Now it is more than enough to just bear the activities of one more puppet girl.

In fact, Ye Feng also wanted to make a few more combat puppets and free his hands.

What a pity.

Except for the puppet girl who was very successful due to some unexpected circumstances, the others were like machines and were completely useless.


The puppet girl threw the sickle aside. Under the blood moon, drops of crystal water floated beside her.

She tilted her head, touched the drops of water, blinked her eyes, and those eyes became a little smarter without knowing when.......

At the same time, Jing Keai had returned to the apartment.

After taking a bath, she threw herself on the sofa, exhaled, and a look of satisfaction appeared on her face.

After a tiring day, the feeling of taking a bath and lying on the sofa......It was so comfortable that I didn't want to move at all.

After a moment, Jing Keai remembered something and stood up to pick up the shopping bag on the table.

"That guy actually gave me a gift?"

Jing Keai muttered, and took out the book with some curiosity.

When Jing Keai saw the cover of the book clearly, she bit her lips hard, and a look of shame and anger appeared on her face.

"Damn it, they actually sent me this kind of book, this is clearly harassment!"


"this is......Reverse the Light Project?"

"I remember the plan was......"

Jing Keai hesitated for a moment, picked up the book and opened it, muttering:"I'm just a little curious, yes, that's it, so I took a look, just a look......."


Then Jingai finished reading the comic book seriously.

"Tsk~ that's all!"

Jing Keai said disdainfully, but her cheeks were clearly flushed with an intoxicating blush.

"What does that guy mean? Does he want me to support him like the heroine in this comic?"

"Damn it!"

Jingkeai was embarrassed and annoyed, and couldn't help gritting her teeth:"It's bad enough that you're hanging out with those idiots from the Nakano family all day, but you also have little Manfuyu by your side, and now you're actually trying to take advantage of me?"

"You wait for me, little bastard!"

"Wait until Saturday and see how I teach you a lesson, so that you will know what it means to respect your teachers!"

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